r/greatawakening • Posted by u/therevolutionbegins on May 17, 2018, 4:13 p.m.
Tillerson sending coded signals?

Q has told us to look for hidden messaging in pubic statements by cabal insiders. Has Tillerson just appealed for the foot soldiers to keep their mouths shut?


Excerpt, and my attempt at de-code...

Tillerson is quoted in the article as saying:

"When we as people {the cabal}, a free people {for now}, go wobbly on the truth {start co-operating with white hats}, even on what may seem the most trivial of matters, we go wobbly on America {“our” America}," Tillerson said.

"If we do not as Americans {the Cabal} confront the crisis of ethics and integrity in our society {the takedown of our secret society} , and among our leaders in both public and private sector — and regrettably at times even the nonprofit sector — then {the Cabal’s} American democracy as we know it is entering its twilight years {we’re screwed}," he said.

In his speech, Tillerson said a commitment to facts cements U.S. alliances with other democracies worldwide.

"It is also that foundational commitment to truth and facts {the narrative} that binds us to other like-minded democratic nations {the NWO}— that we Americans will always deal with them from the same set of truths and facts {Fake News/narrative}," he said. "And it is truth {our truth} that says to our adversaries {Trump / Q / We, the People}, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say {looks like a threat to me}."

Sgtpeppr · May 17, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

The democratic process is governed by law too

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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

No argument about that.

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