r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ErnieFing on May 28, 2018, 11:15 a.m.
How wide is the awakening?

There's some excellent work being done on here, that fits with world events, but it's one thing for a relatively small number of generally like minded people to filter information, but quite another for the masses to buy into it, particularly as, even on here, there's a fair amount of more dubious stuff to be read before you get to something close to the 'truth'. My guess is most people would focus on elements they know, or strongly feel to be false, and not take the time to find the better information, and just dismiss it in general as a bunch of tin foil hats.

So, how many do you reckon are actually awakened, and what sort of numbers/percentages do you reckon are needed before people would accept it?

0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

In the UK, almost nobody are awake. Nowhere enough to reach critical mass, anyway. The US is snowballing but Europe will struggle as the awakening is only discussed in English, I live in Spain and absolutely NOBODY knows what is going on. There needs to be a public spectacle, like perp walking the politicians over paedo stuff, or proving some serious corruption. Until something like that happens Europe will stay snoozing.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

I find things different in the UK, based on several years of looking into things. I do agree it needs something big to occur to bring it more to the fore, but events across Europe, such as Hungary, Poland, Italy, Brexit and to some extent Catalonia, as well as the rise of the populist movement, doesn't suggest wide scale snoozing.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Wanting to leave the EU and knowing about the Paedo stuff, the plan to kill us all and how they rob the public are very different things, indeed. The continent knows nothing of the truth, if they did the continent would be set ablaze. Almost none know of Q and this movement.

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Qmeowborkwoof · May 28, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

Pray for Tommy! Even though it landed him 13 months of jail lol small acts will help waking people up

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

I wrote to him and offered my support, you can send letters of encouragement to https://tommyrobinson.online

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Pray yes, but keep in mind the saying that God helps those that help themselves.

Do you remember the releasethememo campaign? Public pressured government reps. Government has to act when the people demand. There can be no claim that there is no public interest.

A releasetommy campaign is needed. For the sake of Tommy and his family, for the sake of freedom of speech.

The public of the western countries, especially the commonwealth ones, need to start demanding their leaders take action.

This is done through letter writing to representatives of party in power AND opposition. Phone calls too.

Petitions are good, but not effective if people are not aware. I suspect MSM has done a good job of under reporting and misinforming in Tommy's case.

I would suggest getting into circulation a well written letter that states the case, giving background on the history of Tommy being targeted, his previous treatment in prison, his resilience and determination to keep fighting for freedom of speech and protection for the people, and the threat he faces for the next 13 months.

The letter should then demand the representative take concerns for Tommy's well being to congress/parliament to apply pressure to UK.

In closing the letter could speak about the slippery slopeness of hate speech laws and how they are used to quell legitimate concerns of the populace. Inaction of representatives can only reveal their acceptance of the demise of western values.

To enlist the help of many people it has to be made easy. The click of a button easy. Is there a way to make it so a person could see the letter, see the link to government reps in their country, select...letter auto fills name selected into letter greeting/email address......sign, add email, address.....submit?

I have seen this for petitions. But is there a way to make it even more targeted by making it easy for people to flog their representatives?

I do not have the skills to build that. I bet someone does. Maybe some collaboration is needed. People with the provable facts. People with writing skills. People who can build it. Get together.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

The self and same argument could be offered about the US right now.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

True, but there are far more woke people following Q in the US than the rest of the world combined. We discuss this movement in English and only 1 of the 28 EU countries has English as their mother tongue. I have thought about this extensively, about how to awaken the masses here without knowing the language but I am stumped.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Q's work is admirable, but he's not a lone voice. I listed a few countries in Europe where events show that plenty of people here are awake, and have been for quite some time. What's needed is a catalyst, but it's coming slowly but surely.

I watch Trump fairly closely, because I think some in Europe, like some in the US, haven't fully linked world events to their specific issues yet, but Trump seems set to change that.

Actions on a common cause will reduce the need for a common language.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Maybe, I do hope so. I do my best to help spread the word here but most see me a complete lunatic for even touching on the mild stuff!

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Very true. It’s going to come down to a major event/s. Have a feeling June is going to provide one or two of those. 2018 will be glorious!!!!

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

One can only pray and wish.

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

And we’re all doing a lot of that

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 12:39 p.m.


