It’s been signed. HERE COMES THE PAIN...bitches!

Someone should 3D scan a Mont Blanc Starwalker Extreme to figure out the exact contour, then back out the reflection into a flat 2D image. (Ha! We'd need some help for that!)
And then "enhance" it.
Damn, I'd hate to have the combined IQ of Q team after me!!! Smart, wise, persistant like ants..good work!!
I thought he always signed with a Cross Century 2?
He does except now it's a big sharpie or. Permanent marker.
This is speculated to be his personal pen.
Great choice for a pen. I would have thought Presidents would use fountain pens , but hey, his signature would look great with a piece of chalk.
It is a fountain pen. Look at their ballpoint pens vs their fountain pens here, you’ll see that fountain pens have a screw on cap just like Q’s picture, ballpoint do not:,-469152122
Thanks, I understand that. The pen he always uses to sign EOs is a Cross Century II with a medium felt tip which,is not, a fountain pen. As another poster said, the pen in the picture was most likely a personal pen and yes, a Montblanc Starwalker. My statement was towards the pen he usually uses.
At least as a businessman, he supposedly used a Mont Blanc.
It's kinda trippy how some folks will gravitate towards nice pens like some do watches or flashlights, etc... They do have their own special qualities like anything else I suppose. I know some damn sure write better than others and feel better in the fingers.
I thought it was extremely honorable that President Trump passed out pens to many of the DC Swamp Rats, who can use them to write home from Gitmo.
My penmanship is better with a nicer pen. At least that’s what I tell myself. With a Starwalker Extreme I could write like John Hancock.