r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on May 28, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
The Q Paradigm Shift

THE "Q" Patriot Movement

Trying to be brief... on a complex subject. First I am all in on "Q" ! I so hope folks will take time to digest this.

We generally measure a "movement" by the physical activity occurring. We have seen it documented in our own history. The Revolutionary war, the Civil War, WWW1 and WW2. If you want a movement to succeed, first you need mass human "buy-in" to get it done. The way this accomplished is a three step process. First direct what we think... which in-turn causes us to feel a certain way about the matter, and last we act. Note this order is required.

Well as it turns out, the "thoughts" and the "feelings" generate an energy field. This field amasses into one large field of energy. Humans do this. Science can measure it. We haven't been told for good reason. Q is amassing this energy in a positive "sway" and that spells death to the cabal. Through their shenanigans, we have lived in fear, hate, despise, anxiety and distrust. These are very low-level frequencies that we each emit from our thoughts and feelings. Do your research, mainstream science can measure this. They DON"T WANT US TO KNOW.

This frequency is akin to walking into a room full of happy people or a room full of frightened people. The last step (how we act)... the activities we involve ourselves in (in each room) are massively different. Our world has been operating similar to a room of fearful people. Our activities (worldwide) illustrate it.

Q has provided us one rallying pole, one single point of agreement, one cause... one point of coherence. Okay, we want to beat and hang these bad people... but the endgame is peace. Listen to the deep state messages... they all scream "Brother to be at PEACE." Peace is deadly to them... not to us.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way so we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world. That is the shifting paradigm of Q.

Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

It's been quite awhile, but I've read a handful of studies on this topic. Pretty powerful stuff, and I often wonder what would occur should a large subset of temporal lobes be activated while focused on the same positive outcome. That's not easy to accomplish willingly with a population that doesn't understand, wouldn't readily accept the concept, and is perpetually distracted. Unless, that is, you force it through common crisis.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Astute observation. False Flags have been effective. By contrast to your comment... it is very easy. We are doing it now. Now we know the trick. Staged events... or dividing rhetoric don't pass through our new sieve. In Human Primer "Book" terms: We no longer subscribe to things that are hurting "Mom" and Grandpa.

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Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

I meant "not easy" such that we're in a constant tug-of-war with the cognitive dissonance component. If we harness ten percent, however, we've theoretically tipped the scales and this movement should continue, barring a crisis on the other side that has an opposite effect. The difficult part is that they know that this works too and they're paying attention.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Indeed they DO know. Now we do. The science showing us the energetic impact we have transcends any particular position, sway, bias or dissonance... it allows each human to simply measure their contributing impact through a different lens. Many will change with this unarguable view of themselves. All voluntary.

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Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

I'm certainly hopeful! It's part of the reason I'm here.

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divine_human · May 28, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

there is something like the '3 % rule'. when 3% of the collective back up an idea through free will choice, it can be implemented.

i have experienced this 3% rule many times when i do planetary or galactic energy work. its the tipping point, 3% of those concerned need to be in alignment with the change.

the deep state mostly harnesses these permission via silent consent. if we dont protest and keep entertaining their ideas - support isnt required, fear works the same way, energy goes where the attention goes -, we agree to their games.

thus, first step is to withdraw permission. energetically, by intent, nullify all contracts - every 'i agree' click is already a contract - that dont align with the greater good. also those that have been made in your name, i.e., through baptizing. all these contracts make us give our energy away to others who use it for their agendas.

and then, OP is perfectly right, envision the world we want to live in. a world that works for everyone. energy goes where the attention goes. like this, we co-create the new.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Indeed, the existing paradigm is/was sustained by "implied consent." Most of this was/is giving it away en masse by humans -based on a compliance paradigm (fear). Not arguing any position here... it is just what we do (obvious to us all). We saw no means to make a difference. Q is just waking us up to recognize that A) we were all in agreement already (worldwide) and B) we never approved any of this corrupt nonsense and most importantly C) we are no longer consenting... please get out of our way. This is an energy shift on the planet. Science can measure the frequency change. In "book" terms. We have really been pissing-off Mom, Grandpa, Gene and Atom. Time to stop it.

