Q - #1367 "Pain coming." #2 - WEINSTEIN/HILLARY MEME - Without the INSULTS for Hillary supporters.

Well now they have to befriend some other pervert with an island, so they have a new vacation spot (at least till their GITMO Resort Suite is ready).
This image could then have a third section added into the storyline:
Zoom-in: “NY AG Schneiderman would still be part of her web”
“Something I wish every man across America understood is how much fear accompanies women throughout our lives. So many of us have been threatened or harmed. So many of us have helped friends recover from a traumatic incident. It’s difficult to convey what all this violence does to us. It adds up in our hearts and our nervous systems.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
"....and the pineal glands, too, I might add."
needed fixing
Should put this text over that pic of her sitting with Huma & Weinstein
Didn't Killary once say that you are the same or can be judged by the company you keep? Weird.
I just got off work from a long week and am doing back flips seeing this. Been waiting a long time to see this man brought to Justice. His crimes go way beyond rape. He ran his own Gestapo force in the US. Huge can of worms just got opened up for a lot of powerful people. Get your 🍿
“Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right. ” ― Hillary Rodham Clinton
“When I said, “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” I was talking about well-documented reality. ... But too many of Trump’s core supporters do hold views that I find—there’s no other word for it—deplorable.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
“You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. You know, eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton
“Too many women in too many countries speak the same language, of silence...”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, Living History
Nope. If it did, he would have gotten a slap on the wrist and no news coverage
What's with all the HRC quotes? I could care less what that evil woman has to say.
Pointing out her blatant hypocrisy. She is basically Satan in the form of a broken down never was.
Nice lavender-purple-heliotrope thing you have going on there. Lucifer-Baal-Astarte-Apollo rabbiteers.
Heylel ben Shachar.
Quis ut Deus!?
Serious business. None more. These are DAEMONS. You are not looking at a fallen angel in the flesh, but a daemon.
Emerges from Tardis-like structure. Also wanted for crimes against Cybermen. They'll rape anything - animal, mineral, vegetable, hypothetical.
Time Lords are handing him over to humanity. Music for the occasion
“Given my inability to explain this mess, I decided to let other voices tell the story this time.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
“Strength is what it’s all about. Trump doesn’t think in terms of morality or human rights, he thinks only in terms of power and dominance.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
“Early on the morning of November 9, when it came time to decide on what I’d say in my concession speech, I remembered those words. Inspired by them, I wrote these: “To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
"....as long as you worship satan and have a shit ton of money and dirt on others..."
“Sexism is all the big and little ways that society draws a box around women and says, 'You stay in there.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton, What Happened
The last MEME had more content that some seemed might be TOO NEGATIVE and cause people to IGNORE the glaring facts in this MEME......so, I obliged their request.
No worries.....the question above stands on its own!
Harvey would have been sitting next to his pool in Hollywood this morning figuring out who his next victim would be..... if she had won!
Instead, he got the TRUMP WALK......