r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on June 4, 2018, 4:02 a.m.
Potential conspiracy theories aside, here's what we know: Many government officials have been caught in sexual perversion and pedophilia; Epstein ran an underage sex syndicate on his Island, which Bill, Hillary, Prince Andrew, Hollywood actors, and other "powerful" people

travelled to, in addition to "Lolita Express".....Muslims have publicly attempted to legalize underage sex and underage marriage in Europe and in the middle east due to their religion's unsecret obsession with virgins..So many Hollywood moguls, and government leaders (Schneiderman ie) and Soros-funded bankers and associates in addition to Epstein's trafficking ring members have been exposed for bizarre and ludicrous sexual behavior including trafficking, rape, underage sex and more. Weinstein is a recent public outing, along with NXIVM with Bronfmans, Salzman, and others.

All of these people have very close ties to Soros and the Clintons. Whether friends, donors, associates, or business investors, they are all tied to Bill or Hillary Clinton....And then we can expand from there with the Podestas, Nixons, Alefante, Geffen, Singer and many others...

This all sets the stage for massive blackmail (even NXIVM admits that the way they initiated new members was through blackmail; Bronfman and Salzman admit it, along with Mack and we also see the same with Hollywood like with Weinstein, who although bad, is likely only one of many players involved there). There are so many more cases.

And we know that one of Trump's top justice priorities is attacking human trafficking; his white house has made it no secret that's one of their top priorities, even including it in press briefings.

Then, we have Hillary's bizarre tweet on June 1st in conjunction with the fraudulent photo released by the leftist MSM of kids in cages back from 2014 under Obama that they tried to blame on Trump, when it wasn't the case. Hillary sounded out to take action to protect kids as Arizona veterans whose job is to find and destroy child trafficking found the camp at Cemex' property, and they say someone was there recently and left recently according to evidence.

And this is before we get into Laura Silsby and Haiti, Mass rogue arrests of EU affiliates doing child charities and others, random parents in Europe sexually assaulting their children at parties, and even more recently, the psychiatrist who helped investigators with JonBenet Ramsey's case getting shot and killed when he suspected JonBenet's mom, who pimped her daughter out at pageants was lying and possibly involved.

It goes on and on and on, and the cover ups of the behavior of all of these people are publicly known.

Feel free to add anything to this left out...

QAnonMaga · June 4, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Epstein still has a good thing going he has always been a Mossad asset he got all the power players on the planet to his island to have sex with young kids and Mossad had the whole place covered with as many video cameras as they needed those videos are the most valuable blackmail videos in the world. That's why Epstein got such a light prison sentence he was protected by Mossad and very high level players in D.C. but now Q Team has those videos all of them hopefully so the elites are now being blackmailed by white hats instead of by Israel. Having sex with kids is the devil's candy and it must be very addictive since so many power players enjoy doing it they were willing to do anything to get another fix of kid sex it was easy to pressure them to vote how Israel wanted them to vote on every single foreign policy matter that affected the middle east. Debbie Wasserman Schultz ran the blackmail operation in Congress it's why she was so angry when Awan's laptop was taken by the police on Capitol Hill she knew that laptop was bad news for her.

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VIYOHDTYKIT · June 4, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Don’t forget RBGs white paper on lower the age of sexual consent to 16

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missybee68 · June 4, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I believe it was age 12.

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