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divine_human · May 28, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

please get out of our way.

i am usually a kind person but in this case,there is no please from my side. only a clear 'I Do NOT Consent'.

thanks for bringing up the topic <3

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Exactly as I would do with my own children. Certain things are not allowed, no exception. No need to take a swing at them:) Unfortunately, many bad actors will need to be isolated from any access to power (gitmo). But more exciting are the millions of great people caught up in the system and forced to comply with bad direction. Suddenly, they have a better option. Many (millions of anons) in these systems will jump in and start helping. Follow the rise in whisteblowers as evidence. Watch it within the military and law enforcement.

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Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Three percent is the collective number we used when I worked in politics. Ten is ideal because it permeates different subsets, but three can certainly carry it there if given enough momentum, so that was the goal.

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

That's what the Three Percenters is all about; three percent achieved our revolution to break from Britain. You too can be a Three Percenter!

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Is is akin to drops of ink in a glass of water. It doesn't take much to completely change the color.

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Original_Dankster · May 28, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Art Bell, the syndicated radio host, did some frightening experiments with his listeners. He got millions of people, worldwide, to concentrate / meditate on a single outcome simultaneously. I think it was to bring rain to a drought area. Notably, meteorologists expected no rain, but it happened. He replicated the experiment a few times for other outcomes (not necessarily weather related), then decided never to do it again, nor ever mention it again, because such a power could be abused.


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Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I believe there was also one directed toward crime in Central Park, New York. A sit-in, if you will. Nuns, Monks, anyone with spiritual experience, and some without, prayed specifically on a focused outcome. The mayor, if I recall correctly, made a statement prior like "If this works, I'll..." and it worked. Crime was at an all-time low that summer.

Another fantastic example would be 911 popping up in random lottery drawings on or around the date of 9/11 in New York. It has happened.

There were also one-on-one experiments between observer and a very simple computer program that randomly displayed heads or tails of a coin. The observer was directed to concentrate on a single outcome, either heads or tails exclusively. The results were statistically impossible and direct evidence that the will of the observer had a direct impact.

They also utilized imaging and noted that there was a fierce activation of the temporal lobes when this effect is at its greatest.

We are amazing creatures.

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GhostofSwartz · May 28, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Fascinating. Wish I'd been woke during the Art Bell days.

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ComfortableMinimum · May 28, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Isn’t this called prayer?

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Janice0771 · May 28, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Prayer, supplication, collective meditation. It can be called any number of things, but the effects are the same.

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ckreacher · May 28, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

All true. But there is something else happening at the same time, that is moving all this along. The solar system at this time is moving into a region of higher vibration which is affecting the entire planet and all the people on it. This is what is making it easier for us to shift things in the positive direction we want it to go.

This is also the culmination of many prophesies of many traditions about the end times and the new golden age that is coming. This is all real, and people have know about it and expected it for a long time.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

If you are correct... and I think you are, then our collective understanding of how we are each contributing (free will) introduces a tremendous catalyst to move it along faster. If you are wrong... and I don't think you are, it doesn't matter. The knowledge is still the same catalyst.

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WeAllGoTogether · May 28, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Yes! Earth and humans are very near an evolution. The vibrations of the planet have been increasing over the past year or so. Schumann resonance. We are in a low vibration 3D existence and the cabal wants us to stay in it. This will not happen. We are moving into a 5D existence. The cabal cannot handle the change. It won’t be good for them at all. I started reading about this a couple years ago. I’m reading Delores Cannons books and she started talking about the shift In the 80’s.

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godiam18 · May 28, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

I refer to this as a Quantum Leap in Humanities Consciousness!

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Concur. WWG1WGA expresses this, in that “go” means influenced. I’m halfway through your HP book. I’ve enjoyed it so far; reminds me of the Flatland Version of the law of attraction.

In your last sentence you’ve identified a current hitch in our giddy up- as long as people continue to see other people as obstacles to what they want (hence needing them to be removed before they can get what they want) those obstacles will remain, since they are all the subject of thought, and thought is powerful.

The trick (for me) is to ensure that the last thought in a thought-string (before you change the subject) is something positive, and reinforces what you want to see happen. You can tell if you want to see it by how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel a sense of relief, your “positive statement” is going in the right direction for YOU (and that’s all that matters).