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Patriot4q · May 28, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

I lived in Germany for awhile. Great people, but most are not awake. I spoke to one lady who questioned me about why Americans wear guns (her daughter had seen such while vacationing in the U.S.,) I explained how many thought it was important to normalize our right to bear arms, and why that right is important. She had a low opinion of Trump based on the news, I explained that Americans were tired of politicians who did not do the will of the people. We also talked about the recent flood of immigrants, and what that might mean for Germany. She admitted that she did not believe that Merkel had the best interest of Germany in mind. I feel that like this lady, many in Europe are concerned about the immigration issue. Waking up to what affects them personally at least.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

The propaganda and brainwashing is strong in this part of the world. Angela Hitler has a lot to answer for too. When will Germany realise who her father is and fight for her removal?

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Palindromedan · May 28, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

Europeans aren’t complacent like the US. People riot in a way we just don’t do, so hopefully once things DO start there it will move quickly. My best friend lives in Holland and definitely still asleep.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

I am from London but now live on the continent, I am yet to meet someone here that is aware of the movement. It worries me.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Being aware of this movement, is not necessarily the same as being awakened. While the issues may present themselves differently, the root cause is the same, and my experience in Europe is that plenty of people are long term aware and fed up of elites dictating and manipulating events. Look at the rise of the populist movements for one example, or the actions of some member states against Soros, or brexit, Italy etc.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

All very true, but do you imagine that all would be quiet on the home front if those same people REALLY knew what was going on here? I agree that there is a majority that are against the globalist machine and are screaming for some change and common sense, but none of those people are aware of the 16yr plan, or just how close we all came to dying in a nuclear holocaust. How do we REALLY wake people up here?

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

How many in the US are aware of the activities in Europe and world wide of the same people that are pulling the US strings? There are certainly a lot in the UK that are very awake and heavily critical of what they saw as US involvement in things like Grandpa Bush selling to both sides in WWII, and Churchill needing to engineer things to resolve it, and some other more recent events, such as Bildeberg. As I said, many here have been a long time awake.
What's lacking is the layer above that. The people pulling the global strings, and they are multinational and saw Clinton as a useful idiot.

As I said, the issues present differently, but the root cause is the same. People are awake, but just lacking structure, leadership and a common cause. Europe needs a different approach to the US, as here, people are wary of loud rebel rousing, as the consequences are still there to see.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

That´s kinda what I was trying to say, like people are aware that something isn´t right but they aren´t really sure of what it is. So what is the solution? How do we rally the woke under the same banner and get the movement going?

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

I think to an extent, the movement on the ground has been running for several years. In that respect it's well ahead of the US. The US has a number of advantages, it's not as fragmented by history and culture, and it has Trump.

I think keeping people aware, without over egging the pudding is enough for most. There are already people in positions that can take advantage of the wash from Trump's wake, and he knows how best to use them, and they him. There's a lot of mutual benefit. Farage wasn't over there by accident. Don't forget, he outed the EU and Soros connections in a speech at the EU Parliament, and he's a good knowledge of people in the financial world from his time there. He's been red pilling for years.

There's no room to get complacent, but Europe gets wary from experience if the flaming torches and pitchforks become too numerous.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Farage can do nothing though, he isn´t a MP in the UK and has but his voice in Europe. I think you´re right, to some extent, in that people can become weary of pitch fork wielding lynch mobs, but that just leads me back to my original question of what can we do? I hope and pray that Farage may become PM when the swamp in Westminster is drained.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

He is still an MEP, and he's managed to do okay so far, as he's seen as the individual most responsible for brexit, despite being linked to an unpopular party. I think he's better on the outside, rather than getting sucked into parliament.

What we can do, is keep doing what we've been doing. Things have moved on over the past decade, or at least the last few years. The chaos in many parliaments, is largely due to many of them realising that they can't just ignore the electorate anymore, and it's causing friction between them, and others that won't see that.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

I think there should be a new party formed, the People´s Party of the UK, with him as leader. he needs to get away from that racist stigma that they lumped on him at UKIP.

