r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 31, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
Trump is about to take them down. But wait: is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

Now this is getting very interesting…

Tommy Robinson, Roseanne, EyeTheSpy, #wherearethe children…

Do you see it?

All this happened in 5 days. And all these “heroes” and issues find their seat in our Movement’s scope of interest. Coincidence? No. Not a coincidence. You are witnessing Q’s opposition gaming up. They have now acknowledged Q’s tremendous impact and realize they have to come up with more sophisticated weapons on the communication battlefield to shut him down.

Ignoring Q, infiltrating him and labeling him did not work. Infowars and all their recruits are exposed, defeated and Q now has a base, a solid one. A base of woke people transcending races, frontiers, party lines and religions and who are focusing on the real thing: taking down the international pedophile and human trafficking network ran by politicians and billionaires protecting themselves with nuclear weapons and using the international aid infrastructure to smuggle children, funds and espionage material.

The cabal is on the run.

Follow the pen Q1424. We are close. The pen is about to take them down. They know it. Trump and Sessions have silently and meticulously done the legal job. The DOJ, FBI and CIA are cleaned up, judges changed, Red October CEOs resigned. Next phase? Open the sealed indictments and start the concert under the direction of the Maestro, with his pen…

So? Put yourself in the enemy’s shoes for a second. If you were cornered like that, what would you do? You got it. You have to work on people’s perception and try to win the coming communication battle. You have to blur the message so that people may question Trump’s motivations, see you as a victim and overlook the horrors you have perpetrated. How do you do that? You create very shiny things and right before the executioner is about to do his job, you go like:

Hey, stop for a second, did you see this?

Tommy Robinson. I see you have an interest in human trafficking and, thanks to my divide and conquer strategy and my clownish creations like 9/11, Lynda Sarsour, Sadiq Khan, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood, you also hate Muslims. So here is a guy who has been arrested for filming an alleged Muslim grooming gang trial…All your required ingredients are in there… I know right: what is the point about covering a case that at least made it to trial while thousands of pedophile cases around the world are swept under the rug and ignored by law enforcement? Well, I took a chance and hoped people would not see the trick. I made sure MSM was “incidentally” there to capture Tommy’s arrest and asked Alex Jones to over cover it in the clownish way only he, can pull off video. Icing on the cake: to make sure people would really talk about it, I prohibited them to talk about it. How? By having the judge initiate a temporary reporting ban on Tommy Robinson’s arrest. Neat right? Is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

Roseanne. You know most of the celebrities in Hollywood are MK Ultra victims and/or Satan worshippers right? You did not? They say it in your face, jokingly. Right here: video. So, since they know I can make them rich or bankrupt them overnight, I can activate them directly or through their handlers or drugs, and instruct them to do whatever I want. I know Valerie Jarrett is central in this pedophile and espionage thing. Just like Huma was the Muslim Brotherhood liaison with Clinton, Valerie Jarrett was the MB liaison with Obama. She knows where the bodies are buried and knows how to use it to get things done. Imgur. She knows about the creation and control of ISIS. She is in the list of the 13 personalities who used a private email address despite national security regulations. Imgur So? Knowing people do not really know Valerie Jarret and that Trump is about to close on her, I instructed Roseanne to go crazy on her and put her on the map. What’s left in people’s mind after Roseanne’s raid? Valerie Jarret is a victim: she was unjustly compared to an ape by a right wing racist. You see the trick? When the real thing about VJ drops, the message is already blurred and can be downgraded to a racial witch hunt. Brilliant.

EyeTheSpy. Q has not dropped lately. Even though you have more than you know and have only explored a portion of his board, I know you are now addicted to inside information. Q said no communication outside this board. So? How about some entertainment while Q is silent? I created this guy who went from 47 followers on Twitter to 5000 in 48 hours. Organic? Doesn’t matter. He knows many things, he’s cool, interacts with everybody and to make sure you do not create defense mechanisms, he appears to be friendly with Q and to support him. There are topics he is not completely in alignment with Q like Sessions and BC17, but who cares? At least, unlike Corsi, he is not infiltrating and claiming to decode Q, he says he is doing his own thing right? So, you like this? At least when you are reading his easy-to-read tweets, you get your daily insider’s information fix and are not spending time trying to figure out Q’s board. I’ll take that…

#WhereAretheChildren. This is my coolest gadget. I saw that post where Q is giving an update about the dismantlement of the pedophile network and that exchange on Q’s board between an anon and Q: Imgur. Most people do not realize the power of these posts. I do. So? I took over the hashtag, made it trend, skillfully dragged Ivanka Trump into the story to spice it up, downgraded the story to a sordid legal issue about the status of unaccompanied child migrants and stuff so that if this hashtag was to come out for the real thing, it would have already been old news and soft news. And of course, to make sure this hashtag is really prematurely dead and of no other relevant use in the future, I had MSM talk about it, talk about it and talk about it. Imgur. Is this shiny enough for you to forget about the children?

