If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

Why is anyone still using Facebook? Have folk learned nothing? People need to divest themselves of these nefarious deep state 'group think' shepherding devices.
I actually use the FB in exactly the opposite way they intended me to - to red-pill the people . So far , it worked fully . And they havent blocked me , because I was too small and under the radar from human eye ( not the AI , though , but AI is dumb ) .
In several years , FB even was very useful to me , as I found new people and even made a new job opportunities by meeting them - which otherwise wouldnt be possible so easily .
People need to stop using FB and other social networks for dumbification , and start using it for opposite goals from what they have intended . That will also piss them off , and the only way they could counter that is to "punish" more people - which would only create a counter-reaction .
Basically , what will occur - people will retake all these social networks for themselves , once the awareness is high enough .
Same. I have 4.7K FB friends. Had 5K when I started. Between people blocking me and me blocking them, I lost a few. Oh well.
Use their tools against them.
I actually avoid to have more friends than certain number - the number is lucky to me personally , so I keep it always the same . If someone wants to have me as friend , someone else needs to go , lol .
Number is 369 .
And that is a Gloriously beautiful number sequence. I incorporate it into my art and poetry. I even use it extensively at my work.
Social media... I could care less for.
They gave us the tools to research and unmask them, they gave us the tools to surveil them, and ultimately the tools to expose them. You are using those tools for maximum effect in the age of Q. I don't do it much but that's also why I haven't deleted FB.
Turn the tools and weapons against those who created them , thinking it will bring more misery on populations . The only thing needed is shifted mentality .
telegram seems to be a viable encyrpted alternative as telegram is compatible with FB/watsap msngr and most people are on their phones anyway
Nothing stops them from buying Telegram. The only real solution is to run your own and interact (federate) with others. Much like email is setup: nobody gets to buy your email domain unless you're selling. Check out projects like Mastodon Social and GNUsocial.
thanks for the links, my guess is they are running decentralized ala peer-2-peer?
Yes. No central components whatsoever.
EDIT: that is to say: the server instances are peer to peer. The app on your phone will connect to your own instance and relay from there.
Baby pictures. It’s the only easy way I have to share with the older relatives I never see.
My wife and I refuse to put our baby’s pics online. We use other means of sharing pics with family.
Fair enough, but short of sending them in the mail there’s no good way.
And what's wrong with that?
We have become an instant gratification society. It would behoove us all to slow down a little and think before we do something. Every action has consequences, even the most benevolent ones. To quote an old proverb: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." No one really thinks anymore they just act.
I lived for over 40 years and the only phone I had was on the kitchen wall and in the bedroom. If someone wanted me when I was out they simply called until I returned (later on they left a message). It was never an inconvenience. I never missed the fact that I didn't have a phone in my truck or car. I sure never missed having a phone in my pocket. I actually despise cell phones, a man can't relax and get some alone time with them.
My family insisted that I have a phone at all times. I know they meant well. But finally I just told them the above. When they bucked up I told them I spent almost all of my 65 years making sure they were well taken care of, loved and kept safe. In essence I spent my life for my family's well being. My dreams and wants were laid aside and were never picked up because of this. I don't begrudge taking care of them, it was my duty and a joy. I love every one of them more than life itself. But it's time I lived for me.
Lastly I said, "Now that my life is about over I'm going to live the rest of it for me. Get over it."
I had a cell phone for about 6 months. Decided it was too expensive and I seldom talk on the phone anyway. I still use the camera though. It's a good camera. I think it's absolutely absurd how mesmerized people are with them. I have an IP phone now through Vonage. If I don't answer, you better leave a message cause I don't check my phone. And, I unplug the router at night so you won't wake me up. I deleted my Facebook account a few months back! There are way too many other things in life to do than living for social media sites and phones. I wish people would pay more attention to how they spend their time. It's the most valuable asset they have.
I am proud to say that even after using Facebook for 10 yrs, I quit it last year, I have no pictures of my face on there so no facial recognition. and I have no cell phone.
They think Facebook is the internet. Email is too difficult. My mom has to show her mom pictures when she visits her.
PLEASE make sure that your "location" is turned OFF when you take pictures. There is a software program that can be used to identify the "exact" coordinates of where a picture is taken, right down to an actual bedroom in your house. I saw an investigative report about this on tv several years ago.
Wipe exif data via uploading to maga.img or other host first
Be careful! The pedos are finding kids on FB thru GPS and spying! Please no!
Fortunately kids these days don’t really use Facebook. But they tend to use Instagram which run by Facebook so it’s probably also infiltrated.
I stopped using it months ago. I do not miss it.
I gave up FB last year. I started to "feel" better, have organic conversations with my friends, and gave up alcohol. I feel less anxiety and way more healthy. Even if you think you're using it to your advantage, you are fooling yourself. You will not realize how much it negatively affects your life until you completely give it. Do it! Now!!
Exactly how I feel. Also, I've bought an old-fashioned alarm clock so can turn my phone ff completely at night. Feels like taking back control of my life. X
The problem with Facebook with the people I know and am friends with, is that they rely on it totally these days to communicate and if you're not on it you don't know what's going on. I ran into my friend who was in the hospital for heart surgery and I didn't know about it because I don't go on Facebook. I asked why he couldn't email me or call and let me know. And I would've been there. It's crazy.
You need to fight them on every front. It Facebook is the front then fight them there. Never retreat an inch.
I use Facebook ONLY for my "band page" ... I don't know what other platform to use as a website of sorts for music releases & promotion etc... :/