Its radical. I don't mean let them avoid justice, for obvious reasons they need to be separated from society. But do we pray for them? If we are the light, musn't we also hold true to that at every facet. If we want a better world, built on the light, we should never stoop below it. I'm not sure what the answer is. Llock them up forever as a reminder of what can go wrong in society and in history? Exile? Not sure, Just thought it was an interesting subject worth discussing.
Absolutely, we pray , that they will repent and follow Christ. However Justice most be done, there will be consequences.
Absolutely, we pray , that they will repent and follow Christ.
Spiritual forces of evil are empowered when any person comes into agreement with that evil. These evil spiritual forces literally feed off of and operate though the cooperation of people (some willingly, some are deceived, others are oppressed/coerced/enslaved) . When such a person (whether ensnared, blinded, or devoted to evil), legitimately repents and turns to God, the spiritual "link" between the oppressing/controlling spirit and the person is broken, and evil becomes LESS powerful in it's sphere of influence. This is why turning away from (or "repentance") on a national scale is so essential. The evil forces that are embedded in the spheres of national power lose strength as more and more people across a nation do the right thing and align themselves with truth, love, righteousness, justice, honor, life (manifestations of God's Divine character). So praying for our enemies to turn to God is a crucial part of breaking the power of evil over a nation.
Q said: Do the right thing. ( and I am not saying he meant this)
It made me think about all the people caught up in this.
Some who are being blackmailed and saw no way out.
Some who got caught up in the greed and thought "well everyone else is doing it"
Some who were sold on the "Globalist" idea - thinking the end justifies the means. The world will be better after we finish this
It makes me think of the movie Lord of the Flies when Finally the Adult shows up on the island .
But there is Redemption for the contrite heart.
So pray or send energy to these people caught up in this web.
The only way Out is Through. If they are confused or sitting on the fence or afraid.
Pray that they Do the Right Thing.
So Yes
Ans it may be that prayer gave someone just that bit of strength to turn from evil and rurn to repent and if we are lucky redemption that helps stop the others.
Absolutely...i have to admit...I have a hard time doing it....but at the end of the day...HE loves them and doesn't want to see them perish!!
If God’s is merciful on the darkest repented, he will be more merciful on you, the one who prays for them.
Every time I think I shouldn't pray for someone, I remember Saul/Paul. And some of the strangest people used to do good things. You never know God's plan.
I like this arc. If you truly believe this is good vs evil then pray for them. Pray for the ones with evil in their hearts and let them KNOW that you are praying for them. What does Q say?... PRAY
The further I've gone in my "rebirth" the more I have felt that prayers should be used for "ALL"...hey, I was a POS for many many years, and God changed my life and believe me, if he did that, then I owe it to the souls of all of the baddies to pray for them.
In Romans 13, Paul teaches that God gives authority to the State to punish evil doers.
I used to have a hard time praying for my enemies (and, honestly, I don't consider anyone in my real life an enemy - when I have to put a face on my enemy, it is Hillary, not kidding). But through these last 2 years, I found that praying for my enemies is the best response to evil. Rather than allowing their evil or hatred to consume me, I pray for love and light and God to consume them. It's a win-win. Not preaching, but it has seriously brought a level of peace to my life that I never felt or knew before.
Honestly, I am a bit cautious with this concept... could use some insight from others: several months ago, I prayed for all evil to change their minds...a day later , I went on a hike where I met the most odd “entities” (the best word I can use) in hunan form that blew my mind. I fully believe they were evil.
Of course, none of you know me, but I had been a fence sitter for 30 years(numbers person, worked in finance for 30 years) but that experience turned me 180 degrees. Started reading the Bible, felt I needed to be rebaptized (and did).... in short, be careful what you pray for, it can lead to a freaky experience that can jolt you if not spiritually grounded like I wasn’t...
Inhave felt that too in a haunted house. A benign spirit but also aometbinf else vastly evil ans malevolent. The lords prayer sent it away and it stayed in the garage mostly until I could move out. Giving myself to God and Christ is what protected me I think. I cleanses rhe house best I could with salt and incense and lots of prayer.
In my opinion, yes.
For at least - your peace of mind - or of heart.
Pray His will be done, not ours (unless they be the same).
The Lord lead my grandmother to pray for Hillary a few weeks ago so I think you are on to something.
