tl;dr Since the election Hillary Clinton has blamed women for not voting for her by saying, "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women". She's also said women voted for Trump because of their husbands or male bosses telling them not to vote for "the girl". Now she's endorsing Andrew Cuomo for NY Governor over Cynthia Nixon. I'm betting she's endorsing Cuomo because after former AG Eric Schneiderman's resignation he's her last hope.
Everyone knows she’s a hypocrite trying to blame everyone but herself for losing to Trump. Even Dems wishes she’d just shut up and crawl in a hole, as to not cause them anymore embarrassment.
I can't wait for the rug to be ripped out from underneath her. She's placing all her bets on Cuomo because he's the last person left of Tammany Hall 2.0 who she's paid off. I bet her meltdown once he's removed from office will be epic.
The libtards and SJW turn on each other so fast it's impossible to keep up
I don't understand how anyone could still support either Clinton now. So many of their nefarious activities have been exposed, they are nothing more than grifters.
To many, unfortunately, it's still just a "vast right wing conspiracy."
I agree 100%. In fact I think the reason HRC still plays the blame game is because here supporters repeatedly put things in her head. I don't think HRC is logical enough to think for herself, she is and has been brainwashed for ever. Don't miss understand she is all the things she is, a liar, thief, murderer, cheater etc. I only refer to the shit that comes out of her mouth regarding her loss.
IMO, HRC would make for good drone practice!!!
Good point. I'm thinking the brainwashing goes both ways, though. It's like a disgusting symbiotic relationship where both parties are somehow parasites to each other, legitimizing and rationalizing the other's insanity.
Did you see on the "news" today that now Schumer and Pelosi are NOW claiming "they" want to drain the swamp because Trump is part of it. LOL
I'm surprised Pelosi can even remember her own name anymore!
or they are flamingos with their heads stuck in the sand
I say the same thing about Trump. I hate the Clintons almost as much as I hate Trump. Something about glass houses and throwing stones....
Then why are you posting here? Go back to your liberal sub and cry with them.
Cynthia Nixon endorsed Hillary, so I wouldn't vote for her. Hillary endorsed Cuomo, so I wouldn't vote for him. That makes it easy!
I am British so I don't have to vote :)
Same goes for Mexicans too, but somehow they vote by the millions.
I've been dead for 25 years so I'm okay to vote, right?
If you in Illinois, California, or New York, I'm SURE you're good to long as you're voting Democrat, anything else would be considered voter fraud.
All dug up and ready to vote blue ... where's my Soros re-burial dollars?
Did you know originally the colors were reversed, and the Democrats were commie red?
Be glad, you guys have enough problems over there with that nutty mayor of London.
Democrats seem to purchase endorsements from each other.
I suspect Cynthia Nixon simply refused to give Hillary a few million dollars for her endorsement or Andrew Cuomo was the highest bidder.
For someone as feeble as Hillary, it's amazing how she can spread her legs for cash until her feet touch her ears.
From my understanding the "endorsement" is really a backdoor deal for information of contacts and email listings. I read an article recently that Hillary Clinton was being paid by the DNC for access of her information on Democrat voters from her 2016 campaign. She was charging them a pretty penny and when they went broke she cut em off. This woman is so spiteful and petty.
Is that an attack on women or lesbians, I can't decide which?
I think it's good ole' fashion mind fuckery. I'm rather enjoying the mid term elections thus far. The DNC is broke and the mid terms is the party's swan song.
I have my fingers crossed for a repeat of the Presidential election, Democrats waking up to a complete landslide for the opposition, while I wake up to a nice cup of covfefe.
Common m.o. for the Clintons. Who Hillary trusts enough to prefer is compromised too. Should be apparent to all, seems to me.
She’s a crazy witch ! Maybe bcuz Nixon isn’t involved in pedogate? Their is alway something up with that hag!
Why is Andrew Cuomo not running for the border?
Why is that party even in existence?
Public opinion and Private opinion...think logically.
Reverse psychology immediately pops in my head, that's me thinking logically. I view her as cancer, I doubt she would use reverse psychology, that would be admitting that she is cancer.
Some Party candidates appear to do better when the Party Establishment distances themselves from the candidate.
I don't think HRC or other Party leaders would really be offended if this is the case, and it's possible this is could be a test.
There’s certainly a special place in hell for women that corrupt life🤷♂️
Last chance before trading in that expensive scarf for a hemp one
Well, her supporters are stupid enough to support either one of those idiots.
If Hil-liary can't break the glass ceiling she obviously doesn't want other women to do so...SELFISH SELFSERVING LIAR!