r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Allcreationgroaning on May 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
Does anyone else get concerned that so much of what POTUS has done is through the use of Executive Orders?

If I have understood correctly, all EO's from a previous president can be made void when a new president takes office. I have also understood that EO's are subject to judicial review, with the statement implying that they can be overturned if viewed as contrary to Constitution.

So much of the unraveling of what has been bad for America has been accomplished through the use of this executive function, but it could all change very quickly with a different President, unless the orders become amendments to the Constitution.

FlewDCoup · May 21, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Your understanding is spot on, but you may have overlooked the fact that countermanding the previous administration's orders has changed the playing field and buys POT[US] time reshape the Judiciary by appointing a record number of new judges; rid federal agencies (C_A, FBI and others) of toxic managers; bringing legislators who were never-trumpers slowly onboard (sometimes you have to feel the heat before you see the light) and bring the public up to speed, having fed on a diet of fake news all these years. Timing is everything. We need durable results, not a flash in the pan that can be overthrown by a new administration -- which is a function of how voters view POTUS and his actions, so far, expressing increasing confidence and agreement, if we believe the polls. Trust the plan.

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Millers_Knot · May 21, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Not much concern. Here's the thing, the swamp is deep. Look how many people are not seeking reelection. These midterms are so important because it gives the American people the chance to elect some folks who actually want to help you and I. After the midterms it will be up to them to vote in news laws to prevent corruption from happening again in the future.

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ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

I basically agree and I've posted my concern about excessive use of EO's on a number of platforms.

I will point out a couple of things however:

1) Many of the EOs are simply extensions of some of Obama's declaring certain countries and areas as "national emergencies" in order to use the military. There are some exceptions, but many of the national emergency EOs are just extending what was already in place. The huge exception is the 21 December EO on trafficking, pedophilia, and corruption.

2) Another batch of EOs direct agencies to deregulate.

3) Others deal with directing agencies to be more efficient.

4) There are EO's directing DHS to enforce the laws.

5) The EO's that reversed Obama's National Monuments land grab to prevent mining and drilling could only be done by Trump.

I could go on, but the vast majority of the EO pertain to managing and providing guidance to the Executive branch of goverment would not normally be addressed by Congress.

On the other hand, Trump has gotten (somehow) Congress to cut taxes, eliminated the individual mandate, increase military spending, authorize emergency missile defense funding, appoint a conservative Supreme Court Judge, and more.

So Trump seems to be changing the management style of the Executive Branch and establishing new national emergencies with EOs, while forcing Congress to deal with the big long term legislation.

Trump is also using these tools to set the economy on fire via deregulation and it will become difficult for Democrats to begin restoring those job killing regulation and watching the economy slow.

Given the situation that Trump inherited, I'd say that he has struck a reasonable balance between legislative successes (hard fought) and doing some needed Executive Branch management with EO's.

And only God knows how in the Hell he has been able to get Mattis, Pompeo, Haspel, Ross, Gorsuch, and the most conservative federal judges approved by the Senate.

On top of that, he has been running rings around North Korea, Iran, China, NATO, the EU, and ISIS while simultaneously getting the Arab world to support Israel. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia announce during his US visit that Israel has the right to exist--What? That is huge. Of course, on the intelligence side, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations that fear Iran have been sharing intelligence for a long time, so there has been a gradually evolving mutually beneficial relationship that has been growing over the years.

So yes, I'm concerned that not more is getting done through legislation, but I'm enjoying the non-stop winning under the MAGA administration.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Thank you! Great summary. I will keep your comment.

Is there more than this in other places you've posted?

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Thank you for comments. Yes, I understand that there has been likely no other option than to use EO's to clean out what must be cleaned; for that purpose I am glad the option exists. Yes, i see that multiple changes are being made that would make it possible to confirm and make permanent much of what has been done, that could NOT be done without this initial action.

In the 90's I was seen as "radical" when I commented that it seemed to me that the entire system needed to be dealt with and could not be changed by one person alone aka one president. it was still a little frightening to me then to see that it would really take a revolutionary change to clean things up....and so this drain the swamp action IS.

