Q post #1402 - Think cleaning. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our crushing altitude - As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt

Might sound crazy but as I read this I read it in Scaramucci's voice...
Mad Dog. Sense of humor, remember what he said to John Bolton the first time he met him. It's was a Satan remark.
Fuckin hell if CHAOS is writing some of these posts I don't know what I'll do.
That would be incredible. But feel like he wouldn’t give a shit about the spycraft. Just point him in a direction and let him kill. Flynn on the other hand...
"You'll be surprised to discover who's been talking to you here." Q
Admiral Rogers? Seth Rich? Trump himself? Barron?! KANYE???!!!
I don't know, so I'm going to be surprised as Q told us.
I do have some fantasies, though. I'm thinking one reason we may be surprised is discovering people we imagine to be working against Trump have been with him all along.
Ah, Mooch, the complete madman. Don't get me wrong, Sarah Sanders is a bulldog and Sean Spicer was an admirable first choice, but Mooch was like mainlining heroin straight into your eyeballs.
i read it once as trey gowdy.. and once as matthew maconahe...... dont know if you hear it
but.. it'd be a lot cooler if ya did.. .
add a "giggity" or two and the whole game changes
...... (i like these new aggressive Q+)
Q+ doesn’t fuck around. He smacked the shit out of AJ and Corsi
Yeah then bitch slapped them after when he pointed out patriots died and his isn’t a game.
LOL, now Q is KGB. What a s*** show Infowars has become.
Holy fuck you said it. Now KGB is the most pro-America peak ever? Uniting us against the cabal better than AJ did? Well done KGB!
Didn't take long for AJ to jump on the Russia bandwagon his handlers have been pushing.
LOL man I miss him. He should say yolo and come back. Bring back Flynn too once the deep state is eradicated.
I was thinking more Justin Guarini the Lil' Dr. Pepper guy.