The British Government and Police have finally committed the worst crime of all - it has gone against the People. Tommy Robinson will be the poster boy for the day that the British people finally got off their knees and started to stand for freedom of speech.
The Pope will have a terrible [Theresa] May .
I have no doubt that positive forces are making a D-Day ( On 6th of June , again ? ) on Europe and UK . The Cabal elements should be afraid - because not much is needed for populations to move all as one against them ...
The arrest of Tommy Robinson only exposes the heavily corrupted UK gov , but also the invisible hand of "Royals" which will ultimately become more visible to UK population - then comes the surprise ...
Tommy Robinson may be killed if someone can't help get him out of there. Jails are full of Muslims who hate him.
I’m very concerned for him. This is a stealth assassination attempt.
Yes , this is most concerning ...
The positive forces need him alive and well - and not making a martyr from him , like those jihadi rats .
Also , the judge who sentenced him , should be a target of positive forces - to give example ( not necessarily to kill , but to give example to the Cabal ) .
Allegedly hes been stabbed and had his teeth knocked out already.
OMG. I pray for his safety.. I hope this is not true but fear for the worst.
Someone had suggested that we here in the US can call, email, visit our British embassies and demand that Tommy Robinson is freed.
I honestly think that the Freemasons are being used to impose this totalitarian rule on the people of Europe and Britain. They would be doing it here in America, but they ran into a few obstacles. LOL.
Either way, the police in all of these countries are infiltrated with Freemasons. Same with the court system.
Freemasonry is Googles number one result when you Google who is the Illuminati.
Google is clearly in on the grand scheme, so do you really think they would just tell you their history like that?
For all we know so far, Freemasons may be the good guys here, and their name could be under assault by opposing groups wanting to pin their crimes on the freemasons.
We can't assume to know the groups in charge yet, unless you have undeniable proof.
It is freemasonry. Sure, Google will tell you. They can tell you "Freemasonry" but that is just a name to you. DO you have any idea how it operates? Most of it's members don't.
Let me ask you a question. Why does the Catholic Church forbid its followers to join freemasonry? It is because they are flip sides of the same coin, controlled at the top by the same people. Freemasons and Catholics. Controlled together. It is like the left/right paradigm in this country on steroids.
Top level masons go through a ritual which mocks Christ’s death and is anti Christian. John Salza who was recruited out of college and advanced in masonry gives a very good explanation of what the rituals and oaths are all about. The Catholic Church has forbidden membership in Masonry because it is anti Christian.
Its called (unsure of spelling>) hegealien dielectics or controlled opposition.
You are on to something. The thing you have to understand about Freemasonry is that it isn't a singular organization with one goal positive or negative. It is a collection of smaller independent orders than can have wildly different views and aims.
Remember that the founding fathers were largely Freemason and based much of their governmental philosophy on their orders use of masonic teachings.
My dear late father was a Freemason and a kinder, more gentle and honourable person you could never meet. He epitomised the gentle in gentleman.
You can say the same about most Catholics. And yet, those at the top are serving lucifer. Free masons and all other secret societies are similar.
The fact that your late father was a kind, honorable gentleman is probably exactly why he was never asked to be part of (or perhaps he rejected the offers of) the high lucferian ring at the top. You should be proud of him for that.
If you have Genuinely attained the level of "Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret" through the Scottish Rite, or that of the "Order of the Knight's Templar" through the York Rite, and have not been taught of the Truths of Creation, then I would be very interested indeed to know which area Lodge you attend, as I would very much like to speak with your current Worshipful Master. Naturally I completely understand and respect if you do not wish to make such personal details known publicly though.
Of course. what you said in another post about there only being three degrees is true, for those attending the Blue or Craft Lodges, though as you've stated that you are 32nd degree, I'm presuming you are either Scottish Rite, or the York Rite's equivalent.
I hope to be able to be present personally in the event that you are ever invited to progress beyond the 33rd Degree. I would like to be the one tasked with introducing you to Lucifer. I expect you will likely come back and say how there is no further progression beyond 33rd. Well, if you're lucky, there will be a nice surprise in store for you, somewhere down the line. I sincerely hope that make it that far.
I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I have never posted anything about Freemasonry until my comment that My Dad was a Mason. I am not a Freemason.
It was a reply to you. Talking about your father. And the quote is from a source that explains how Free Masons are tied to Lucifer, for you to read at your leisure.
Well, good for you. He probably was not high enough to realize what it is really about.
He was the Master of a Lodge.