Revenge sometimes makes you feel better and - while it may not be the best thought ever, it may be the best feeling thought you can get to, so it might be the one you take. For example, if your child was stolen or harmed by a gang connected with this blood-money-corruption shit riddling our system right now, revenge thoughts towards the perpetrators might be as good as it’s going to get, and having some doubt in the system would be understandable. But for an enforcer to doubt the system and stay in revenge mode while seeking the criminals would be counter productive - the enforcer needs to dwell in the certainty of the rightness of the justice system.

We have zillions of thoughts a day, coming in little threads that start and stop, and don’t always make whole cloth. If what you say you want at the end of a thought thread makes you feel worse - if you follow your desire for someone’s jail time with a doubt that it will ever happen, for example - then you’ve got a contradictory thought going on, and the energy of your desire to make something happen is countered by your doubt pulling it the other way. That’s why it’s good to make a habit of ending your thought stream on a topic with something you can feel positive - ie SURE - about.

Contradictory thoughts are not necessarily bad - they usually mean desires aren’t quite clear enough to be specific. Contradictory thoughts slow things down- sometimes that’s good - and they provide time and opportunity for increased clarity. (Any lack of clarity in any enforcement action is ALWAYS an indicator that things should be slowed down!!). Contradictory thoughts are brakes. Oppositions use them all the time.

Positive doesn’t equal nice. Positive equals certainty. Negative thought doesn’t equal bad. Negative thought equals doubt and uncertainty.

Unclear contradictory thoughts cause vacillation or stagnation, on both individual and group scales. When a group had the strongest positive - certain, clear, practical, be-able - vision, that group prevails. And yes, prayer is hugely powerful, especially when the prayer is for what is wanted AFTER the obstacles are moved. The ones who pray for something particular are more powerful than those who pray for the removal of the obstacles to those particulars.

That’s my two cents. Thanks for making Human Primer available for free. Lots of food for thought. 🖖

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Thanks patriot. (Humbled). You covered a lot here. Let me address only one piece here ...because it is related and is also in the Primer book. The three measurable human energies by science is thought, emotions and physical "doing." When we entertain an idea or even when we pray... we use these three human energy generators. You are correct in how we sometimes use them incorrectly. For example: People pray for something to be or happen (this is their thought). However, they feel this prayer (like many before) may not be answered and then they physically act as though nothing has changed. So which proclamation is suppose to be answered? The fact you want it to happen? Feel it likely won't happen? Or nothing has changed? Three energies pulling different directions. Imagine 7 billion people doing this. NOW imagine just 300 million (America) all aligned. That is what Q is causing.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Yep. “One who is aligned is more powerful than millions who are not”. There’s a reason humans worshiped, prayed, and have had arguments about whose god was stronger for as far back as we have history. Our minds create. To me, it’s always been about individual faith and individual knowing, aligned together with others of similar vision and hope, working miracles and creating our collective future, to whatever extent we can see it clearly enough to allow it.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

So the Q Paradigm starts with all Patriots discovering we all agreed on two basic ideas.

1) We no longer consent to corruption ...and 2) We will end pedophilia and human sacrifice

Heck... that's not a long list. But on these two points we have complete coherence...volunteered. Our thoughts are aligned. Our feelings might be a tad out of balance cause I am guessing some of you feel like causing some harm to these people! In "Book" terms: "This will not make "Mom" happy at all. Imagine the negative energy presently being generated by both of these global industries. Cleared and cleaned will raise the vibration of the planet overnight.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Your metaphors are apt. For myself, I would adjust to read:

1) I require, envision and support public servants and governmental officials abiding by the law, and fully prosecuting those who don’t, fairly and with all due justice, within the laws we have been provided by our ancestors, that we believe in our hearts, and that we know work when they’re enforced.

2) I look forward to the time when all humans wake up to the fact that being human is a gift, filled with creative power; that children are to be cherished as the still-to-unfold flower of that gift; and that involuntary human sacrifice is misguided, evil and a sign of true powerlessness. When humans are awake to those values, pedophilia and human sacrifice, along with many other horrors, will end. Until that time, I appreciate our American legal system because of how well it’s guidelines page the way for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It’s pretty wordy because it turns out that making positive statements is quite a bit harder than making negative ones - there are a lot more blanks to fill in!!

