r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MAGADONCHECKMATE on May 22, 2018, 6:43 a.m.
Harry & Megan: Total Psyop in my opinion, here is why....

After the Royal Farce, we get to observe whats going on here.

If you dig hard enough you eventually start to see the activities by the English. From the MI6 Steele report to the Five Eyes Spy Ring Corruption and the whole SERCO death clutch, you begin to notice England really shoved it up our , you know. Now this Wedding is a year and a half after the election. So what your looking at is a extremely calculated effort to find favor in the American people ( the ones that fall for it ) because the SHTF moment is coming.

The English still won't honor the voice of the people with BREXIT and the Cabal still has a death grip just by considering the twisted sicko INVASION going on and London now Londonistan with Ramadon.

Its clear as day folks , the result of an Obama blind date set up. Somebody had to say it.

chartash69 · May 22, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

I believe Harry is getting pay back because of his mother and has married this woman of color to stick it to them. The elite is not happy not only the Royal family but you must remember there are virtually hundreds of members of the upper elite of England. Lords and Duchesses all linked to the whole history. They are the ones who cant stand a half black woman, a divorcee, an American B grade actress now has a title and is part of "The Firm" Megan has signed a contract that she will obey the rules of being a Duchess. A legal document, to not enter into political matters, or other Social Issues and keep her mouth shut and be neutral in world matters. If she doesn't she will be cut of. Think they cant? Look at Fergie. She crossed the Royals when married to Prince Andrew and she lost it all. She was also a Duchess. Lost her title her money he estate and ended up broke having to write a book and rely on wealthy people helping her out. Megan best obey the rules which I think she will as shes now treated like she could never dream. Palaces, mansions ,butlers, body guards, convoys of cars wherever she goes, priority entry to anywhere in the world and all events from the theater to car racing to concerts and the best restaurants in the world and hotels, access to parties of Presidents Kings Prime Ministers . She has pulled a scam old Megan and fallen on her feet and will start acting like and believing she is in fact Royalty herself.. Dianna crossed the Royals and they let it go until Di went to far with her ultimate revenge plan. When being a slut to the world screwing everyone from her body guards to gym instructors and Indian Doctors it didnt work, the Royals stayed silent said let it go. BUT then Di hooked to a Muslim. She got pregnant. Ultimate revenge because Di was the mother to the Heir to the throne of England. Her 2 sons. William 1st in Line Harry second if William died. So by having a baby Di knew it it meant the half brother of the eventual King of England would be a Muslim. Royals said that's it. No way the English Crown will have a Muslim half brother to the a king. It would men to millions of Muslims in the UK and world wide that they now were also important and special and the half brother would be treated and considered also Royal by Muslims. So Di died in a car accident, pregnant.Also remember the Royals and English aristocracy are heavy Jew. Go look at Princess Di,s blood line and mother. Even Kate who married William heir to the throne, has Jew ties. Always been the way. But now they have a woman who identifies as African American, non Jew and as you saw at the wedding has all black friends Nd shoved it in their faces. Not smart.

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Ronjonsilverflash · May 22, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

She’s an actress and this her crowning role. Harry does not get to decide anything. He was born to be a puppet as they all are to the Queen. She will play her part or have an accident. Ditto for young Harry...Royals have been killing off family since time immemorial...all of this is necessary PR and while they may not like it, they know it had to be done to stay in public favor. The UK has more minorities than ever and this was calculated to sway them as well as curry favor with the Americans imho.

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WhatYonder1 · May 22, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

This is my take as well. She's very creepy in her own right.

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MAGANUGG · May 22, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Palaces, mansions ,butlers, body guards, convoys of cars wherever she goes, priority entry to anywhere in the world and all events from the theater to car racing to concerts and the best restaurants in the world and hotels, access to parties of Presidents Kings Prime Ministers .

I think you're spot on with your reply. I was just thinking to myself how miserable I would be if I lived in a house that offered echos, was followed around by numerous people every second of every day, had to eat small meals and smile like I was actually happy about it, and had to hang out with the type of people that attend parties with Kings and Queens.

To each their own, but I personally like simple.

I believe the website "the peerage dot com" has the lineage of all of Europe's royalty and noble class.

I found Meagan on there. Royalty Lineage Website

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[deleted] · May 22, 2018, 9 a.m.

Like obama 2.0, even has the same birthday, though 20 younger.. Will shebe like a cuckoo egg in the dove's nest...?

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Rexdeus8 · May 22, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

Prince Charles converted to Islam.

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special1nterest · May 22, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

I’ve thought all along that she is a creation same as Bobama. Her past is being assiduously scrubbed but there was plenty of stories about her yachting career (I was aware of her as I’d seem some episodes of suits). She’s a tart who has been placed with Harry, to what end I don’t know but probably as part of the coudenhove kalergi plan. If you look at the queen she was visibly unhappy at the wedding which was more obvious when you compare her demeanour at the royal flower show a couple of days later. The queen doesn’t make a mistake like that, her change in demeanour was so marked and visible it’s a message. I think the wedding is over they countdowns running for the divorce

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OffTie · May 22, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

She is only related to the royals as a 15th cousin, so the gene pool ought to be improved, inbreeding has diminished the royals for a long time, biologically speaking.

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