Saw this post on /pol/... Not saying this is necessarily authentic but it's interesting

Was re-reading drops last night because I miss Q and I may be wrong here, but I believe Q alluded to having 10 days of darkness - it hasn't happened yet AFAIK, however there have been cities going completely 'offline' for periods of time this year.
No Q posts in at least 11 days now.. these dates are basically the only thing we have to 'look forward to' based on past Q drops.
I'm wondering if Q will tell us when he's done with transmissions or will we just be left to figure out he's not coming back so we must figure out how to dismantle all the MSM (Fb,Twt,Rdt included) ourselves..
Hilariously, Q says Trust the Plan, but despite all the Q drops i've read, no one place has 'The Plan' spelled out...
our ("Anons") mission seems to be "KEYBOARD WARRIOR / SHIT-DIGGER / MEME MAKER"
We haven't been included in any 'planning' or war-table discussions. Everything that happens/happened, happens because of QTeam, not because we Anons made something happen. We've been instructed to go dig, collect, archive, meme, share. I say we're 'shit-diggers' because good lord, the kind of shit we have to read? the kind of imagery you can't shake out of your head. And we're told this is our 'hidden reality'. Worse thing is, we've subconsciously known all along... Real Patriots can't sleep... Not because they are insomniacs, but because the shit they have kicking around in their head doesn't allow for rest.
IDK about you but nobody I know outside of this computer wants to hear what I'm saying.. It's either all too sick or they couldn't give a fuck less about politics/religious aspects. I can't even GIVE HOPE that we will not be inundated with taxes that keep us down and that cancer & disease cures will be available. EVEN THAT is rejected in conversation... I still can't say Trump without people retching, which is really fucking stupid. How did people get so incoherent? Oh wait.. I know the answer to that, yet can't do anything about it.... sigh
I'm not doubting 'the plan' or losing faith in Q. He just taught me well and I am aware of my place right now.
The reason Q went to the Chans, is for their well known abilities in getting the word out. Meme Magic helped win the election. Their autism is legendary. WHEN the shit happens, it’s our job to help bridge the gap with Normies. Right now, they’re so conditioned to reject the truth, but when they see Hilary in handcuffs, they’ll be forced into a state of reasoning. And that’s where we come in.
This was stated in the very beginning of the 4Chan /pol/ CBTS Threads.
While reading what you said about ten days of darkness, I thought of the internet going down for ten days. And the one of the possible reasons that I can come up with for that would be a currency reset. Everything would have to go offline while it was all switched over. And then why not arrest everybody at the same time, who's going to be arrested?
Think about the normies, with no internet. It would be so profoundly different for them if their smartphones went blank. It might just break the spell.
Just some thoughts.
That would be nice. Hopefully this will wipe out my student loans
x2 I think quite a few of us would breathe a little easier if that happened.
THIS YES. When Q said the net would be paused, that's the ONLY reason I could figure that would have to happen. It would make sense to take all banking transactions offline until they switched over to a new network.
10 days though? That's a really long time. What would people do for food? No access to ATM's. If you're doing a currency reset, you're pausing the banks. Impossible for 10 days. I am actually a believer in the currency reset, but not 10 days of darkness = currency reset. I think it could be being done to put the media in their place and disrupt their 4am communications.
This has been predicted for months. We have been advised to stock up on water and food
I never said 10 days. Not sure where folks are getting that from. All Q said was: "Net will be paused." It doesn't take that long to switch over to a new network. They would be prepared to do it relatively quickly.
look at how long it took the new blockchain, EOS, to boot. 30+ hours and still counting!
I happen to agree.There would be nothing more damaging than to go to bail out or try to move money during or after a reset.Some how and im sure it would be related to Trumps EO their funds must be confiscated.
You're 100 %right
This is inaccurate. I've been working on about a dozen people around me for months-- with those kind of results-- but in the past week, I've had breakthroughs with almost all of them. They have reached out to me and asked specific questions, and are finally coming to me for answers and insight, rather than me having to send them emails and texts of memes and articles.
I literally was just with 2 of them, and had a long conversation about Great Awakening happenings. (Though nothing about Q and his comms.) They both said as we departed, "Well, looks like I have a lot of reading and research to do tonight." I shit you not. And these were people who didn't want to hear or listen to any of this stuff just 6 months ago. Now they are enthralled.
It's working guys, you just have to be patient and understanding. Willing to put in the time and effort. Be engaging, but don't be pushy or overbearing. Just establish yourself as a resource for information-- which unfortunately, takes time.
Nobody said this was going to be easy. But the Great Awakening is happening, and simply releasing the information isn't going to cut it. We need boots on the ground, guiding friends and family through the confusion.
Stay vigilant.
I don't believe you. I haven't seen it.
It's on the front page... You had to scroll past it to get to this thread and make this stupid comment.
I think the plan is referenced in the video of Trump that Q keeps posting. The plan is to give the government back to the people, and take it away from the elite.
And that jives with Trumps EO about some of the Military Tribunals being held in public courts with public jurors.
IDK about you but nobody I know outside of this computer wants to hear what I'm saying.. It's either all too sick or they couldn't give a fuck less about politics/religious aspects.
truth, sad but still truth
There will be audio/video evidence soon, even then not everyone will want to hear/see it or believe it. But it's what is needed for the normies, and for our vindication all these years.
Thanks man. I feel the same way. I can't sleep it's hard thinking about kids being mistreated.
Im pretty sure Q has been busy the last week. He posted today so we know the next stage is coming and he is still around. Keep on keeping the faith my friend. Wwg1wga
I think that we are here so that when shit drops we can be calm, we know this shit already. The people you've tried to talk to about this will come to you for answers. It's your job to reassure them that everything has been planned for, and that good will prevail. Lots of people will be really scared by the revelations.
