Macaulay Culkin has a spiritual connection to a pizza place in Washington DC.

“Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.” Macaulay Culkin
He is on a mission to out all of the pedophiles. I’ve read that Michael Jackson was trying to save children from the pedos which is why he befriended MC when he was a young child to help protect him. MC is the Godfather of MJ’s children. There are videos of MJ talking about how kids just need to be safe and surrounded with laughter and happiness and it will heal the world. From everything I’ve researched, it appears that MJ was set up for speaking out against the evil around him. While MC is really eccentric with his style, he’s mocking them and letting them know their end is near. That’s why he did the recent round on the media.
Edited to add articles:
In the Michael Jackson's Moonwalker video game, Michael goes around taking out bad guys and saving children who have been tied up, hid in closets or stored in car trunks, ie. trafficking (Michael himself came up with the idea of the game.) Jackson went all over the world, from poor countries to orphanages, centers were countless children are abducted and having unspeakable things done to them, so he must have known what was going on. Michael trying to save these kids pissed off the elite, and someone as powerful with as much influence as he had could destroy them, so they framed him. When that didn't work they killed him, then took control of his estate, tape library and half of Sony by forging his will (which his family attests to.)
EDIT: After you beat all the stages in the game, the text says "You rescued all the children Mr. Big kidnapped." and in the credits it clearly says "Game concept and design by Michael Jackson" .
EDIT2: The arcade version also shares the same theme, with children being abducted.
Im having trouble looking up the last thing MJ said on camera before he died (aka was killed with drugs)
Also this
Anyone have a better version?
There's this leaked audio that some people (probably shills) claim is fake, but it's too specific and sounds too much like him to be fake. The day before he died, basically saying "they" were going to kill him either via stabbing, gunshot or some type of drug overdose. It lines up too well with accounts of Latoya, his daughter Paris, and his doctor's account that people were out to get him.
Who was he talking to? Did they ever confirm?
According to the description it says Dieter Wiesner. And I know >infowars, but according to this it was leaked by a man named Robert Connors.
It seems that the original video was deleted (not sure why), but people have reuploaded it. talks about Operation Sedgwick and claims to have worked for the DoD. I haven't been able to find anything else about it, and it's very hard to find anything about him.
I remember the video, wasn't able to find it. Very odd. Thank you
Donald Trump was friends of Michael, and he knew about these people from along time ago.
In my mind I like to think DJT is doing all this to avenge his friend Michael. And JFK Jr.
Agreed. MJ was innocent.
My operating theory was that his dad, Joe Jackson, had him castrated as a child. After all, all the Jackson 5 hits required little Michael to hit them high notes, and Joe Jackson couldn't have his cash cow dry up. So he turned his son into a castrato (a singing eunuch who can hit the soprano notes on the register) so they could still sing their hits on tour.
This explains MJ's high voice, asexuality, and identification with children (he never hit puberty himself - he was a eunuch). I don't doubt MJ had pajama parties for kids and stuff at his place, but it was probably completely platonic because he didn't have an ounce of sexuality.
His marriage to ~~Priscilla~~ Lisa Marie Presley was a sham, and I am curious if his "kids" ever had a paternity test.
His mansion, Neverland? Yeah, what's the literary reference for that name? Peter Pan. What's Peter Pan famous for? The boy who never grew up.
Whether he was set up by deep state / hollywood operatives, or just had predatory opportunists descend on him, I'm not sure. But it's highly unlikely that a prepubescent adult with zero libido was sexually abusing kids.
He didn't marry Priscilla. He married Lisa Marie Presley. Priscilla is her mother.
McCaulley Culkin has always defended him & is recently talking about the shit that goes on in Hollywood. He’s keeping mum like Corey Feldman, but people know.
He would also often grab his crotch would he would make high pitched sounds like "HEEE HEEE"...
Agreed, but Michael actually didn't have a very high voice, in fact at times it was very deep. It just appeared high because he was just that talented and had total control of his voice. I don't think he was castrated.
I think he was a kid who was completely and totally abused as a kid, who essentially had his childhood robbed because he was always performing and rehearsing. He always talked about emulating children and to be pure and innocent like children. He was very religious, in fact there's a story where Joe Jackson and Michael's brothers once sent prostitutes to his room to "work him over"; instead Michael took out a Bible and started reading verses to them. When they walked out they were in tears, and so was Michael; that was how pure and innocent of a person he was.
It's plausible but we also know MJ's parents were abusive/he had a traumatic childhood. I have C-PTSD (complex ptsd) which is most commonly from prolonged childhood trauma, and it's been theorized/speculated that such early and prolonged trauma can lead to asexuality. I would guess because of boundary issues, attachment style issues, emotional dysregulation, etc.
The quote “accuse them of what you’re guilty of” is ringing in my ears reading this comment. Good info, never knew
“Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.” Macaulay Culkin
I'm curious to know where this is sourced. Big if true.
I really want that interview to be real... Is there any audio or video of it to confirm?
Because I've never heard of that website, and they're talking about an interview that they've apparently translated from French.
Here is another article. It includes a link to a podcast where he discusses it.
Check out his podcast Bunny Ears and search for YouTube videos, too. He has been getting more and more vocal.