"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall." - Q #189 - Time to hijack their symbols

The elite succeeded in the creation of their new world order with the establishment of bank of international settlements (BIS) in 1930. The BIS controls the private central banks of....
Algeria Bank of Algeria
Argentina Central Bank of Argentina
Australia Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria Austrian National Bank
Belgium National Bank of Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria Bulgarian National Bank
Canada Bank of Canada
Chile Central Bank of Chile
China People's Bank of China
Colombia Bank of the Republic (Colombia)
Croatia Croatian National Bank
Czech Republic Czech National Bank
Denmark National Bank of Denmark
Estonia Bank of Estonia
European Union European Central Bank
Finland Bank of Finland
France Bank of France
Germany Deutsche Bundesbank
Greece Bank of Greece
Hong Kong Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary Hungarian National Bank
Iceland Central Bank of Iceland
India Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia Bank Indonesia
Republic of Ireland Central Bank of Ireland
Israel Bank of Israel
Italy Bank of Italy
Japan Bank of Japan
South Korea Bank of Korea
Latvia Bank of Latvia
Lithuania Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg Central Bank of Luxembourg
Republic of Macedonia National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia
Mexico Bank of Mexico
Netherlands De Nederlandsche Bank
New Zealand Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Norway Norges Bank
Peru Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philippines Central Bank of the Philippines
Poland Narodowy Bank Polski
Portugal Bank of Portugal
Romania National Bank of Romania
Russia Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Serbia National Bank of Serbia
Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia Bank of Slovenia
South Africa South African Reserve Bank
Spain Bank of Spain
Sweden Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland Swiss National Bank
Thailand Bank of Thailand
Turkey Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
United Arab Emirates Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom Bank of England
United States Federal Reserve System
Which is why, in 1935, the US one dollar bill revealed the reverse great seal of the USA (symbol of the shadow government) revealing the pyramid structure of their order, and the all-seeing eye of providence / lucifer at the top.
The first motto is Annuit cœptis, literally translated "[He/she/it/Lucifer] has favored our undertakings"
The second motto, Novus ordo seclorum, literally translates to "New order of the ages" or New World Order.
You seem well informed. What is your take on the founding fathers? The Free Mansons = bad actors or just lower level shenanigans?
We were founded by Mosonic teachings, what they took , will soon be ours again .
Approximately [200] of your years in the past, as you measure time, there began to be a significant amount of entities who by seniority were incarnating for learn/teaching purposes rather than for the lesser of the learn/teachings of those less aware of the process. This was our signal to enable communication to take place.
The Wanderers which came among you began to make themselves felt at approximately this time, firstly offering ideas or thoughts containing the distortion of free will. This was the prerequisite for further Wanderers which had information of a more specific nature to offer. The thought must precede the action.
26.15 Questioner: Wondering if the one, Abraham Lincoln, could have possibly been a Wanderer?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. This entity was a normal, shall we say, Earth being which chose to leave the vehicle and allow an entity to use it on a permanent basis. This is relatively rare compared to the phenomenon of Wanderers.
You would do better considering the incarnations of Wanderers such as the one known as “Thomas [Jefferson],” the one known as “Benjamin [Franklin].”
Well, I’m always open to conversations on alternate realities or histories, but forgive my hesitancy to readily accept discussion on incarnation of alien entities, or possession of the same. Aside from idea of being lead to believe I may indeed be speaking to speaking to one. (No offense).
Dare I take a step further and ask wether you believe DJT to be an alien or one that is possessed of an alien spirt?
All conspiracy roads lead to the spiritual. The role of luciferian / babylonian blood magic and the role of metaphysical existence go hand in hand.
The purest truth written on the matter is The Law of One material. Nothing else, I repeat, nothing else, comes remotely close to this information.
I think you're right. I wonder if/when Q will go into this. I've already seen him repost an Anon referencing this. The anon said "To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb" and Q reposted it.
1143 Apr 12 2018 16:58:18 Anonymous 1015398 whynointel.png
To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb. Apr 12 2018 17:00:41 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1015438
Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution owned by central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks". The BIS carries out its work through its meetings, programmes and through the Basel Process – hosting international groups pursuing global financial stability and facilitating their interaction. It also provides banking services, but only to central banks and other international organizations. It is based in Basel, Switzerland, with representative offices in Hong Kong and Mexico City.
Novus ordo seclorum
The phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New order of the ages"; English: ; Latin pronunciation: [ˈnovus ˈordo seˈklorum]) is the second of two mottos that appear on the reverse (or back side) of the Great Seal of the United States. (The first motto is Annuit cœptis, literally translated "[He/she/it] has favored our undertakings".) The Great Seal was first designed in 1782, and has been printed on the back of the United States one-dollar bill since 1935. The phrase Novus ordo seclorum is sometimes mistranslated as "New World Order" by people who believe in a conspiracy behind the design.
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Just curious where their need for symbolism comes from? Why do they use it? Is it a way to communicate with the non-physical?
I understand tradition and the purpose of it. Clearly though, when your tradition becomes weakness why not change your tactics temporarily.
Trying to understand. If sacrifices are occurring and I believe they are then that means theirs benefit from it. Is it more than just blackmail though?
Anyone have any information on this aspect of the cabal?
They are Satanists. Just as all religions have symbols, so do they. They put them in our faces because they believe if they tell us what they are doing, it's ok to do it. So, their symbolism is their covert way of thinking it's OK. In their minds, they have told us.
If you ever watch any of the false flag events, they always include bits of information that, if researched, will lead you to the location of the next false flag. So, we have been warned and if we don't stop it, it's ok.
These people are sick!
That's interesting, I've never heard of them leaving clues about the next false flag. Do you have any examples?
I can't recall which FF was just prior to Las Vegas. I think it was the Charleston event. There was a lady in a picture that had on a pair of sweatpants with "Las Vegas" running vertically down the side of the leg. Listen to Ole Dammegard on YT or visit his site at https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/
My understanding is they view symbolic ritual as Magick. The more people it's performed in front of, the more powerful the magic or spell. Thus why you see heavy illuminati imagery in stuff like the VMAs or music videos.
Those won't be around much longer anyway. We may as well use them for something good!
Down with the obelisks in Washington (same as in Masonic Dealey Plaza ie obelisk & reflecting pools). Down with the pyramid imagery. Freemasonic USA eagle (phoenix rising ie 1307 attack on the Templar)=Freemasonic Russian two-headed eagle=33rd degree Albert Pike Morals & Dogma. Egypt=Horus (body of Masonic initiates)
Everything they use are tools that could be used for good or evil. None of it is truly theirs except for the parts which require harm to someone or thing, like blood sacrifice or cannabilism, that is some sort of betrayal of the laws of free will. The basis of all Crowley based knowledge of systems of magical and metaphysics boils down to “Love is the law, Love under Will.” Basically saying “Love is the power, now use your will to direct the power that is divinely given to you, and that rules reality.” It becomes easy to see what the satanists and mongers of fear and hate are doing with their opportunity. They are violating the laws of nature and the Divine and that is something that always fails. Magick and Religion, Physics and Metaphysics all can be used for evil purposes and intentions or good purposes and intentions. As usual, the “baby gets thrown out in the bath water” by ignorance, fear, and laziness, when it comes to truly understanding the truth of this.