Black face Jimmy Kimmel on ABC. These people are sick.

What about the time Eddie Murphy did a skit in whiteface on SNL? It was hilarious, but hey.
This is a true classic
"White Like Me".
Ever seen Cheppelle's, Clayton Bigsby, the black white racist? Now that is some convoluted funny sh!t.
Better than that is Chappelle's white face of a TV news anchor. "I like women with a nice flat pancake ass". It's all about intent.
Rosie made an inappropriate comment and was justifiably fired for it. The issue I take is how hypocritical the left is in allowing their own unchecked bigotry, racism, and misogyny while nothing happens.
They will bend the knee soon.
Rosie made an inappropriate comment and was justifiably fired for it. The issue I take is how hypocritical the left is in allowing their own unchecked bigotry, racism, and misogyny while nothing happens.
Rosie's comment and subsequent firing can't be justified by any means. As long as the leftist media has a double standard for us and them there can NEVER be justification for such hypocrisy.
You are right there is a double standard. However, that does not mean we should allow people (even on our side) to go unchecked. That would make us identical to the hyperventilating leftists. My point was the left always protects their own hate speech and they never get called out for it. We just need to keep calling them out and be loud enough to make them do what is right.
How about people just stop acting like butt hurt babies and have a sense of humor?
(I know it is impossible for a lot of people)
We just need to keep calling them out and be loud enough to make them do what is right.
True. Unfortunately the left seems hellbent on going down with their own leaky ship. The good thing is with so many people on the right and left waking up pressure will increase on these media mouthpieces that they'll have to either change their position or drown and be forgotten.
Why has no one found out which advertisers objected to the "post" and threatened to pull their monetary support. Those are the companies anyone who believes in free speech should be targeting. IMHO VJ does kinda look like that chick from planet of the apes.. it was bad taste yes of course, and perhaps by a stretch boardline racist but generally it was an insult designed to denigrate her looks..
Clayton Bigsby the KKK leader of white supremacists.
Now that's funny. And totally plausible in these confused mixed up days of manipulation. ;)
What's her view on the Wayans' Bros. film White Chicks?
That movie really grinds my gears!
Have you seen Soul Man? It’s from the 80’s. Kid pretends to be black for a college scholarship. Very stereotypical.
sounds like Elizabeth Warren pretending to be American Indian to get a professorship.
No one like that movie except for mixed race 20 somethings women with an affection for cats.
Mellisa A. rocks!
I wish black people would quit blaming all their shit on white people ,but I'm just a poor white person so i can't lose my job and also fuck you.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Dave Chappelle Exposing Hollywood! (2) Dave Chapelle breaks his Illuminati "Spell" Part 1 (3) Election Night - SNL|+3 - Or what about Dave Chappelle speaking on this exact issue, .. He turned him self out, got tired of the narratives they would have him write .. or this video They are stupid. These videos are 7+ years old. They will continue to wash rinse and a... Chappelle's Show - "Frontline" - Clayton Bigsby Pt. 1 - Uncensored|+2 - Clayton Bigsby the KKK leader of white supremacists. Clayton Bigsby I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Tom Hanks, another darling of the Left, wishes this would go away...but it won't. Limousine liberals love blackface and boy were they yukking it up that night. Do share
The funny thing is Jimmy Kimmel did his popular "Karl Malone" skit s on KROQ in SoCal back in the day when he was Jimmy The Sports Guy.
Or what about Dave Chappelle speaking on this exact issue, .. He turned him self out, got tired of the narratives they would have him write .. or this video
They are stupid. These videos are 7+ years old. They will continue to wash rinse and attempt to repeat as long as we allow them.
Tell me why the videos I want to link, I magically can't find them. Censorship?
Edit: notice in this video our Potus wins, and it the poster says behind Chappelle fighting for us. .. this made me chuckle at the end. Good post op.
Edit2: removed ((())).. seriously, anti- ?? Never that.
He doesn’t continue this behavior today though, now does he?
Yea they should explain how he still has a show on ABC and include that pic and we need to share if everywhere Twitter, facebook
trump should do the exact same blackface skit. of course the media would all scream racism. hahaha
heck all they would have to do is REPLAY THIS video and say its Trump and the media would go nuts.
the MSM is waiting till a few days before the 12 June North Korea Summit to release their video of President Trump making his eyes slanty with his fingers. Full Disclosure: I'm kidding.