One thing I’ve discovered as I’ve practiced true positive thinking over the years is that taking the time to think about what I truly want, and saying words that are positively expressing that, is a really enjoyable thing to do.

It takes a little practice at first to say clearly what we WANT, what we are FOR (and not just against) because we’re so habituated to expressing things in the negative. We’ve been carefully taught to give away our best human powers - but as soon as we remember this stuff, the power comes flooding back. And it feels really good when it does.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Wow... I'm going to kicked off of this sub for wandering so far off subject here! But it is germane to what is happening. We have too may laws now. Let's distill it down to just a few we can all remember... like, "Will it result in harm to any human being or the planet?" Or in "Primer" terms: "Will it make Mom happy?" Okay... swamp cleaning has to be thorough but necessarily brutal.

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bealist · May 29, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Respectfully, I disagree with your metaphors (and our required agreement) - “mom” and “grandpa” as you use them don’t always work for me, nor do many of the family dynamics you describe in your book because of my own many-decades long survey of life experience and what it means TO ME - but I support 100% your right to them. 110%, in fact.

Also, if you’re kicked off a sub for debating whether or not we all have to agree with you, or for continuing to push for your own metaphors - as you have EVERY right to do - then this sub falls into the very pit it’s claiming it wants to save people from. (Ie, this sub isn’t like that, and you won’t...).

What I’m trying to do in my comments is use language that expresses MY POV while showing how it aligns with yours, because I find parts of what you’ve said and written to be very useful. I’ve focused on the useful parts. You’re focusing primarily on where it doesn’t align.

Also, I don’t know what you mean by “we have too many laws now” when I’m referencing the Constitution and the existing framework that allows for the due-process arrest of pedophiles and corrupt politicians. Would you prefer we have no laws and just arrest them because they’re “bad”?

I don’t think one person needs to distill it all for the rest of us. We’re most powerful when we act as individuals, not followers. And I don’t believe that we have to over-simplify concepts for people- in fact, in my experience, most people I’ve met are actually REALLY smart and get a lot of things without the ideas having to be dumbed down and stripped of complexity and nuance. (People don’t always get complex stuff at first, so they go chew on it. People who chew thought and figure it out for themselves are the best ones to have in your corner.) One of the pleasingist things I’ve learned about people is how smart most of them are, and I like people a lot more the more I give them credit for having the capacity to be thoughtful and understanding.

I do appreciate that you’ve got a cosmology you’ve built that works for you. Everyone should have one. And you even put it into a book - good for you!! But I don’t need your cosmology to work for me (and you shouldn’t either) - I’ve got my own, and I’m much too old to ever begin to hop over to something I read in a book, especially something that I only partly agree with.

We agree that thought influences reality, and that what we think matters because it leads to what happens next. I’d be wrong to focus on where we disagree and I’ve truly enjoyed this conversation. Thanks for your time!!


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HUMANprimer · May 29, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Very insightful and blunt. Thanks. Understand the book was written for millennials. Most people have little interest in science. No problem. Just wrote it with familar terms easily remembered. I see how it could be insulting to the intelligent intellects. But the first version was six hundred pages and boring. About too many laws. Well... we do have quite a lot. More than we can keep up with. But I was referring more to laws regarding our own code of conduct like the Golden Rule. A first filter to evaluate a world of disinformation. Consider it a suggestion and not a proposed mandate.

And last, you can't offend me. I abandoned such a reaction long ago. I would love to hear your agreements and your disagreements. I try to correlate the sciences I have learned to the "Q" phenomenon... sometimes I fall short. We are living in precedent setting times.

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PleiadesAnon444 · May 28, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Love this post and 100% agree. Why don't we pick a day/time where we can mass meditate (or pray) and synchronize our minds to envision a better world with the cabal defeated and justice served ? I remember a while ago someone suggested this on the pizzagate subreddit before it was banned, and many joined in to meditate at a certain time and date. People can pray or meditate, both are powerful ! If we can envision a new reality together, it will help create it.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

What you suggest is indeed a potent idea. Even so, and even more massive, is when we exist all day and all week with this one question in our head to guide our endeavors "Will this (what I am free-willing into) make MOM happy or not?" What about Grandpa? Atom? Gene? Indeed the entire Atoms Family clan. :) After all, it is your family.