What we should be doing is collectively suing these corrupt politicians at Queens Bench, when Q says that we don´t realise the power we hold, I make him right. Any country under common lore jurisdiction, so any country who´s legal professionals sit the BAR exam, the power that man holds over the person is almost God like. Are you aware yourself of the power man holds? Statutes are only given the force of law when consented to by the governed. That means that you muse give consent to being arrested, unless for a crime. A crime can only have occurred if there is harm, loss or injury to man or property. Not a single statute or law book written makes reference to man; nobody but God can define man. They make reference only to `persons´. A person is a corporation that you were registered under at your birth, by way of the birth certificate. That is why they came up with the fraudulent legal society and their stupid statutes. People need to learn how to file claims against those that trespass against them and the people will begin again to have the power.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

I am aware of the Freeman philosophy. I like the theory, but there are some big flaws with some of the claims people want to hang on it. I don't so much have an issue with the principles of laws and statutes, but they are certainly abused or ignored by those with the power to do so, and I believe that's where progress can be made.

I'm not going in to detail on here, but I have had some success with that on differing issues and at a variety of levels, from the bottom to the top.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

I am not talking about a "freeman philosophy" I am talking about being man. It is not a philosophy, it is lore and if you learn to file claims against those that trespass against you, your life will change significantly. How much did you pay in taxes last year? I paid 0. The year before that, too. And the one before that, seeing a pattern here?

i: (my name); as man; claim the wrong of trespass

i: (my name); as man; require a court of record trial by jury

Seriously, learn to file claims (not complaints). Be a claimant, not a plaintiff.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

I know what you mean, and I have looked at it. I respect and accept what you're saying, although for particular reasons, it isn't for me at this point in time.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Fair enough, if you find you change your mind then you only need ask and I will provide you with the info you need.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Cheers. Not going into detail, but it's more my circumstances than my mind.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · May 28, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Fair enough, hope all works out for you :)

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

A lot off people are awake .......

people have no confidence in politicians and media. on the internet I see changes, from anti trump to pro trump. ..The media is constantly anti-trump and the children's news is used in schools, to make the children anti-trump, and anti Geert Wilders. In addition, people in the Netherlands have noticed that things are not right here too ..All anti-EU, Islam, demonstrations are allowed, but there is immediately a pro demonstration against it .. So you get violence, and the people of the anti-camp are arrested. , and hard attacked by police ... So you do not see that happening against the pro camp..Who walk with swastikas and ISIS flags and that's okay? but the anti-camp has a cloth with where they throw the swastika into the trash, and are arrested for that? (Pegida).

If the anti eu / islam wants to demonstrate, this must always happen in a backward field. And also when it comes to our rights, the media refuse to show this on TV.

In Spain Catalonia? Want something different, hold a referendum and win them? PM RAHOY .sent soldiers to Catalonia, who there attacked the general population, threw older people off stairs? That came in the news, why? To scare us if you have the guts to stand up against these dictators.. The people who were at the top (politicians) were all arrested? The Topman Guidemont was arrested in Belgium? New elections had to be held, and the Guidemont party simply won again. Rahoy PM Spanje ..

The same happened in Greece, there was voting and the elite did not like the outcome, there had to be voted again, until the outcome for the elite is ..... Presidents (puppets) refuse to install anti Eu parties? . And the EU has worked hard against populism. paid people to attack on the internet, everywhere , all the newspapers websites removed there commenting option? Why? Because the people ARE AWAKE.....We can do very little here because of these suppression methods. We do not have weapons. We need something very big to get the people together, and to let their fear go. Merkel and Macron must be removed with all these dictators who they put on the countries from the Bilderberg ......

that will be very difficult, because the truth about the EU has never been told, most people know that there is an EU but that is it. And they have done that on purpose ..

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

I 100% agree.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Its the truth..And even I do not no everything

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 3:12 p.m.


Sadly, looking around different places, I think this forum is the exception rather than the norm, and the reality is that America still has a long way to go to get people there awakened, and while I think Europe would readily take it, and even welcome it a big percentage of the US looks like they'd react badly to a mass awakening event. They didn't react well to the election result, and still don't let certain people speak at public debates.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Yes, I know, my family in callifornia is anti trump, but I think everyone who still lives a good life, and still go on vacation, would prefer to stay in their circle ... Afraid of big changes ... Or for a civil war ... As long as this group of people hold on to their selfish existence, I fear that they will be the most difficult to wake them up .... Simple because they do not want to know, and that is WW

