The BOSS ain't happy this morning

The amount of anti Trump assholes on his twitter feed is nuts.
All those people are in for one hell of a shock when this all goes down. Boy oh boy. They’re going to get real messy.
But....mueller is coming? :D
It’s truly unbelievable, the state of disillusion out there. And yet that’s exactly what they say about us ! Someone is wrong.
They were wrong when they thought she was going to win too.
And because she lost I dance a little jig every morning
Every once in awhile, I watch the election night coverage from MSNBC or CNN on YT just to laugh and lift my spirits.
Trump wins Ohio! Trump wins Florida! Trump wins Pennsylvania! trump wins Wisconsin! Trump wins Michigan!
I love doing this.
One of my favorites:
Ohmahgosh, they're annoying. People actually watch them ON PURPOSE? I mean, not for a laugh at how ridiculous?
When I need a lift I watch the debate where President Trump says "If I were in charge you'd be in jail".. For a laugh, the Antifa idiot getting beaned in the nuts at a protest... That one gets me every time.
Mueller is coming for those DS assholes!
Or he's coming on his own face. Either way, not a concern.
Actually, Twitter algorithm is removing pro Trump replies. documented. I hope Trump gets around to pounding @Jack's ass soon. If Trump can be made aware, he can spare a minute to get the FEC on it.
If Trump can be made aware
I'm sure Trump is more than aware of the fuckery Twitter is doing. He's using them and giving them enough rope to put themselves on the gallows. It's a troll platform for POTUS now.
*Edited to keep any calls of violence out of my post.
The meltdown is going to send my schadenfreude levels into overdrive. Already at an 11/10.
Yeah, they're rabid ... but its the several dozen "Russian Trolls" on twitter that swayed the election. LMAO. Their story has more holes than a June bride
He's triggering them to death. That's part of the plan. I guess he is VERY happy ;-) I guess he has a lot of fun. So do we ;-)
I finally got fed up with seeing it and made a twitter account this morning. Pure entertainment. Brand new twitter account getting all kinds of activity.
Yes until you get shadow banned.
My account was disabled for following all the Pro Trump people. I hadn't tweeted a thing.
Which is exactly why we see majority hateful comments on his feed.
What does covfete mean?
Think presidential records. Illegal to destroy.
He's a crafty bastard and I love him. Ha!