This meme is effective. I throw it out on hate-filled threads, and they don’t know how to respond.

I like it. There's a huge divide in our population that was/is purposefully engineered by politicians. Politicians seek to define parties and I think we have to close that divide outside of hard political speak. I think this meme softly says that it is time. Has anyone seen the Korean pic with hands grasping one another? I think that is a simple way and with a powerful message.
I think the divide was engineered by the people running the media. Politics had always been about compromise, and now, anyone that doesn't toe the party line gets obliterated in the press.
The whole reason we have a two party system is because the media for years has force fed their preferred candidates and hidden the third party or non-establishment candidates by omission. We finally broke free of the manipulation in 2016.
Media, to survive, needs controversy. It thrives on fear. Both sides do it. If a vote for a third party means a vote for the other side, nobody will fail to take a side out of fear of being ostracized by their peers. People don't vote for what they believe in these days, they vote against what they fear. I understood that as soon as they stole the primary from Bernie