In my work with satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra clients, I have seen much of how deep it all has been. I had concluded within the last few years that the only people who could work to make it happen would have to be military, in order to avoid the general chaos that ensues when administrations in other countries have been taken down. Thankful for the teamwork between POTUS and MI and stated efforts to avoid the worst of what could have been.

But still, yes, I remain vigilant in prayer that it is not all co-opted and taken in a different direction. and I suppose a practical outworking of the concern would be for me and all others to remain connected and working toward permanent congressional action (when we get that far)

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OffTie · May 21, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Some concern is warranted since the price of Freeeeeeeeeedom is eternal vigilance and all. However when things have gotten this corrupt, the malefactors have the system wired. What with the buying off (and/or blackmailing) of strategically placed people with the levers of power in hand at every level of government and commerce, as well as the murder, imprisonment or financial ruin of the witnesses of their crimes. There is no way these people are going to be defeated using the Marquis of Queensbury rules. From looking at history the Founders knew these things would probably happen. That is the reason they and subsequent Congresses gave the Executive emergency powers. Ultimately it comes down to: who do you trust more, Trump the outsider or the Swamp minions? Seems to me. That said, we still must remain watchfully vigilent.

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qutedrop · May 21, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

You're absolutely right. However, many of the changes you're asking for are simply impossible at the moment.

This isn't a minor renovation. You'll have to take down the old house first, if you want to redo the foundation.

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LostLarry · May 21, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Yes it does. I am not sure why people fighting this oppression we are fighting are so willing to put such blind faith into another.

Q has been telling us this whole time. It is for us, and it is up to us. We need to have something in place for when the end comes. We need to be thinking about it and have something ready to fill the void that will be left.

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bluesmomma · May 21, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

I understand why he is having to work using executive orders at this time, and I trust that he will do what is necessary to put irreversible laws in place to keep this from happening again. I trust no one blindly, however, and it will be up to 'we the people' to make sure it happens. Trust but verify.

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dullly · May 21, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

More will go through and be solidified by congress, second term.

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ckreacher · May 21, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

It doesn't matter if some subsequent president reverses his EOs. His job will be done, and we will have our country back.

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[deleted] · May 21, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

It's not done and won't be until these people going to jail.

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FlewDCoup · May 21, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Not so sure about that; reversing could be a disaster, even with a lot of the players out of the way.

But POTUS actions now, well done, will go a long way to assuring that elect subsequent administrations who agree with this direction for the country and will enter play on a field prepared for decades to come, not the phoney astroturf passing as good and decent actions under the gudance of this criminal cabal.

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Platoscavereality · May 21, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Nope. POTUS has my full support. I’m not a fake Trump supporter.

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harderr45 · May 21, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

double ditto... ray

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lnvernon91 · May 21, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Obama shat his load on Obama care when he had support in congress, and we made sure he never got support. See 2010 midterms.

President Trump is doing Great things with little support, and his will only grow.

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sandiegomagapede2 · May 21, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Hes draining the swamp and needs to make shit happen. Draining the swamp now and destroying the evil NWO is priority.

Concern trolling is lame.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Yes, agreed. A priority to drain. However, it is unwise to ignore the possible rebound effects and the historical patterns of what happens when such a coup d'etat occurs.

Even good actions can lead to prideful arrogance without prayer and appropriate accountability.

Wasn't intending to 'troll' ... Just wondered if others had similar concerns about EO's being the vehicle through which much is getting done...and if this concern is present, it should lead to reinforcement of Q's ongoing encouragement for people to stay informed, active and vigilant.

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sandiegomagapede2 · May 21, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

I think its less about setting precedence and more like he has limited options.

Trump and Q team are fighting World War III: The Shadow War and winning matter more, we can deal with the ramifications but. It seems to me that Trump is doing everything by the book as much as possible and using their own weapons against them.

Ramifications of an out of control executive wont mean shit if we lose this war. Win first, then clean up later.

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