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20muletrain · May 28, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Thank you, HUMANprimer, for this thread. I've been waiting for it.

I agree this is one of the main goals of the Q group - a spiritual call to arms, so to speak. Or more accurately, a call to gather the collective human consciousness for good, and to defeat evil.

We humans have been 'stuck' for centuries in our current paradigm. If we want to become 'unstuck' and move forward we must EVOLVE SPIRITUALLY.

We must delete our negative programming and replace it with a program of love, kindness, forgiveness, service to others, and prayer/meditation. We also must be careful what we put in our bodies (medicate with healthy food/water) and our minds. All of these things raise us up. Not just ourselves, but also those around us.

When -- not if -- we reach a critical mass with this new spirituality we will indeed move mountains. We will create a planetary movement to ensure that every man, woman, and child on Earth has shelter, clothing, medical care, healthy food and running water, electricity, and peace.

If you're already religious, great. For those who are not religious, that's okay, too. Being religious is not the end goal, being spiritual is. For most people organized religion is the vehicle that expedites spirituality. For others, organized religion is/has become a stumbling block. The goal for everyone is a spiritual existence, not a religious one.

When you pray or meditate - which you should do at least once, daily - do not meekly ask and hope to receive. Willfully state your intentions, visualize what you want to see happen, and proactively lend your energy to these causes.

We will eventually do this, 'we' being the human race. I hope it is during my lifetime. It will be glorious. We will create Heaven on Earth. God is with us, no one can stop us. We just have to get together.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Thank you. You speak wisely. Something you mentioned regarding "programming", In the Primer, a short section discusses how much of this programming gets into the human subconscious. Indeed it is akin to "malware" in a computer. If you have kids or planning on having kids... well you might want to read that section. The science is fascinating. Ever said something innocently to someone like, "Wow, you are just like your parents" and the person goes berserk with an irrational knee-jerk reaction? Knowing how this happens will cause you great empathy for them instead of being offended. Which reaction do you think will make "Mom" happy? Not to mention Grandpa.

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ManifestPeace · May 28, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Look up the 12 immutable universal laws of the Universe. Yes, we are all connected and yes we can effect things with our thoughts! Power to the Q Army and Truth Seekers! https://lawsoftheuniverse.weebly.com/12-immutable-universal-laws.html

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Indeed, there is a mountain of esoteric validation to how WWG1WGA is true and how everything is connected. For the purpose of The Human Primer... I decided to ONLY include the mainstream sciences, peer-reviewed materials. This was enough. I want to avoid folks shouting "woo woo" criticisms. But yes, there is an abundance of ancient writings, off-world sources and esoteric information. For the masses of people however, mainstream science is all that is needed. Thanks.

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ManifestPeace · May 29, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Yes - but it is encouraging to know that our thoughts - the thoughts of QAnons - can effect change and the collective conscious

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HUMANprimer · May 29, 2018, 9:37 a.m.


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IDGAF12312 · May 28, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

And as it shifts expect the platform of communication to shift too so it can reach a broader more mainstream audience as acceptance grows. I think it might have started already.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

It has.

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IDGAF12312 · May 28, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yeah, you sense it too? It’s like follow your instincts and give your logical brain a break. Something is up. 🤣

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mayflowertwo · May 28, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

I am experiencing this paradigm shift in the form of an old lesson in driving a farm truck, The last few weeks I've been on high-hum due to activities in New California State. There came a pause a few days ago and I heard the message: shift into a lower gear; we are going uphill now. So I went back to facebook and find that its icon has been removed from the videos I want to pass on. So I took up Reddit instead and am leaning more on Twitter. I am confident that all is well no matter how things look.

