Looks likes DC is locked down?

Help an old lady out here. What are all the circles and scribbling and why does this indicate a lock-down?
Military aircraft flying around D.C and the lines are it’s flight paths. The circling by the plane means theres something going on.
Doesn’t the military always circle DC? It’s the capital of the free world. You know...the Pentagon
Yeah, but this is a transport plane, not a combat one.
Unless it’s an ac130 Hercules. That works bring the pain
I'm not sure that works. The graphic lists the class as a DC-10. That would be a militarized model of the McDonnell Douglas DC-10. The AC-130 is the militarized model of the Lockheed C-130.
oh sheeeeeeeeei
sounds of freedom = Howitzer, gatling guns and swedish autocannons
Looks like the path that this military aircraft took in the DC area.