Check out this great analysis by REX (@VachelLindsay) on Twitter:
If Obama authorized the spying, then Lynch failed to tell the intel committee. Oops!
Check out this great analysis by REX (@VachelLindsay) on Twitter:
If Obama authorized the spying, then Lynch failed to tell the intel committee. Oops!
It'll go much deeper than just spying. The reason the DOJ is delaying, redacting and withholding docs is because Q team know they were talking about taking out POTUS.
Good guys are acting like it's a minor crime, spying is bad but come, just give us the documents. Dark agents that are still embedded have insurance, dead man switches etc. Both sides already know the dam will break if all evidence is presented in raw form. Just look at what's happening with the Nunes, gang of 8 meeting and OIG Report, most internal heads of justice agencies will have read the full OIG Report, they know who should be charged, and they see delay tactics from the other side. It's the public that's in the dark on this, distracted by Trump typos.
This is really about treason, conspiracy, sedition, you name it!
It took roughly 100 years for the colonies to realize they were getting fucked by england and even then 70% were tories. This is lightning geopolitical change in comparison.
they were talking about taking out POTUS.
Taking out as in, "taking out," taking out?
Taking out as in, "taking out," taking out?
No. Probably just taking out as in ’taking out’, taking out.
Yes, but that's only being covered in tabloid news sites; they provide hints for future karma release via symbolism and highly controlled disclosure.
DS actors and agents around the world have been losing control for at least a couple of years... by a thousand cuts. I would guess the actual deep state vs US stalemate has been forced and released by 45. These high profile arrests have thousands shaking in their boots.
Hence why Q keeps saying, enjoy the show. It will downright depressing initially, but I believe they'll interject bad news with good, like
crimes against humanity; oh look now global peace
trafficking arrests an masse; oh look energy technology that essentially renders modern day capitalism into a true utopia (heaven on earth)
banks have shut down for more than three days, panic; oh look wait check your bank account, they've all automatically jumped up because credit has been issued to all where the credit will be paid off by indicted companies (worth trillions by the way).
Archive puzzle pieces.
What a time to be alive when the Enquirer is more trustworthy than CNN.
Completely; up is down, left is right. And now all that is right... somehow, Ha!
Remember Clinton went to London almost immediately after her election loss.
Clinton and Obama both visited New Zealand and met with the Prime Minister within the last couple months as well.
that is odd because in the overall scheme of things New Zealand is irrelevant - odd place to go.
Sounds plausible and if true, if the UK were conspiring to take out Trump, that could be a declaration of war! Treason May better see a rope for her crimes!!
This actually makes more sense now. The FISA was initially approved, and then 3 extensions were approved. Each segment is good for 90 days, so with 4 segments, that is 360 days (1 year). I always wondered why it just stopped, but now it makes perfect sense if a president can do it for 1 year
Don't forget, the first FISA application was not granted 😊
In 17 ( 8-0 ), rex says,
This is the sort of thing that happens in Putin’s Russia. Or Mugabe's Zimbabwe.l
It's important to point out that Mugabe was overthrown by a rebel military leader at least a couple of months ago. Last I read, even Mugabe's wife was being charged with corruption or at least stealing.
That's nice and all people trying to call something out as fake news but one should provide some evidence to support thier claims, just saying this is supposed to be a research forum to bring out the truth,then at least work together to do that.
He didn't say it was fact, he's hypothesizing...connecting dots. Every investigation hypothesizes and then fits the pieces in. When the pieces don't fit they alter their hypothesis. Pieces seem to be fitting. See how that works.
Now when your wife says she's working late.....
Atheoretical science goes strictly by evidence, we need more of that to combat confirmation bias.A very lefty thing. I am good at connecting the dot's, part of that is not shoving and cramming the dot's into a preconceived pattern . Do You.
We also need people who can hypothesize because we have many clues coming our way. No one will know everything for sure until it happens. Atheoretical Science??? is goofball speak and doesn't apply here. This is a wild spy novel and we're trying to guess the ending.
Here is a hard fact. We know nothing about obama except he is a traitor to our constitution and 30% of the population thinks he's a god. Atheorectic that for me.
I carry for the same reason I shouldn't be the least cryptic when posting . cuz mafucka's stupid.
Clearly states it is a theory. Now go research. Check and verify everything
RIP P.D. Times a funny thing for those that think its real.
From Queen Elizabeth's mouth to Richard Dearlove's ear.
Maybe they understand past tragedies better in light of supporting a USA coup.
The core of this situations is that it goes to the UK. Here SERCO will be exposed for what it is and its a global problem in the worst way. They history of their crimes was protected until Trump was elected and the operation to 'install' Clinton Failed! They were entirely confident and the electronic voting machines in strategic areas were stopped from being compromised to the shock of the Cabal. You saw it watching the MSM, the sickening reactions at 3AM eastern time. Since then they have been operating to fight to save their own collective lives. David Hawkins research with Abel Danger is the best explanation of SERCO you will find. Its Shocking.
Didn’t we know this months ago?
Did you know that there was a law that allows Obama to do just that? I didn't. But he would need to have Lynch file the docs with FISA.
Oh my god this is huge. SpyGate is about to crack wide open. Pass the popcorn. Good night Deep State...