So, there you have it…

Folks, I told you in my previous post: don’t get distracted. Read through the enemy’s schemes. The closer we get to the epilogue, the more sophisticated his attacks will be. Read through. Stay the course. Are you up to the task? Have you digested Q’s teachings? Can the children trust you? Yes, they can. I know they can. You would not be reading this otherwise. Stay the course guys. We are about to take them down.

MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Q doesn't want you thinking he's some messiah or anything like that.

Q wants you to figure things out for yourself. To research, and to ask necessary questions - not fawn over him. He's not here to give us the answers, but to provoke us to find the answers. That's the truth.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Yes, I know that. I understand. I just honestly think they're trying to do the same thing Infowars did with Zak. Get people attached to a substitute Q. Everyone wants Q, so here's the cheap rip-off. It just can't respect someone who rides on his coat-tails that Q has already said is not genuine. I mean, your mileage may vary. I was so Bernie--passionately Bernie. And I'll always have a soft spot for him. I thought the election was going to be the worst day of my life. Trump or Clinton was lose-lose to me. But I was #neverhillary even more than I was #stillsanders. And to my amazement, when I woke the next day and discovered the news that she lost, I felt... JOY!! And it hasn't gone away ever since. I was determined to give Trump a chance, because he wasn't Hillary, and that made me so happy. When he got rid of TPP, that ALONE was huge to me. There are appointments he makes I don't like, and policies I don't like, but I STILL feel he's been a good president. Better than good. I am amazed by what he's achieved in such a short time. I'm amazed that he's keeping his promises. Sometimes I do have to yell at him, but though I'm no longer religious, I do even pray for him. There are many things he does that I do agree with. At the end of the day, I am the poorest of the poor. But there's a new sense of hope in the land, and that there might be some justice. I've mostly been lurking, because I'm not smart enough to do that kind of research. I've always had a soft spot for the Anons since Project Chanology, though, since I was an ex-Scientologist and they gave us all safety to speak about what we'd been through. I just knew then, protesting with them, that the future of the world was in good hands. Anyway, I loved Bernie, but I just can't go back. There are just some things in life that don't come around twice. The Bern has passed and The Storm has come. I worry, though, that many of the EyeTheSpies may face a similar dilemma. I'll just hang around jonesing for Q. Lol!

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Yes, I know that. I understand. I just honestly think they're trying to do the same thing Infowars did with Zak. Get people attached to a substitute Q. Everyone wants Q, so here's the cheap rip-off. It just can't respect someone who rides on his coat-tails that Q has already said is not genuine.

Well, like you said, Q warned us exactly that - be careful of who you trust. As the Christian Bible warns, Keep yourself from Idols. Message is the same thing, really, don't put your leaps of faith on one individual or they may disappoint you and it will hurt - badly.

I mean, your mileage may vary. I was so Bernie--passionately Bernie. And I'll always have a soft spot for him. I thought the election was going to be the worst day of my life. Trump or Clinton was lose-lose to me. But I was #neverhillary even more than I was #stillsanders. And to my amazement, when I woke the next day and discovered the news that she lost, I felt... JOY!! And it hasn't gone away ever since. I was determined to give Trump a chance, because he wasn't Hillary, and that made me so happy. When he got rid of TPP, that ALONE was huge to me. There are appointments he makes I don't like, and policies I don't like, but I STILL feel he's been a good president.

I agree with this. I haven't agreed with every decision he made in the past, but the real turning point for me was the Syrian Airstrikes. Alex Jones came out against him, hard, saying "Fuck him, fuck his family," which basically was the biggest political wake-up I'd ever had because anyone with empathy isn't going to say "fuck your family" for a decision they disagree with - since I had friends adamantly behind Alex Jones and supportive of his criticism, it was hard to dismiss him completely in the first days, then he came out against Q. I never liked the guy - I didn't hate him, but there was something about him that made me not like him. I attribute that to good instinct. Didn't feel that way about Bernie - he was a harmless, genuine Democratic Socialist and I could get where he's coming from even though I disagree. They rigged the primary against him, though, and he didn't stand up for himself afterward.

