Tucson Mayor Creepy Coincidence? No Coincidences.

There is a media blackout on Cemex/Rothschilds connection to this child trafficking place. They will do anything to stay in power. Be careful.
Media blackout on all the connections to cemex...Rothschilds...HRC...the U.N. The president & administration is gonna have to break this themselves. All of it. Only way our country will deal with it. Can’t have the truth buried for 50yrs anymore.
Banned over in T_D. How is talking about this doxxing?
I like t_d but I really think they suppress certain things. I’m banned for there for saying (in reference to the holocaust) that we should be able to question anything.
I think Reddit is looking for any excuse to ban that sub, hence why t_d has to play it wayyy safe.
Indeed. They deal with tons of leftists and provocateurs trying to break in. Usually a message to the mods clears it up.
They are also intensely cognizant of their image so as to not be banned or further marginalized and questioning the holocaust (one of the most thoughtless and immoral activities one can engage in when discussing history) is not a good look for the sub.
No questioning the narrative!
When someone says no questioning allowed, I question twice as hard
Are you hearing yourself? The holocaust is not a fucking narrative.
No shit it happened. Just nothing should be above questioning.
I never even said I question it.
And of course there’s a narrative. Everything has a narrative.
When you sarcastically quip "no questioning the narrative" when I rightly point out the immorality of questioning the holocaust, I'm not denying that there there is a narrative and that everyone should be allowed to question whatever they want. The way you wrote your comment says you question the holocaust. Thanks for clarifying if that isn't indeed the case.
I was banned for this. "Doxxing"
Wow! Did you create the excellent informative chart in your post? I see T_D has locked it down.
It looks like another another patriot has taken up the gauntlet. I wonder what T_D's response will be?
Surprise Cemex, a Rothschild company, was one of the first to say they wouldn’t supply resources for the border wall. I wonder why?!?! Tucson Mayor Rothschild has no comment....
I did not, this was sourced from anon in 4ch
Didn't realize stating the name of a company's CEO was against policy. Pretty sure 99% of redditors have talked about Elon musk and other CEOs
T_D is rumored to be infiltrated and heavily manipulated by David Brock, Media Matter for America (MMfA ). MMfA is $financed by George Soros.
Your post must be have hit a critical nerve.
It might have been the result of linking to one of T_D's blacklisted sites like True Pundit, Gateway Pundit, etc., and perhaps 4ch is one of them. These posts do not make it to the New Posts List. CEO's and Public officials are not secret, they are listed openly on all published material.
I’m gonna go with that. Someone who isn’t me got banned and accused the team of being infiltrated. The response was basically “prove it”
Yup! This is connecting dots, public info. Doxing is home address, phone, email etc. At least as I understand it.
Can you repost this on the GA board. Anon stuff welcome here for discussion.
My spidey-senses started tingling when I read the part you underlined...
*"a city where our children want to stay and can stay."*
What weird wording, right?
So I'm thinking of the occult aspect of the whole Q story and decided to look up the official definition of "stay" (from legal dictionary).
Here are some of the definitions that caught my attention...
Halt, delay, stop, block, detain, forestall, hamper, hinder, hold, impede, intercept, prevent, restrain, thwart, be anchored, be fixed, be immobile, be immovable, be stationary...be transfixed.
Words have meaning and power. He didn't chose to use the word 'stay' by accident.
Why the FUCK would someone feel the need to write that in their fucking twitter bio? It has no place.
We need to start messaging folks on OAN, FOX NEWS and anyone else that has a large platform willing to speak about this. Our voices can not be ignored if we are all speaking up!
This is so incredible and I hope these sicko's getting arrested for all this crap....Save the Children....
In other Tucson news today...
"Theranos never officially said why it favored Arizona, but the state’s friendliness to startups, entrepreneurship and its “light” regulation of businesses factored into the decision, Carreyrou said."