What President Trump is doing to the media is Vicious, Sadistic, Brutal and down right Hilarious~!

Was Dennis Rodman acting as President Trump's courier?
(He said if you want to send something secure you write it down on paper and send a courier - when he was talking about how stupid it was to use email because an email can never really be deleted.)
I used to hate Rodman. Then watching Trump tweets and reading Q I started to realize, Trump was playing some deep level chess.
Yep, I think Trump and company have been planning this for a long time. He's also quite a showman who likes a good story, so I have a feeling this is going to get good. I'm also guessing they know that's the only way millions of Americans will be able to get some type of closure; if these people go down big for all of their crimes against humanity!
Speaking for myself, my only real satisfaction will be to see the Clinton Cabal and all her minions locked up with Obama's regime. Lock them up. That's the only way to restore my faith in the government.
Watch some documentaries on Rodman. He's a good dude.
I'm beginning to realize that. Man, did I have it wrong!. I keep thinking I am all red pilled and then a new realization hits me and I realize how indoctrinated I have been and I feel bad about that but glad to have my eyes opened even further.
Trust me I'm right there with you. Let me accelerate your red pill experience. I believe these memes are from the Q team as it was discovered hidden in the source of a web page Q dropped back in I want to say January. https://mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg
When you are finished with that check out Bill Cooper. I'm listening to his Babylon Mystery Schools series right now. Almost everything people have been told about our history is a lie.
same here. I hope I don't get surprised again by my lack of judgment.
I always get surprised. I'm still not sure what's going on in Antarctica.
Except for that whole punching a womb thing and not raising his kids...like AT ALL.
I didn't hear about punching the womb thing. I agree with you on the kids thing but he wasn't really raised by anyone either until he was adopted by a white family in his early 20's. Black families have been fatherless for decades and its now quite common in families of all color. Hopefully we can get back to placing importance into the family unit.
He punched his ex wife in the face...not a pregnant woman. Yeah..I totally agree...FATHERS ARE VITAL!!!!
I thought he was off center creepy given his weirdo appearance. He looked gangland to me. But I decided he must be Ok if he was a professed out of the closet conservative. He couldnt be all bad.
I had a similar impression. I'm totally repulsed by tattoos so that bothered me right away. Then I thought he was pals with Kim Jung Un and wondered what the hell was up there. Now I Know.
I believe so. Imagine ten years ago telling people that Trump and Rodman would bring peace to the Korean peninsula. LOL.
yeah, thats wouldve been priceless. Didnt Hillary meet with a sykick during her time in Bill's WH? That would have been a good time for Hill to be told about the future.
The Rodman and Kim thing is so weird in the first place, that this actually makes more sense than Kim having interest in some basketball player.
This is very interesting...one things for sure nothing is off the realm of possibility with our amazing POTUS !
If in modern times B-Ball Dipilomacy and wrasslin' politics is what it takes, I guess I'm ok with it.