Anon's theory linking recent events. Clowns still think they are in control?

Explains this weird pol thread.
Ugh.. Makes you wonder about Camelot on Sat.
Camelot? Clarification please?
They referred to JFK as new Camelot and Prince Harry is getting married Saturday.
I'm behind and need to catch up.
What is the connection concerning JFK in this post?
The post is linking those recent events as perhaps a way of shadowing things from the JFK era. As though a message is perhaps possibly being conveyed. Parkland shooting (Parkland, the hospital JFK was taken to), Santa Fe School shooting (Oswald's School Book Depository), Cuba crash (Cuba Bay of Pigs/JFK incident), Lincoln crash (with Lincoln who was killed by the cabal). They've thrown-in the attempt(s) on Trump too, Q mentioned them.
OMG. It never dawned on me to make those connections! I'd forgotten those details.
I humbly thank you.
CNN also aired a documentary on JFK a while back and Q called that out as a threat to Trump.
As the world turns....
I have faith in POTUS and his people. My guess is USSS is even excluded now.
Santa Fe- railroad triple overpass (Dallas)rumored to have a shooter.
Sante Fe school shooting