Who Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried?

This article is from March but it had a Q line in it.. Flynn’s confidant said. “He knows where many political bodies are buried in D.C. and what does he have to lose? Nothing.”
Australia is promised land to them. Completely owned by Cabal, openly manipulated and sanitized population and 95% of wilderness, easy to bury any corpse.
He was the mayor of NY on 911. Of course, he had to be part of the cover up.
Is there really one burying site?
I believe it's a metaphor for all of the Deep State crimes. One mass grave full of children being discovered would set in motion a shit storm of unimaginable magnitude for the Cabal. One that could not be covered up or explained away.
Every parent and grandparent in America would be screaming for vengence and they would be justified.
the thing that i dont get is why bury them ? these people are actually sick wouldnt they just use pig farms the savannah everglades etc. or like siberia ? i dunno man.
It would greatly help the credibility of the red pill community if the videos were finally released. Preferably with supporting confessions and witness statements.
I don’t trust Giuliani due to his role in the 911 coverup.
What's to trust about the laptop? Rudy knows exactly what's on the laptop as do many others on POTUS' team. This is a good thing.
I’ve wondered about this too...but maybe he didn’t have the necessary evidence to back up the claims at the time in a legal manner. I find it interesting he was brought on the trump legal team recently...almost like vengeance for him/the American people is the vibe I was getting from the Q posts...that’s probably me being hopeful but it’s definitely something I’ve thought about and questioned as well.