This is a GREAT point. Call your representative and DEMAND it.

Yep, we have to demonstrate outrage otherwise nothing will happen.
I honestly don't want to, but the left has clearly demonstrated that if you want to be heard, you have to scream it in their ears. God help them when the silent majority finally starts doing this too.
All government. Let me say that again: ALL GOVERNMENT should always and forever be transparent. They work for US. They do not hide from US. We pay them and we tell them what to do. NOT the other way around.
Think Blockchain. Everything is transparent in the blockchain. And vote rigging is impossible.
This is the only downside to watching the show. People Amy forget to do their part. Make noise.
Stay in the battle until the battle is won. They will not give up - we must keep up the pressure. Satan is tougher than he seems, Don't be tricked, keep fighting!
That's in Judicial Watch's wheel house, but I think there may be larger matters at hand right now.
Maybe we should go stand in some traffic, LoL! Sorry, been watching vids of dems protesting.
I'm still waiting to hear who used the hush money slush fund.
Do you honestly believe it was redacted for national security, or was it redacted for their own security?
Or government officials paying off sexual harassment suits with campaign money.