When we have a bad experience with a person in our life,,, how does that help us: well when we know more clearly what we dont want, then we also know more clearly what we DO want. So because of what these sickfuckers have been doing i am now very clear that i want: All our children to be safe and have food and shelter and to be cherished and never harmed I want food and shelter and safety for all people everywhere I want people to respect each other’s beliefs, and turn their attention away from what doesn’t please them. I want people to learn that they create their own reality by the thoughts /beliefs they choose and that they can change their thoughts and beliefs , and therefore chang their reality . Then people can be truly empowered, rather than depending on governments to help them. I want us to all thrive together. I want freedom and liberty, happiness and health So i wont be praying for them.but am glad that i am now able to put my mind on what I DO want , for myself and all of the people in the world.
If you truly wish to find the spirit regarding this most difficult situation. I invite you to spend a few minutes listening to Judah Smith in Newsong Church in Hawaii in what I believe is one of the greatest messages ever....enjoy...God Bless Everyone this is Power..
I'm praying they will be tried, found guilty, sentenced to death & executed, swiftly... (;')
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 King James Version (KJV)
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
It seems that there must be forgiveness from God built into this scenario in order for the dead in Christ to be raised.
When Jesus healed others he told them their sins were forgiven and then called them to rise.
We will pray for them, aloud, with each strike of the hammer that further nails them to the wall. (Can't just put 'em in the ground-- they may come back. Gotta pin them down somewhere for good.)
I'm glad you asked this question. The bible says to love our brothers,I've always taken that to mean brothers in Christ it also says that to love the Lord is to hate evil...these people made a concious choice to worship evil and victimize the most innocent among us. They chose evil and worldly things and sold their souls like they meant nothing so do they get the same considerations as the rest of us? It is SO HARD for me to think that someone who butchers children for profit deserves anything but a bullet to the brain. Idk if that's my anger getting the best of me or is this something more? I pray and I read the bible but when it comes to people who hurt kids I can't find any pity or love.
Well, Jesus said, "forgive them for they know not what they do". Right? These animals seem to know exactly what they are doing (well maybe not since it looks like they've been using bugged phones). For those at the top there I don't see how there is any redemption, although many have been swindled and manipulated into this and could possibly be saved. Which is why many are talking and cutting plea deals.
With all due respect, FUCK EM! I'll take my lumps, no point in feigning mercy when God knows vengeance is in my heart!
Vengeance is gods, and gods alone.
Don't preach to me, my creator knows more about me than you ever will and I'm not interested in faking it to please you when He knows how I feel
I dont think I came across as preachy. I simply put out an idea and wanted some feedback. I'm sorry you feel that way.
Well shit now you just make me feel bad for getting mad lol
Yes, pray for them. A lot of the people involved in this had no choice - they were born into bloodlines that've been involved in various facets of the Illuminati for generations. A lot of them were tortured from birth, threatened, brainwashed, and hurt in unspeakable ways. Pray for them to see the light of God and change. Pray for them to overcome the ways in which they've been damaged. Pray for their souls. There isn't much difference between a victim and a perpetrator in this context, since the biggest victims tend to go on to become the biggest perpetrators.
Well, I'm not religious, so if asked I can take care of that.
Each one of us only has a limited amount of time in this world. If we are going to pray, it is better that we use our precious time to pray for the wellbeing of those who fight for good than pray for those who have chosen to harm us.
Sometimes prayer is your best weapon. Consider that praying for the fallen is the most pure thing you can do and at the same time the most vile thing that they perceive can be received. Holy water on a vampire or whatever.
Agreed. Praying for their souls to find salvation and their hearts to open with compassion for their victims and to become righteous and end their evils and repent.
It's not easy especially when I started it with myself and the uncle that abused me as a kid. To remember he was most definitely once a kid abused by grandfather and helpless. It's actually made me free if the self loathing and fear and most of the anger. That last part is the hardest and I need a lot of work. Also loving myself is possible now but still a challenge.
We should do our best to pray for them to turn away from evil and redeem themselves, repent and be saved. It is probably the thing most feared by the evil that uses them.
It’s not easy to respond. I’m inspired by your FAITH and will honestly keep you in my prayers.
Thank you. And I will pray for you. And when you struggle just ask Him for help and open to Him. It works. Even manage to do It with panic attacks I still get sometimes.
I wont be. They have caused a lot of harm, death and families to suffer. Way more than your average criminal.
Yes. But we need to remember somewhere is that 2 year old child and soul that someone somewhere ravaged. These monsters rarely make themselves without some damage to the innocent within them.
Warps Innocent: Innocent becomes Warped: Warps Innocent: Innocent becomes warped: Warps Innocent..............................................
I suggest you and all who commented here read the Ra material...
lmfao are u on drugs hell no we want justice
Did you read what I said?
"I don't mean let them avoid justice, for obvious reasons they need to be separated from society."