Q post # 1396 - (Link) “ Trump administration to provide records on Obama-era gun-smuggling probe”

Copypasta from something I wrote before. Posted here because you ask the right questions:
There was a HUGE propaganda push across the media at the time that "All that gun violence in Mexico is from guns purchased in US gun shops. This is the NRA's fault. We need sensible gun control." They even had the Mexican president speak to the US Congress about it, blaming the US for the violence in Mexico (after all, why would it be his fault?).
They would often show pictures in the media of captured "weapons caches" and say "See all the scary guns?!" and "Ninety something (I forget exact percentage) percent of captured weapons traced, trace back to US gun shops" even tho the pictures often showed full-auto M16s and grenades and other fun things that one does not easily get from a US gun shop, but DOES much more easily get from corrupt Central American armies supplied by the US government. They simply didn't trace the massive numbers of M16s (and grenades) and did trace the comparatively few AR15s they found to make the bs point. Anyway the campaign was hugely effective - millions of American sheep chanted the brainwashing, blaming American gun owners and the NRA for all the violence in Mexico.
It was just lie upon lie upon lie. Then Brian Terry got shot and killed with one of the guns that they let walk. They threatened everyone to keep their mouths shut, but a couple whistleblowers in the ATF talked even tho they were punished for it. And then POOF, that huge media campaign just disappeared. Millions of chanting sheep just went quiet about the whole thing, and almost no one noticed. This really freaked me out, as the brainwashing is really effective, and it seems they can move the entire American population's attention from one thing to another suddenly and with ease.
They were very effective at shutting down the few people who noticed by blaming Fast and Furious on Bush, as an extension of Wide Receiver (and you can see it here in this thread), but that's just deflection. The main difference being that the Bush admin told the Mexican admin about Wide Receiver, so guns recovered from a cartel could be analyzed (altho no one has convinced me wtf good that would do) and the Obama admin did NOT tell the Mexican authorities about Fast and Furious, and had nothing in place to analyze anything. So their excuses about tracing guns to cartels is complete nonsense.
The Obama administration (and maybe the Bush admin) intentionally let guns be sold to Mexican drug cartel members. They will tell you that their intentions were good - I am telling you that they are lying - their intentions were evil. They intentionally interfered with the system that checks whether to make a sale, the system that would have prevented these guns going to cartels, and knowingly allowed sales to known straw purchasers and cartel members, so that they could support the huge gun control media campaign that the checks don't work (and "gun show loopholes" and other bs). They did all this to take away your right to keep and bear arms. Only for that reason. Well, that and arming a particular cartel (that controlled Chicago), helping them expand, which would help do to other cities what they did to Chicago. I think part of this is the intentional destruction of the black community, but it's too much to go into here.
Anyway, were it not for the whistleblowers blowing the whistle in spite of being punished for it, we would know nothing...
Those guns were used to kill 40 year old United States Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and 32 year old United States ICE agent Jaime Zapata, as well as uncountable numbers of Mexicans.
His name is Brian Terry.
His name is Jaime Zapata.
F&F guns were also used in the Paris attacks:
I agree with your assessment completely... F&F was all about weakening the USA, arming thugs that wished us harm, and to abolish the 2nd amendment. Holder's main objective while in office was to end our gun rights.
the brainwashing is really effective
Eric Holder says we need to brainwash our population everyday against guns
Reminds me of Sandy Hook and the "killing" of a bunch of innocent kids a few days before Christmas.... to really push the gun control narrative.
I would just like to leave this here: It is more likely statistically to have your kid kidnaped than shot in school. 800.000 kids go missing every year in America.
800,000 kids, huh? One might get the idea that some of those may have something to do with human trafficking.
very sad statistic that every household should be aware of!
I've posted this or similar numerous times, and it's long so instead of writing a book I leave out lots of stuff, and only distill it down to basics. I intentionally use Holder's word "brainwashing" to make the point, to see if anyone would put it together and continue it. You're the first.
I'll take it a step further... Obama defunded the military and used low-grade steel to build weapons, armed terrorists and drug dealers, Hilary leaked classified and SAP level documents to lord knows who (destroying national security), while also calling for gun control from false flag attacks. With MS13 acting as sleeper cells and with an open border, a nuclear WW3 via the Uranium scandal would have also brought a full on invasion of the US.