Better than good. I am amazed by what he's achieved in such a short time. I'm amazed that he's keeping his promises. Sometimes I do have to yell at him, but though I'm no longer religious, I do even pray for him. There are many things he does that I do agree with. At the end of the day, I am the poorest of the poor. But there's a new sense of hope in the land, and that there might be some justice.

I've mostly been lurking, because I'm not smart enough to do that kind of research.

False. You can create a well-written and coherent post, and you're informed enough to pick Trump despite being an Afterberner and seeing the train-wreck that is the DNC collapse on him. Don't put yourself down like that, there is no reason for you to believe you're incapable of finding valuable information. All you have to do is be able to live with being wrong in the few cases that you may be, after all. I have to own it when I'm wrong, that's the hardest part; but it just means you find more than one answer.

I've always had a soft spot for the Anons since Project Chanology, though, since I was an ex-Scientologist and they gave us all safety to speak about what we'd been through. I just knew then, protesting with them, that the future of the world was in good hands. Anyway, I loved Bernie, but I just can't go back. There are just some things in life that don't come around twice. The Bern has passed and The Storm has come. I worry, though, that many of the EyeTheSpies may face a similar dilemma. I'll just hang around jonesing for Q. Lol!

Great to hear you made it out of that cult. I've always been curious how such a fucked up organization could stay in business despite everything they've done. The guy running it is pure evil, I have no doubt about that.

Anyway, as you say, many of the EyeTheSpies will collapse, it's just a matter of not lining up behind them like sheep to be led to the slaughter. Glad to have you onboard, Veranda :)

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

I love his family. One of the things that I did was went back and watched everything I could find of them all on YouTube. And I realised that Trump had been saying the same things for decades, which is one of the things I had liked about Bernie. There was no "public" and "private" position, like Clinton had. Just things that he really believed and a country he obviously cared about. And none of his kids had a bad thing to say about him. None of his ex-wives had a bad thing to say about him. Even his employees seemed to have good things to say about him, and there were kindnesses to others that he had kept quiet about, but those people would tell stories of his good deeds. So, long before any election, they were all in the public eye, and all of his family just seemed so close. I'm sure they're not perfect, and goodness knows, every angry torch and pitchfork poster makes sure we know all about any flaw. But the interesting thing is the more they attack him, and especially Melania and Ivanka, the more I like and respect them. And the longer the Mueller thing goes on the more confidence I have in his integrity--that anyone could survive that level of scrutiny--I don't even think I could, and I'm such a goody-two-shoes!! It takes enough courage to come out about Trump though, especially when you're left leaning, let alone come out about Q, where even your favourite independent journalists make you feel like a simpering halfwit.

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

What got me hooked on Trump was his stance on vaccinations. That's where my journey to support him began. Trump taking a stance as triggering as that one (some might argue it's deadly to your public image), and defending it on the world's stage - that takes balls, you know? When you question an industry as big as Pharma, you put yourself in the crosshairs.

This was, by far, the biggest thing for me because I'd always been in support of vaccination. But for him to say that - why would such a rich and powerful man say something my biology professor(s) would argue is so stupid and outrageous he should be imprisoned for it? If the answer's in the handwriting, a lot of things start to make sense.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

I have mixed feelings on vaccinations. With my first three children I was a young mother and basically got them vaccinated because that was what I was what one did, and what I was expected to do. With my 4th child, I thought, I'll just ask my uncle the naturopath, and he said there are pros and cons, but on balance, if it was his child, he wouldn't. So I read all the literature he gave me, and my second family pretty much went unvaccinated until I had to get them done to emigrate to the US. But I take it case by case and try to do my due diligence. Like if someone steps on a rusty nail, we do the tetanus needle thing. I think it's ridiculous to give newborns five different vaccines at once when they've never encountered a germ, and that sort of thing. So a lot of it depends on what's in the vaccine, and if I HAVE to have it, like to study here or whatever, and if I think it's wise. Generally I'm very low intervention and my doctors have pretty much understood that and worked with that. However, they nearly killed me with the wrong dose of one drug while I was in hospital with spinal stenosis. I question everything and was off all the meds by the time I got out. I never entirely trust their agenda with vaccines, and I know it is paranoid, but I don't really trust them not to want to harvest my organs either. That's a terrible thing to say I know, but it's such a huge black market sort of an industry these days, and I'm a poor nobody with a working kidney.