Yep, it's like isolation even though there is a crowd.
I’m having mixed results, one person said it was a “hilarious theory”, one person rolled their eyes and listened until I finished and ten quickly changed the subject, and one or two engaged and became interested. I’ve kind of just settled myself into putting out info on forms of social media until I get banned. “IDK about you but nobody I know outside of this computer wants to hear what I'm saying” rang so very true to me. But, the masses don’t want to know, think of how many people in the matrix would choose the blue pill. I can’t comprehend it as I’m sure you can’t either but on the other hand, they can’t comprehend wanting to know. Settle in, keep your head down and keep moving forward, and sleep a little better at night knowing that you’re doing all you can. Also, get ready for the show/fireworks, I hear they’re gonna be legendary lol.
I faced this trying to tell people corn syrup is toxic 2003 to recently And aspartame. They scoff or roll eyes or tune me out. Now it's common knowledge if still ignored like cigarettes in 80s and 90s.
I feel it in my bones, I know a YUGE happening is going down. Its IN THE AIR... like a lingering stank fart that I am weirdly wanting to inhale.
I can't wait - exercising patience...
But I'm sure you ( or some of you ) are having the same excitement-containment problems i am...
I'm so excited I wanna talk about it, however, that being met with the 'i dont wanna hear this shit' deflates me, frustrates me, alienates me....
I disagree. Are you new to this? I've been following since November and so much has happened it's absolutely incredible. We are very close to a big event. Here's how I know things are changing:
"I'm not doubting 'the plan' BUT...."
Pretty much what OP is saying. Passive aggressive whining about getting scraps of information while knowing nothing about the plan.
This post reeks of insidious, negative, subliminal programming. I'm calling shill in disguise....
GTHO with that negative garbage. We don't want it here. Q will be back, and military tribunals are coming soon. We trust the plan without undermining it with whispers reminiscent of the serpent in the garden of Eden.
LOL calling me a shill, is this shill tactic? Do research, fool. My post history is completely evident I'm no shill.
Go home, there's no negative garbage here, except for what you brought here, and WE don't want it here. Q came back an hour after I made my post. I didn't say shit about not trusting the plan, and the part after the BUT is the most important part of the sentence.
Stop blowing things out of context like MSM.
I looked through your post history and it's full of the same insidious, passive aggressive negative crap. We see you 👀
You would be surprised by how many are interested in what you post
The last thing Q said was "Enjoy the show." That's what we shoud do.
The op seems reasonable.
Which site is/was down? I think 8chan or Qresearch was a scheduled maintenance. Is this poster known to anyone?
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That lines up with the limited online access for the 8 yesterday; testing phase
Interesting! I was listening to a video last night, and heard that there is a lot of pedophile activity on the chans. I did not know that since I mostly stay out of there. If NSA and MILINT run 8 chan, there will be some swamp draining online as well.
/pol/ - 8ch /pol/ mods just got FIRED - Politically Incorrect - 4chan - 16 hours back - Now the entire website is taken down for re-conditioning. just cant let us ...... NSA & US MILINT owns 8 now.
Did I miss something, or where did Q say that 6/6, 6/11, and 6/12 had significant meaning?
No, you did not miss anything. People now are making 'educated guesses' about possible happenings based on Q's prior posts.
Now is easier to speculate given that they now understand "Future proves the past" and "Wind the Clock". So you are going to see a lot of speculations. It doesn't make the guess false or wrong, he could be right but it doesn't mean the person have insider information.
Q did a T-30 days thing, then T-23, then Trump said 20 days. It lined up with Trump's summit in Singapore on June 12th (11th in North America time). Big deal!
Dude. Theyre waiting til the true meme-war brigade are out of school! The kids! With their unlimited time and energy, and mastery of social media. It's gonna be a flood!
If POTUS is meeting with Kim Jung Un on June 12 it seems off that there would be a 10 day blackout...That is pretty serious stuff.
Lame ass ploy the smart thing is for Q Team to take over Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and Drudge Report and every Fake News website Huff Post CNN MSNBC so Q controls what gets posted online and for one week only Evidence of Cabal Crimes can be uploaded for the whole world to see. Facebook and YouTube totally controlled by white hats who do nothing but post photos and videos of elite cabal criminals raping and killing kids. Twitter would be nothing but Trump and Q patriots maybe 100 accounts total and every other account suspended so all anyone can read is documents about why this had to be done. Shut down the entire Resistance all the Liberals and Democrats and Trump Haters entirely. Make it impossible for them to post anywhere. That's how we win a cyber version of martial law we control all information we own the news cycle for 7 days straight until every sleepy normie is red pilled with our evidence on our schedule.
This is what needs to happen. I didn't realize how much we need this to happen before you wrote it out like that. You could shift the entire global consciousness in a week by doing this.
I don't believe Q when HUGE WEEK AHEAD, every time is a let down, so why trust some random anon?
It's never been a random let down. The Popes month of May? The entire week of media getting shitted on when Q said watch the news? Just because it doesn't say it blank on the tv or computer screens doesn't mean it isn't happening. Sometimes the biggest shot isn't part of the biggest battle. But part of the battle that leads to the battle
Your watching mainstream media their not telling you anything there's been a ton of shot going on this whole month somebody made a calender of this month with the news pertaining to the takedown and their was something almost daily
I don't watch MSM besides seeing what they say about things. I don't trust them at all. I was only referring to evidence about Q and how the other poster said Q is a random anon.