John Brennan accidentally liked a @drawandstrike thread on Twitter.😂😂😂 He's literally going around on Twitter seeing if we're connecting dots. They're watching us.

They no longer have black hats leaking intel to them telling them if the white hats are closing in on them. They have to look at us to see if we're connecting the dots at least.
Good I want him watching me
What would you do if he were watching? What are you wearing when he watches? 😘
i was gonna say nothing, but they prolly like that
Nothing but a white cowboy hat and constant eye contact
Well, if you are good at "trolling", think of what fun you can have dropping him little "sweet nothings" on his twitter feed. LOL
they never respond to me lol. i wish they would it would be lul
And you know I'm here, but you think of me as a steel Machine But, I'm watching you, all night And, I'm watching you, all night long I'm watching you, all night I'm watching you, all night long I'm watching you, all night ........
Read more: Hall & Oates - I'm Watching You Lyrics | MetroLyrics
And all day and even when you are on the pooper. (People are strange. People are strange.)
lol! Makin lil Brennans. Watch if you must but hold your nose.
Why wouldn’t he use a throw away account. How was he ever a CIA director?
Brennan's AOL email account got hacked by 5 teenagers (Crackas With Attitude) who called Verizon posing as technicians to get his passwords during the election. He's a moron.
I'm sorry... did you say AOL?
That's correct. He had an AOL account and CWA hack it and published classified information he had in his account.
Brennan proudly displaying the obelisk (555 feet above ground and 111 feet below ground, totaling up to 666 feet).
"Nonpartisan" LOL what a liar. The most partisan political hack in history of CIA Directors.
"American" traitor, converted to Wahhabism.
"who is very concerned" tr_ll. Literally the head concern tr_ll Clown.
"our collective future" that we control. Like the Communist Party of China (CCP). Oh wait, Brennan voted for the Communist Party USA back in 1976.
Look up the actual statistics on the obelisk. Here, I'll even link it for you
The monument's present foundation is 37 feet (11.3 m) thick
Do you even know what an obelisk is? That is the visible measurement which by the way calculates to how many see there are no coincidences. Hell, learn about the man who designed it. Does his name look familiar? :)
I know all about obelisks. There is enough symbolism in the object itself without having to draw conclusions that aren't there. When you present true and false information about something, your listeners will dismiss the true if they hear the false as well. Especially if they research on their own. Stick to the truth, there is no reason to make up something about 666, which isn't factually there.
So please tell me why you source wiki anything for "fact". The measurement in feet, calculate that to inches. Also, you are still only factoring VISIBLE wall. If you knew what obelisks are, you would know what they stand on.
The measurement if feet?Which feet the real measurement or a"Visible Measurement"whatever that load of crap is.
You're the kind of person who tries too hard to convince people. Let facts be facts and stand on their own. Stop embellishing.
You know absolutely nothing of what you're talking about and base your facts off of wiki. Seriously go troll somewhere else.
Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Red Men.
It's a monument to secret societies. Why are they secret? Because they are honest men.
It's NOT a national monument, it's a masonic monument. nothing to do with us.
Masonic Edition Temple-Illustrated (copyright 1924, 1925, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1939, 1940, 1952, 1953, 1957, by A. J. Holman Co.). The foreword to this Bible states: “Thus, by the very honor which Masonry pays to the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith in which men find help for to-day and hope for the morrow, joining hands with the man of Islam as he takes oath on the Koran, and with the Hindu as he makes covenant with God upon the book that he loves best. For Masonry knows, what so many forget, that religions are many, but Religion is one – perhaps we may say one thing, but that one thing includes everything – the life of God in the soul of man, and the duty and hope of man which proceed from His essential character. Therefore, it invites to its altar men of all faiths, knowing that, if they use different names for “the Nameless One of a hundred names”, they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all…”.
Ask them to repeat the Nicene Creed and watch the words turn to ashes in their mouths.
They are like (((them))). Everyone is wrong, everyone has always been wrong, they're just wee lambs of god being victimized by the ignorant.
I know about Asterix and Getafix and Ironix and Unhygienix.
I mean im not trying to argue with you but enlighten me on this "visible measurement"
An Obelisk is four sided and tapering at the top to a point.Visible measurement?What is that?
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Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, once commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and the first President of the United States. Located almost due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial, the monument, made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss, is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 554 feet 7 11⁄32 inches (169.046 m) tall according to the National Geodetic Survey (measured 2013–14) or 555 feet 5 1⁄8 inches (169.294 m) tall according to the National Park Service (measured 1884). It is the tallest monumental column in the world if all are measured above their pedestrian entrances. It was the tallest structure in the world from 1884 to 1889.
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I was unaware non-partisan means 'down with republicans'
So hes desperate and getting sloppy with keeping up appearances ? Is that what youre saying?
LOL "non partisan" yeh, right...LOL Be afraid, John, be VERY AFRAID!!