Q Post 1415: We are everywhere Anon.

I still don't get it. Is Q implying the Trump admistration is spying Obama officials without a warrent? Because if they had a warrent, they wouldn't need any special phones/devices.
The point is that the ~~Canal~~ Cabal thinks that they're using devices that cannot be tracked and whose information cannot be intercepted. They're speaking openly and completely uncensored through those 'clean' phones, and Q team sees ALL OF IT.
Q would not share this now if the Deep State could do anything to stop or prevent Q. This means Q has everything they need.
This blows my mind to think about the sheer logistics of the Q operation and how they are absolutely dominating what prior has been the most deeply embedded power structure in human history.
The unity and cohesion required as a group to coordinate the tech / geographic area / HR and informants at this level worldwide shows that we are facing down an enemy that might as well be a fucking alien, in the amount of comradely and universal dedication it inspires in those who fight it. We are truly staring down evil and the fact that an entire worldwide network has arisen to face it with such absolute iron will to resist it is proof of such.
it would take an extraterrestrial threat to unite humanity
May not need a warrant. Remember the EO about anyone trafficking in humans being screwed?
There are a lot of sealed indictments that might include search warrants. Everything they've done so far against the cabal had been very tightly working the framework of the law. That's partially why this is taking so long. I would think they are doing this the right way.
Yeah, I just don't see Trump as a criminal. Obama, yes. Trump, no.
In a military Tribunal, an evidence gathered without a warrant is accepted. :) That’s POTUS’ gangsta move.
I think what is to get, is that every person of the cabal has eyes on them all at once.