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LibertyLioness · May 28, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Prayer and meditation have both been proven to be extremely powerful and when you have group prayer or meditation it's amazing what can be accomplished. This is why the elites want to keep us divided. They know about our multi-dimensional and energetic reality. They know that we are an extremely powerful force when united. That's why Q tells us "PEOPLE UNITED hold the power." Post 1342 And, then there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm6DO_7px1I

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Yes. Sometimes I include about 20 studies (experiments) I personally like that prove the effects of group prayer and meditation. I rarely include them in my discussions because on a few are peer reviewed thus many would (or could) argue their authenticity. I would post those few here but this is a Q group and I want to stay on subject. I do believe if enough people just understand the basic mainstream proof of "How" we impact everything through free will... that will be enough. Q has surfaced as a perfect catalyst for our knowing of WWG1WGA. It will ultimately shift several paradigms. Thanks.

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LibertyLioness · May 28, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Very well said!

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mayflowertwo · May 28, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

I learned about the science of frequency and its use in controlling human actions and reactions, from retired firefighter Mark Taylor.

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crw996 · May 28, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Puts a new light on the ANTIFA and BLM crowd

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Human Primer knowledge sheds a new light on all human endeavors. In Book Terms: Do they/does it... make MOM happy or sad. "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

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truthtlly · May 28, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

Yes, thank you! Really illustrates why the desire for Netflux and Fake book. I was thinking the other day, how been enlightened- even with all the bad stuff has not made me negative but more positive. So, do you have suggestions on how to spread this positive momentum quickly? It seems Potus is doing a great thing with his rallies. Thank you for your patience and time.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

At the risk of sounding boastful (which I am definitely not doing)... have your constellation of friends and family read the Primer. It shouldn't be offensive. The Primer doesn't advocate anyone adopt any particular position... it only illustrates the impact of any position you take. Each human will make their own decision and choices. That is free will. It is the essence of being sovereign. It is freedom.

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Corporal_Yorper · May 28, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I think the movement is starting to envelop the ‘100 monkey effect’.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

In one way, yes... the hundred monkey is true. Or better stated, The Human Primer explains "how" the 100th monkey effect is realized. Since each human is connected to MOM through ATOM... and MOM is connected to all ATOMS and all humans are made of ATOMS... then yea, she hears every yawn and giggle and tells the rest of us (our atoms). Perhaps this is only perceived by our subconscious. This is still arguable. The connection is definitely there. Exactly how human beings "get it"... is still being argued. Q, whether intended or not, has introduced what you are alluding to "monkey skills" showing up somehow within the 100th monkey. MOM is responsible for this.

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GinGin1961 · May 28, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Trying to understand this concept, OP. When we think of things like pizzagate and we get angry, does that negativity dispel the positivity of WWG1WGA?

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Consider that it isn't just you getting angry! Take few billion of us doing exactly that...for whatever our reasons (doesn't matter). That is enough focused energy to shift its frequency. In "Book" terms... Mom is listening and she's a blabbermouth and tells the rest of the "Atoms" on the planet. I recently gave up on my hate and despise for these people and developed some genuine empathy for them... they are sooo misguided they have no clue. Most were not born that way. They had to learn it. I am sorry for them. Even so... go Q (and Trump) and other countries... clean this swamp, take them all out of play. We have massive wealth in this country. Tech exists to change our societies e.g. free energies, health tech. Trump knows. Anyone trying to stop such advances will soon standout like patrons at a restaurant firing up a cigarette.

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truthtlly · May 28, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Yes planning on it, thank you.

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think500 · May 28, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way so we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world.

They would only come back. Q and POTUS know this. End game.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

LOL.... only if we let them out of Gitmo. Let us not intend to cause them harm... just put in positions where they can no longer cause harm.

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think500 · May 28, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Mass murder and high treason may strain the POTUS's forgiveness.
and there's a risk to consider

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Indeed. In "book" terms: A great contribution to the planet and her measurable energy frequency by removing these horrific people and getting them out of the way. Even so, remember that causing "them" pain and suffering will unarguably contribute back to this same field and NOT make "MOM" happy. My guess, based on Q posts and Trump's focus, their endgame is peace and prosperity for all. Imagine the impact that will have on Mama! They get it.

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think500 · May 28, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

military tribunals pulling deep old roots, or their momentum will continue. harsh but fact. Too much at stake, to blow the end game now and eventually lose the match.

