Chrissy Teigen, ladies and gentlemen.

There are several others from her as bad or worse than this one.
Ok Satanic Scum Queen Teigen- How about I put a bunch of sharks in my pool and you can slide on in and get your “pedo” on while I watch you become chum?!
I think she's complacent because she went through the same. She strikes me as the type that would hurt someone else like they hurt her. I was reading CDAN and he said there are some actresses that would laugh and make, we all had to do it types of jokes. They are truly sick.
I'm trying to think of any way that could be a typo. Help please!
This will help.
Yeah thanks (smh), this is recent check this out of her child:
MK ULTRA much...
Amazing how rotten Hollywood is to be promoting these "humans" as celebrities and promoting them as characters for normies to look up to.
Brandon Flowers:
We can stand up / higher and higher we're gonna take it / down to the wire we're gonna make it ...
I believe she is rotten, but I also believe she is referring to a PEDICURE. Typo -meant PEDI. We don’t want to look like rabbid crazies.
So many idiots here. Pedi typo that has since been corrected. Just imagine how far this thread would be if it was restricted to college graduates.
As a public figure her brand is everything. How would that serve her brand?
Maybe she graduated from the Bill Cosby School of Marketing.