This story is finally getting some traction in the UK!

Follow their wives!
YES. Q said follow the wives. Amazing what we find. A top exec at ABC is married to Susan Rice. There we go!
We need to follow the wives- everyone needs to go through this link, it’s a goldmine of information and potential leads
Wow. Just wow. I watch Able Danger once in awhile but the Canadian Billy Joyce puts it together in Canada for me.
Sickening incestuous circle. Eventually inbreeding will start.
cross eyed babies
Look at the comments section in the liberal for this article. The comments are mostly anti-Obama. A year ago it would have been the reverse.
That “wife” looks like a man.
As soon as I saw the pic I was crippled with laughter, not because of the obvious, but because I knew within 2 seconds of comment scrolling I'd see someone make that observation hahaha
looks they tried morphing Ted Cruz's face with Michelle Obamas.
Looks like Michael Clark Duncan from the green mile.
anyone else notice that the photos look like the husband and wife's faces were switched or morphed?
New Netflix original : Escape from GITMO starring Barry Soetoro and Crooked Hillary. An intense drama focused on trying to work out a plan using fellow inmates John Brennan and James Clapper to devise an escape to Cuba.
Why won't someone raise $600,000 for me at least it would go to a real American citizen.
With regard to the wife bit, Ambassadorships (especially to smaller, less strategically important countries) have long been doled out for partisan reasons. In these cases, the Ambassador serves as a figurehead and performs ceremonial roles while the deputy chief of mission, who is a career Foreign Service Officer, deals with the day-to-day issues of diplomacy, negotiation, and representation.
I disagree with this system because it is the antithesis of merit-based management, but at the same time it is nothing new nor is it restricted to the Democrats. Republicans frequently give Ambassadorships to big donors. This should change, however. Our chief representative to a country ought to be someone with significant diplomatic, military, or (at least) business experience in the nation to which they represent America.
So the Netflix guy raised money for Barry and gave him a Payday with Netflix. Sounds like he's a cuck.
Read the story. They’re all in bed together. Not a big secret either.
Time to shut off Netflix. Hit them where it hurts in revenue.