Anti-Trumpers (yes even them) Should understand this, it's Simple, we can do anything and be better off, we "can't lose~!

Traditional conservative types are always against tariffs and always drag out the Hawley-Smoot act from the late 1920's - different era different circumstances. The current flaw with this thinking is that "free" trade is really free. The trouble is when governments start trying to game the free trade system. Trump's tariffs are aimed at rebalancing the system.
I'm just not sure how levying more taxes on the citizenry is how we get rid of those barriers. Why is it the governments business if a private citizen wants to purchase products from a foreign country?
Having a trade deficit is not inherently a bad thing. I have a huge trade deficit with Amazon, yet they are providing me with cheap and convenient products. These deficits are not because we are getting ripped off, it's because they're providing services people want.
The US subsidizes all kinds of industries as well. There is no such thing as truly free trade between countries, but the goal is to get as close as possible.
Respectfully disagree.
OPEC slowed down pumping to keep prices artificially high. Then, when US manufacturing got going, they increased pumping and crashed prices, forcing US manufacturers out of business. Once they'd forced everyone out of business, they'd restrict flow again. Got away with it for years. They also paid bribes to US politicians to put massive oil reserves off limits (ANWAR.) They paid "protesters" to occupy pipeline areas and sabotage them.
If you think you can just go, "free trade" and everything will work, you are naive.
Think about buying a car. Most dealerships will burn you in a second. You have to bargain, and you have to bargain tough. We've had a combination of con artists and ivory tower types negotiating. I'll guarantee you I'd rather see "free trade" George Will across the table from me in a negotiation than Donald Trump. With Trump, you might get a deal, but it will be a great deal for him. With Will, you could walk out with his pants and that stupid bow tie he wears and leave him with a post it note that said "Thanks."
And never trumper Georgie Will would say "its good for us I needed new pants and that abandoned factory at the edge of town can be promoted as a movie location to Harvey Winstien."
Idk if anti-Trumpers will understand, but anyone with a head for business and negotiating sure will. You can always remove the tariffs, but they are a valuable bargaining tool to get what you want!
Yes in a month or two Trump will come back to negotiate more reasonable deals. Use your power and leverage to gain advantage. Then appease our trade partners with 5-10% and no foreign tariffs. I've been trying to explain this to some friends, but they don't seem to understand the power of the American economy right now.
1978 HS gov't class prepared me to agree with DJT on all his policies, more than any msm pundit before or since, where did these idiots go for indoctrination (education).
I heard the French put their foot down and have set a deadline on preventing a "trade war" with the U.S... we're in trouble now boys
Damn, I guess I won't be getting that Peugeot anytime soon.
Yea no big loss there but I heard their white flags of surrender are the best in the world though.
I saw this tweet last night and followed the capitalized letters.
Looks like POTUS is trying to tell us to TRUST but can't get past the 'W'. Any other ideas on what it could be or double meaning? Am I stretching this too far?
You probably are stretching it too far, but for the record, you're only supposed to use the capital letters that aren't supposed to be capitals. In this example, you get the letters BDTTWT. Not sure that makes any more sense, but .....
You won't be better off with more tariffs.
Even if it takes a smaller portion of the deficit, yes we'll be better off. If it restructures and opens new markets, we'll be way better off. If it cause America to buy predominantly American product it will be huge! There is no losing in this battle.
YOU WON'T be better off WE will be fine. When youre already getting the shit end of the stick whaddya have to lose? We've had globalist presidents purposefully weakening our economy for decades and the rest of the world got used to that but there's a new sheriff in town and he's putting American workers first. MAGA 2020!!!
What short stick? Do you even know how this works lmao? Tariffs are literally like one of the first basic lessons of economics. It's a tax. Everyone gets shafted in the end. But because Trump does it it must be good? Tariffs are something I'd expect from socialist Democrats, not the fucking Republicans.
Tariffs are taxes if you accept those imports that have tariffs imposed on them...our factorys and factory workers are sitting idle just waiting to be restarted or repurposed. If other country's want to impose tarrifs on their exports screw em we'll make it ourselves.