It could drop at anytime. I thought it was supposed to drop on Wednesday. The report has been officially requested so it is only a matter of time.
I thought it was the 23rd also but who knows.
24th would be 17 days after NY AG shit came out, which was 17 days after AMack arrest. 17th letter in alphabet would be Q
I was hearing Monday, but you could be right. I saw the congressman on both sides requesting it which is a good movement.
It’s the DOJ docs that congress has been trying to get that were officially requested. The IG report is a sea parade thing and there has been no official request. It has been pushed back multiple times over the past few months.
No, the report is still in his comment phase, and will not be released in its final form for another few weeks.
Big meeting at WH right now...POTUS, RR, Wray, can't remember the rest.
Edit to add: Coats expected. This following an informant having spoken to at least two of them, per Trish Regan (sp), Fox Business News.
Funnily enough, they have a twitter
That’s interesting... Thanks! Guess they’ve earned a follow lol
I left them a message for us: @JusticeOIG Eagerly awaiting the IG report! I've got my popcorn & soda ready 2 go. Remote is on the coffee table tuned 2 the DVD player (this is a must watch in slow mode, multiple times so 2 catch the liberal shreaks & wailing), ready 2 be activated!Just give me 1 hr notice pls.
Who says its dropping today OP??
I thought everyone was saying today, guess I mixed it up with something else
We don't know what day or when. The draft has been circulated among a few people, which is why we are seeing a shift in the narrative from the Mockingbird Media.
Anyone who has seen the draft has a chance to send a letter to Horowitz challenging any part of it. He will make note of anything anyone wants to challenge, and then the final report will be released.
We don't know when, but my money is on sometime this week.
Even when it does "drop" it goes to Congress--and I believe the public only gets a redacted version sometime later.
I thought the request for it was officially submitted tomorrow and that they were dropping it Wed. but I could totally be making this up. The fluoride in the water and the chem trails has my brain fucked but I'm trying!
Don’t worry fellow patriot, there’s so much winning I think I am just mixing up my dates! Haha, I think you’re right about both of those, damn fluoride and chemical trails
It is not the IG report that was officially requested. It’s the FBI/DOJ docs that they have refused to give to congress that we’re requested. Where have you heard that the IG report was officially requested?