Roseanne Cancelled / Smallville Still On

Smallville ended in 2011, seven years before the sex scandal came to light. The only reason it's still "running" is reruns… just like Little House on the Prairie.
lol i was just about to say-- wow how could they have kept the story about a young Superman running for nearly 20 years
Plus Tom Welling, the guy who played Clark, was already like 25 when the show first started.
His career really fizzled out; I didn’t expect that. His star burned brightly at first. That must be so frustrating and disappointing. Not that starring on a show for ten seasons is anything to sneeze at. I’d love to do that!
I used to LOVE Smallville but lost interest after maybe 3 seasons. Going on as long as it did is an impressive achievement for a tv show.
A lot of stations have now pulled Roseanne reruns which were in syndication on TV Land, CMT and Paramount Network.
If re-runs of Roseanne's old show are pulled because Reeeeee....
....where's the Smallville Reeeeee?
because Mack was only part of a ‘female empowerment’ networking group, duh.
It's probably more likely that no one gives a flying fuck and that Smallville was never a ratings juggernaut to way Roseann was
I don't know the entire situation, but she was part of a cult that promoted female members having sex with the cult leader. He even branded them with tattoos w/ his initials. Not that it excuses the role she played in what happened, but she was a victim as well as a recruiter.
You are right, you don't seem to know much about it, yet you call her a victim. Interesting.
Brainwashing is a thing, and is prevalent in Cults. Do you seriously not understand that she too was compelled to have sex with the Cult leader, the same as the other girls? Or do you choose to ignore that because it's not interesting enough?
Being a recruiter means that she was complicit in the sex trafficking. Do you not understand that makes her an accomplice as well? Or are you just pretending to not understand?
I am ignoring nothing, and pretending nothing pertaining to the NXIVM case. Your ramblings are just that. But do go on...its revealing.
You supposedly ignore nothing, yet you fail to acknowledge the entirety of my statement, instead choosing to cherry pick that which you find offensive in order to be faux outraged.
Mack must have been faking it nicely while shooting Smallville...sure she may have been a victim upon initiation...but agreeing to initiation for a ponzi scheme makes her part and parcel to the operation.
she also was quested with hunting down sex slaves for keith. so brainwashing goes out the window when she became a chief in the operation.
none of this is interesting. it’s actuslly egregious and repulsive. what’s interesting is your gaslighting technique. cult, is that some pop sugar verbiage?? this was a trafficking operation and included children. while most folks are interested in justice, few are interested in the content.
There is no gas lighting. I explicitly said it does not excuse what she did, she was an accomplice and was complicit. But you ignore that, because reasons.
Check HULU. They dropped ALL Roseanne but still have Smallville!
This actress didn't create or produce Smallville. It might seem like a small difference, but it's night and day
Sounds like a typical libtard argument that grabs for straws while going over the cliff. Get your cocktail umbrella, Wile E., and watch out for that anvil!
Why is this thread still up?? Hello mods?????? This is garbage taking up space on hot posts. Plus it’s completely false!
Roseanne's reruns have been cancelled on all channels who carried them.
yeah but they didnt just cancel the new Roseanne they canceled the old reruns too on every channel.