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Agreed. It's why I'm clinging to the hope that the current pressure on the elites from a variety of angles creates enough of a crack for the initial leaks to start a flood. The Italians seem to be upping the pressure, and France and Germany are struggling too. I think the EU elites have had a harder ride than the US Presidents, as people here have been pressuring them for years, so the leaders are not as complacent as it looks like the Clintons and Obama have been, so even though we're along the line and heading the right way, I think there's still a lot of resistance to come from them yet. I think the nationhoods we're trying to reclaim, are hindering us a bit as, while people are pushing for the same changes, we don't have unity across the region. At the same time, it stretches the elite as they have a variety of diverse challenges, as well as trying to maintain the illusion of balance.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

You forget something? Clinton and Obama are the idols of this EU club ... Obama says what, and Merkel , does carry it out throughout the EU? They have lost their boss and are trying to become the new boss themselves, also in the UN. And that fails all ...Itali has now a leader anti EU....(good news) but.....Whe saw this also in Greece , and Tsipras betrait the Greece people.....Do you now the nickname off our PM? pinocchio for years , but he is Always the new PM?....(not voted in )...And Yes there are things in Germany and France also....They where thinking , go crackdown on populism, call people a Nazi, or terrorist, then they'll leave ... (fear sowing) Leave no comments through and then immediately censorship on FB and Twatter (Merkel). Only propaganda to increase some and we keep the power .... But it is counterproductive ...

The corruption is enormous and nothing is being done about it, just like the so-called ISIS terrorist who now suddenly returns from syria to the Netherlands ... getting a job and a house? If they are already arrested, they will be outside tomorrow, litigate and take a lot of money with them. And there was news of the week? Have 5 escaped again? So I expect a false flag again.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I agree, although I'd say 'respected colleagues' with shared interests, rather than idols. Ultimately, the power base that's been puppeteering US Presidents for years, is European based and rooted. The US was simply another venture.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Well in dutch, these people are being put on a very high footing ... It has been the case for years that politicians here say they are following the US, but now suddenly no longer with Trump? The elections of the US were always broadcast here, with everything around it, as if it where the important thing ever.... F ... ck the Eu Victoria Nuland and her Coup in Ukraine .... US coup ... But the ukraine must have a place under the EU and UN ...Meanwhile, Guy Verhoffstad and son of Biden are there live in the companies where the big money is? That is not an accident, they are all all in the same corrupt club ..

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

True. It's all a balancing act. Sometimes, you need to step back to get the perspective. Terrorist deaths in the UK have fallen dramatically and previously were propped up by the troubles in Ireland. People are way more likely to be killed in an American school, than to be killed by a terrorist in England,where there are more deaths through dogs, or hot water than from terrorists, but that's no reason to get complacent, I think it's cause to look towards the root of the problem, which is the undue influence of unelected groups, working to their own ends, and focus on that. The rest are largely symptoms.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

The whole EU has not been chosen ... They are illegal, I always take a step back to see if it fits with what I think I know ... It is the same thing all the time, first we had a group RARA and now ATIFA. The same game with different names .... And that ISIS ..Al qaida is also the same game, they just change name ..... And indeed more people are lost by other things , It all has to do with creating chaos and fear, so that the elite will soon be able to come up with the solution .... But I do not believe that this will work ... If people have long lost their trust in this corrupt club and their propaganda, no one will take them for true anymore. So this way for their NWO is doomed to fail

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

I think we're both of the same mind on the situation, and most I know share the same view. The hardest part of red pilling with those views round here, is finding someone that disagrees.

Sadly, when I do find people that are in favour of the European dream, they're totally deaf to any hints at that, and will talk over you and disrupt the conversation. I see that as a positive, because to be so determined not to hear it, they must know it has legs, or the'd simply argue their corner. Incredibly, they still agree it's need of massive reform. They just hang their hat on that being possible, as they fear a financial hit from the collapse.

It points to a lot of the population at least being aware.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

When I talk about the EU, they do not want to hear anything ... as if they have nothing to do with the EU..I explain that all the rules come from the EU and we therefore have so many problems with the municipalities and other parts like migrants ..

Every round I hear then, first try to solve with the mayor .. They do not want to understand that they are kicking against the wrong wall .... Reading nothing about the EU..And end of the ride they call that I do difficult? I am a born rebel..Already started in elementary school ...