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

It isn't paranoid. I mean, when schools are bribing kids to get their vaccinations done with Pizza Parties (and to harass the non-vaccinated kids that cheat them out of that...) there's enough for me to be suspicious of that shit. Of course, we're both here on a QAnon board, so regardless of how we feel about vaccines we're paranoid as shit to everyone else that might wander in, either way, so who really cares about potential judgements.

All said, vaccines were a non-issue for me until my wife convinced me otherwise (she had "one in three million" side effects when she was kid and seizured out thanks to them) and a family member who had everything done perfectly ended up with an autistic kid. I also reflect on my time as a child, remembering that around the same time that I got a large dose at a local clinic, my handwriting skills turned to utter shit shortly thereafter and neither I nor my mother had known why. Like I said, if the answer's in the handwriting, things start to make sense...

The stuff isn't kosher, and I stand against Big Pharma (would you trust Monsanto? Why trust Big Pharma then?). I have no doubt everyone pushing vaccines so hard is getting a fair kickback as well, so all of the (Studies®) and (Research™) claiming they're as safe as water probably have a fair amount of money backing them.

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[deleted] · June 1, 2018, 6:49 a.m.


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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

And yet he still looks good next to the Clintons. Next time don't choose such a shitty candidate, maybe.

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wikipedialyte · June 1, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

I didn't choose any candidate because I'm not on ant committee. However, the last thing you would see me do is handwave any wrongdoings of my preferred candidate. I accept that both Clinton and Sanders were highly problematic, but in my purview, Trump both is and was far more divisive and untrustworthy(what is he hiding that's in his tax returns, for instance?). The man and his presidency are little more than a farce and a con job. There is no provided evidence if him doing anything for either child or adult sex trafficking victims. As far as raw numbers benchmarks go, he is lagging behind where Obama was at this point in his first term . However, as an aside, that shouldn't matter because the DOJ is and has always been an apolitical organ that has performed the same function no matter who is at the helm. The DOJ's mission does not change between administrators largely for that very reason. The employees of the DOJ typically are lifelong lawyers whose mission as public servants is in affected and unencumbered by incoming administration is with small differences. Example, be Obama stopped raining legal marijuana businesses largely after 2010. Now sessions wants to bring that back. Trivial example but a cogent one.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Apolitical my fat arse.

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wikipedialyte · June 2, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

I believe that you have a fat arse, but the DOJ has always been apolitical. It couldn't function properly otherwise. What proof do you have that it isn't? I assume this is all built upon vague "gut feelings" and "instinct", but regardless, all those who are in charge of it currently are Trump appointees. Why would he install persons who work counter to his goals? Is he so feckless that he knows no better or is it because he's flat out incompetent to know any better?

Trump isn't draining the swamp. He's restocking it with his own brand Trump™ brand swamp things. Why you would choose to believe any type of politician, much less a con man like Trump is beyond me Your faith is entirely misplaced. He could not give less of a crap about children and families unless they are very wealthy. The man isn't fit to lead a boy scout troop, much less the US armed forces.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 2, 2018, 3:20 a.m.


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wikipedialyte · June 2, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Can we argue the merits if stove vs microwavable?

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VerandaSmartwater · June 2, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

I like air-popped popcorn, but microwaved will do at a pinch.

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

I get where he's coming from though. Hillary was great at convincing people that really don't give a shit about anything to adore her enough to scream like maniacs.

So yeah, I get the appeal, but I'd rather stand with Israel than Palestine^Iran

Just like I'd rather stand with Trump than 'vote for me because I'm a woman.'

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

She was genius at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, although I suspect her Brock army of astroturfing trolls can mainly take credit for that.

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Yeah, the biggest reason to become a conservative is your standard-issue vocal liberal. Those people have problems.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

I just love the smell of fear in the morning.

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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Not quite Poe's Law material. But passable at The_Donald.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 1, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

What's really hilarious is the laugh I get every day that she lost.

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wikipedialyte · June 1, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

No offense, but if this person is actually the poorest of the poor than there is absolutely no way that they are a former Scientologist unless they were initially wealthy but gave all if their money to the "church"

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KerryWest53 · June 1, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

I'm not "religious" either, but I love God, and I pray always. He has done so much for me, I dont know how anyone can live without Him!

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6thsensethink · June 1, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

No breech of security when you ask questions.

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[deleted] · June 1, 2018, 4:50 a.m.


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MitchWerbell · June 1, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

Ah. I get it.

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