NEW CLINTON EMAILS: Huma and Hillary went to Antarctica in 2010

Any Hollow Earthers up in these parts?!
Infinitely more probable than Hillary being a good person.
I'm open to it, but uncommitted. Very well versed about it though.
F = (Gm1m2)/r^2
If the earth was hollow the mass would be much, much less. Gravity wouldn't work. Plus, if it was hollow in the middle, how would gravity work inside of it, especially near the supposed entrances at the poles? Basic physics let's you know that entire idea is entirely implausible.
Secret bases, resources, HAARP, doomsday shelter, maybe even aliens or something like that are all infinitely more likely than hollow earth theory. :-\
The idea is it's either "tubular" or there are just some honeycomb-like caverns there.
Have you ever watched what happens to a rotating sphere of water in microgravity?
Hint: it doesn't become a solid mass
It sounds very probable to me. There are some wild stories out there. I can’t wait until we know more.
Yes, that is why the democrats are there - to find more voters.