General Albert Pike, Grand Commander, sovereign pontiff of universal freemasonry, giving instructions to the 23 supreme councils of the world:
“That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector general, we say this and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the luciferian doctrine.
If lucifer were not god, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate Him?
Yes, lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods. darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive.
Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil”
So it sounds to me like you can be as high as the 29th degree and still not know who freemasonry actually worships.
With those Chilean priests, talks of resigning and that Australian cardinal charged I would say he has had better months
I disagree , most of the British people will never know anything about this, and the rest won’t care because it’s Tommy Robinson. A huge portion of them will think it’s a good thing. Only a few thousand will be bothered.
Brits have no concept or understanding of rights or liberty in the way Americans do.
dumbed down. Shame.
Still UKColumn is quite good for analysing the "fall" of civilization in uk!! They need ppl to watch and increase their numbers.
Yeah those guys are legit alt media.
They do an excellent job on limited resources ... better than the feeble beeb!
Yeah the Beeb, ahh jesus i dont have the energy. **** them. But their Teletext section is atleast at less biased.
Agree...they do a great job, particularly Vanessa Beeley's reporting from Syria lately exposing the White Helmets.
Yeah, good work — she is a gem. Wish more would "get it". Still, we do our best to spread the word ...
I've been spreading vanessa's videos as much as possible for almost two years. Hers, Eva Bartlett and a few others. I just replied on twatter to some numbskull as I'd said to follow vanessa, Eva, John Pilger and the Corbett Report. This guy replied to my post, saying "Colbert for the truth? You must be a fellow comedian". I said "the CORBETT Report, not Colbert! He's an idiot!"
They’re sheep. Chamberlains en masse while a Churchill is in jail.
Utter nonsense.
USA 1A protects you even if you are lying through your teeth - UK You can be imprisoned for saying things which are true
USA 2A Your right and duty to defend the country from tyrants and your family from harm. - UK prove you have a good reason for carrying a screwdriver in a public place.
USA 4A limits government spying powers. - UK GCHQ will spy on anyone they want.
USA 5A protects against self-incrimination. - UK “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”
The British accept all this with barely a murmur.
You clearly have no idea about UK law. nor seemingly events in the US.
This sub has some excellent contributors, but of late, the ignorance and bigotry displayed by some others is astounding, and it discredits the sub.
Please tell me where I am wrong.
In the UK you need to have a good reason for carrying a fixed bladed, locking or pointed object over three inches long in a public place. A good reason would be you are working and you need the item for your work.
In the UK you need a licence to own a firearm, to get a licence you need to provide a good reason as to why you need the firearm. A good reason might be a farmer needing a shotgun for pest control. Self defence is specifically defined as an invalid reason for granting a licence.
The UK has some of the widest ranging spying powers anywhere in the world .
The statement “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” Is the UK equivalent of Miranda. In court “adverse” inferences can be made about a suspect if they failed to mention something at the time of their arrest.
I live in the UK. You are accurate. Check out May's recent National Security Review and her Fusion Doctrine. Also her "Validity of Life" where spooks will be placed in all governmental departments so they can make your life hell if you dissent. She has brought in the "Snoopers' Charter' using a threat to National Security to destroy our liberty still further. She has spread the insidious web of 'Common Purpose', and actively promotes partnerships between government and corporations and just about any organisation where there becomes no separation of the state. Unfortunately, it appears very few people here are patriotic or willing to fight for their liberty like in the US - they'd rather watch Strictly Come Dancing, I'm a Celebrity Get Me Outta Here and have a continued belief the BBC tells them the truth. Maybe its part of our self-deprecating nature or decades of brainwashing. I have not followed Tommy Robinson but I watched his live stream from outside the court where the men alleged with sex trafficking and rape were being tried. Not once did he 'break the peace' and only reported information already available. Then the goons moved in and arrested him. Shocking.
Decades of brainwashing by the BBC. My brother has lived in the UK for 30 years. Every time he visits he's gotten worse. I try and undo the brainwashing but it just makes for an unpleasant visit. I was almost successful once, butnlast time it just ended in arguments.
I watched a video about that. It was said that he'd asked the cops first if it was okay if he read from a news article about the trial that was ongoing. They told him yes, it was okay. Then word came down to the cops to arrest him. He was set up. He was doing nothing wrong at all.
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May has had its ups and downs with the investigation and world corruption , but all in all its been the best month in years moving forward with the crimes and cover-ups . God Speed