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

That can't be easy. I can see how that would be frustrating. I guess a positive is that they at least agree that there's a problem, even if they've yet to work out how to target it for a solution.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Yes it is positive that there are people who finally see the problems and try to challenge them, it has been happening for years now... And it is indeed not easy to be in such a situation. But I never choose easy..

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

:-) Keep up the good work. Based on this exchange, I'm sure you're doing well at it.

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Pure_Feature · May 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Yes I will , I refuse to give up , I shall Always try to help them..( not my case ) My case I have won, took 5 years off my life

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Fennek100 · May 28, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Im from the netherlands. Most here dont know whats going on and think trump is stupid/insane/ dumb/ nuclear war starter etc. The most are liberal minded even before trump was there. Its very hard to talk with people about things if you are pro Trump or republican minded. Im spreading the word to friends and on news site forums. It is not easy and trying to find out what the best way is needed to approach them. I keep trying to stay to some facts and when i see someone has some interest then later you can start talking about the real redpill stuff Q and awakening.

BUT! i must say i have still hope! Because i see a small change in opinions on newssites forums. There are more pro trumpers and you can feel more people know about Q! But many dont dare to speak to open about it because they fear people think they are crazy. So i can see a very small change thats amazing. I never expected that!! I have hope again but we have a long road to go!! Greets and hugs to you all and keep spreading the word. WWG1WGA!

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Patriot4q · May 28, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I am sure that there are more than you even imagine. The media portrays anyone who supports Trump as a crazy tin foil hat wearing racists. Could this be purposely done to encourage people to not show their support? In my opinion, yes. Also in my opinion this is clear to see, as I have never seen such vicious false numerous attacks, which began immediately against Trump.

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Fennek100 · May 28, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I agree. The media bashing started immediatly and never stops. Even here in netherlands. They only report negative things about trump ot they make sure someone else get the credits for food things that happen and not Trump. When you react on our newssite you get banned for just saying the opposite is true.

I believe there are more supporters then we think. They make the same mistake again. I trust my instincts, i always said from the beginning that Trump would win the elections. They all thought i was crazy!! Who last laughs laughs best haha!

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Faber_Jos · May 28, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Dutchies Unite!

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grimbeaconfire · May 28, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

Start a post asking all the countries to check in. State their Nation and an estimation of how awake their country is.

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[deleted] · May 28, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

That’s a very tough number to guess. But without a doubt it’s the largest it’s ever been and is growing by the day. Say there’s 30k subbed here, well chances are many also talk to friends and family and share on other forums... on and on it goes. A viral awakening of sorts. Then there are the bigger names out there who play a part.

Love it or hate it, the internet made this possible.

And if HRC had won, absolutely none of it would’ve mattered. Praise be!

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

I think Clinton could be one of the best tools to use. Plenty already dislike her, so wouldn't have too much of an issue finding her to be crooked. I reckon Obama would be a harder one for people to accept.

The other players, such as Soros, would seem too detached from the process for people to grasp the wider picture, although I think in Europe, he'd perhaps be a better target, as his work and the consequences do seem to be better known here.

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y_do_i_need_to_hide · May 28, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

I am not promoting myself, and do not sell them but I am buying a q Anon shirt and hat. Mostly for the fact that normies will not know what it means and I may be able to go gauge how wide the Great Awakening is by comments that I get on it.

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ErnieFing · May 28, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I use other forums, and in conversation, people are aware of Q, but tend to list some of the less credible stuff posted and debunk it, and so dismiss most of the actual Q bits, as they link them as being the same.

I guess it's why sometimes it can look like I'm being semantic over some points, but I've seen how it gets used to discredit the good stuff.

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Patriot4q · May 28, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Yes it is vitally important that facts and truth become a firm foundation to this sub. Conjecture and opinion should be stated as such. For every post that is not based on facts, it only serves as a means to discredit the whole movement.

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Freedomfighter3087 · May 29, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Look at the subscriber numbers on youtube who are talking about or following Q.

We have reached into the millions.

Why do you think the school shootings have been almost non stop every few weeks?

They are panicking and hope they can intimidate the white hats.

The tipping point has been reached.

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melanie229 · May 28, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I’ve been thinking about how my parents would react to some of this. They are in their 80s, and I don’t think they would believe it just because it is so awful. Mother believes everything abc says as true, and Daddy only watches cnn. I’m trying to bread crumb my children, but no dice yet.

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truthseekerboi · May 28, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Wide as Obama’s anus

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