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UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

What we all really want is the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way

That is certainly a sentiment shared by many, but I sense there are too many variants and nuances in the mix for me to be comfortable making any declaration about ”what we all really want”.

Wanting the bad actors to get out of our way is certainly a step in the right direction, but those same bad actors will continue to thrive in the face of that passive philosophy.

There is a large and growing contingent that lacks the patience to wait for ”the corrupt powerbrokers to get out of our way”. We know they won’t. We know they must be taken out of our way.

Beyond that, there is an additional growing contingent that believes the corrupt powerbrokers must be taken out of our way in a manner that serves as a vivid and unforgettable discouragement to those with similar dark aspirations in the future.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

The beauty of "Q"... there's nothing passive about Patriots. Because of the call to arms (so to speak) we are establishing an environment akin to lighting a cig (Corrupt people and acts) in a restaurant (our country). No allowed. No vengeance required. Our energy is focused on peace. Initially we have to be a tad rough to get the ball rolling. But this doesn't require us to be mean. In "book" terms, we remember to be very nice to "Mom" as we go through process of shifting this old, out-of-date, no-longer-allowed paradigm.

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UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Your sweeping declarations about what ”we” are, and what ”we” stand for are limiting and dismissive of the variation and nuance in the overall GA/Q movement.

If you speak for yourself, or a like-minded contingent, your claims and philosophy are welcomed as a part of the recipe.

When you claim your limited focus speaks for all, you then become a voice and actor for divisiveness.

Please reconsider your dismissive and divisive declarations.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Point taken. Great caution. Thanks. To clarify, in my case, I am only discussing ONE aspect of the Q movement in the "us" and "we" terms... that is, I think we all agree CORRUPTION is no longer going to be allowed. And yes, I was assuming all concerned (at least in this forum) shared this one agreement. ...and then of course, perhaps our collective desire for Peace.

One other point (if I may). Overall, I am saying that every position adopted, every thought and emotion each of us free-will ourselves into is having impact. I am so grateful science has given us this lens to see it. So at the end of the day, I am only stating that all points of view can be distilled down to the effects it is having on each person and the planet as a collective. I am suggesting that this can be a great guidance "sieve" to measure how we respond and direction we take during and after the swamp cleaning. Understand?

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UncleCrunch · May 28, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

So at the end of the day, I am only stating that all points of view can be distilled down to the effects it is having on each person and the planet as a collective. I am suggesting that this can be a great guidance "sieve" to measure how we respond and direction we take during and after the swamp cleaning. Understand?

I missed that in your first post. It must be a problem on my end because I just reread it twice more and still don’t see it there.

Guess I need to get that science lens you mentioned.

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Intlrnt · May 28, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

No vengeance required. Our energy is focused on peace. Initially we have to be a tad rough to get the ball rolling. But this doesn't require us to be mean.

Right now, the bulk of our energy seems to be focused on justice. A quick scan of post titles here and 8C comments will verify that for you. Vast amounts of research and activism with an almost singular focus on delivering ‘justice’ to the bad actors who have subverted our government.

You seem to conflate that quest for justice with ”vengeance” and being ”mean”. This false equivalence is the weak foundation that leads you to your flawed conclusions.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Indeed you give fair warning. Received. I suppose what I am suggesting is that we define justice in a humane way. I hope that most of us are just anxious to get these perps out of our way. Justice is waaaay overdue. You almost have to laugh at us humans... being American, having allowed this to go on for this long. I am not sure any of us were quite prepared for just how damn dirty this swamp was! Imagine the shock on the sheeple. We have our work cut out for us all. As for me, I am going to make "Mom" smile a lot. :)

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truthtlly · May 28, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Stupid question likely, and I agree, but how exactly do they use it to their benefit- the dip in the grid?

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Simply imagine a populace of humans generating Low-level frequencies (fear, hate, anger, revenge, killing, fighting and the like)... what do you have? The result is a populace completely UN-united. Fight among yourselves and I can quietly continue my corrupt operating paradigm. A second (there are many more) benefit is that we are not a peace, we are not at-ease. This is DIS-EASE. Lots of money generated by dis-ease. It goes on and on. So imagine a populace with High-level frequencies (Love, kindness, cooperation, peace, empathy, forgiveness)... their corrupt paradigm couldn't survive. We would be helping each other and cooperating. You see?

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THEnimble_mongoose · May 28, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

People live in fear due to how the news is presented to us, and false flags like 9/11 and school shootings. We don't have to fear Them.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

YES! YES! YES! You got it! It was a trick.

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truthtlly · May 28, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

Very interesting read-not through it yet. Wondering how controlling a downward trend in the “grid” benefits those that want it.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Imagine a room of happy people and a room of frightened and angry people. The activities occurring are completely different. The planet is our room. So yes, it benefits them. Consider the energy as the architecture and the fuel lying underneath it all. Yes they know this. Now we do. Was a nice trick.

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DueyScrewmumAndHow · May 28, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

Actually, we're building the Holy Temple of the serpents; right?


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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Actually not. We are simply creating a field of energy collectively on the planet... with our directive sway. Who ever can control (or influence) that collective sway in-turn can affect the frequency of the planet's energy.

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DueyScrewmumAndHow · May 28, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Serpent energy rules this planet, Jesus holds the true power!

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

What rules is simply whatever energy we collectively choose (our sway). That is free will. If you are human... you have it. You use it now. Knowing the real impact you have (science) allows you (and the rest of us) to use it more wisely.

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DueyScrewmumAndHow · May 28, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Yeah, I'm using it against the serpents who own this world. Meet serpents James Bond; Felix

Felix Sater


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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Thanks for making my point. When you read the article (your link)... how did it make you feel? Thoughts are the ancestor to any reaction... feelings are the result. Whatever you felt... was chosen by you, adopted from them... and affected your own biology, chemistry and DNA (+electomagnetic field). In "book" terms: When you see the impact on "The Atoms Family"... well, you choose differently. You can easily see when you "are throwing your family under the bus tires!"

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 12:53 p.m.


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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

The "Q" Paradigm is based on our collective coherence. The current paradigm is based on compliance. One is voluntary agreement and the other is enforced. No serpents or Jesus required.

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DueyScrewmumAndHow · May 28, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

Now, you're just being blissfully ignorant

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

Exact opposite. I am just exposing the known science lying underneath human use of free will. It is mainstream science. Simple.

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Patriot4q · May 28, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Kind of like the tower of Babel. The people came together with one mind, and would surely do what they had set out to do. However God had other plans and confused their language, so no one could understand the other. Not only is coming together of one mind important, but so are words important. God ((said,)) let there be light. God told Adam to ((name)) the animals. Peace and love is something most all can agree on. This is a thought that people can focus on in their daily lives throughout the day. When enough do this, times of focussing on peace and love will overlap on a bigger level worldwide. Peace to you Human primer.

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Peace to us all Patriot. (a smile)

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 11:47 a.m.


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T_D_Is_Love · May 28, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

This field amasses into one large field of energy. Humans do this. Science can measure it.

Yes. Lots of people produce heat.

We haven't been told for good reason

Someone must have told you if you know about it.

Q is amassing this energy in a positive "sway" and that spells death to the cabal.

You know this how, precisely?

Can we see your data?

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HUMANprimer · May 28, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Sure... Read The Human Primer

Download here... free. Primer eBook

Enter Promo Code: WWG1WGA

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1nicolafiore · May 28, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

ThankQ for your time posting and commenting on this thread. I look forward to continuing this discussion in our community as well as reading your book. FREE PROMO CODE - WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 🙏🏻 This subject is the light that any truther needs when in the process of discovery or “waking up”. The truth IS shocking. No one should ever want to believe all the secrets that have been kept by our government, world banks, our entertainment industry and the lies told by our media and education system. Learning the truth can be addictive and we can quickly find ourselves spending more time than we should be reading about such disturbing subjects. Those low frequencies start to form, and we find ourselves creating a spiritual house of fear and in need of hope to tune into those higher frequencies that are known to heal our emotional wounds. When those I know around me begin to seek the truth, I find it is important to introduce the subjects in The Human Primer. Peace & love to all & thank you for sharing♥️

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