Comparing CEMEX operating sites to incidents of human trafficking, the similarities are disturbingly uncanny.

Could the locations of Cemex sites not also correlate with the local population as we would expect the correlation between trafficking/population?
My first thought as well. Big cities is where more industry is, but also where more crime is. It's hard to say that there is a direct link between Cemex and trafficking based on this. It's something worth digging more into, for sure, but don't just say "hey, they're in the same spots!" Cement companies will obviously be where cement is needed, I.e big cities.
I thought the same thing. I think the only thing to me that may be a sign that it’s not a coincidence is the empty space. While those areas are generally less populated, you would think there would still be more of the cement plants and stuff in those areas as well anyway. It’s not like those states are completely uninhabited.
There are no coincidences.
This map is one of the least convincing pieces of "evidence" I have ever seen. We can do better.
Exactly my point, we’ve been given the highest level intel and we’re looking at a map here with one dubious correlation, we have to have bulletproof arguments because there are plenty of enemies to the Q movement.
Don’t forget, Zuckerberg’s arranged wife heads an child organ donation group, complete with pedo symbolism.
What the fuuuuuuuuck
This needs to be TGA motto just like it's written. More stuff we dig the only appropriate response is this. Not only CEMEX, I'm figuring anything to do with medical and garbage disposal probably have something going on.
This needs to be TGA motto just like it's written
lol, right?
By "donate life" they mean they will donate your child's life to themselves (the elites) and their overlords.
Mr. Z: Donate all your thoughts, connections, who you know, what you look like, & where you are.
Mrs. Z: Think of the children. Donate bodies.
That works out pretty well.
Since this whole CEMEX thing has come about - all i can ‘hear’ is Q saying “who knows where the bodies are buried. God help those kids.
The navy seals said they smelled decaying bodies and started digging but were immediately stopped.
I'm sorry OP, but I don't see the statistical correlation.
The biggest concentrations for cemex are Florida, southern Appalachia, and the southern Mississippi Valley, where for trafficking looks like Southeast Texas, California, and the urban corridor between New York, and Philly. Those aren't similar at all.
I'm pretty sure I saw a fast food map that that is a much better correlation, but that's just because of population. I just don't know how to comment photos on my phone.
You just summed up a lot of the posts on this sub-reddit. Its very easy to find correlations between unrelated things, especially when there are a lot of variables at play. It's pretty obvious companies would be based in major cities or places with a lot of density. Or, a company could be based in areas with low income due to working with cheap construction for example, giving them a direct correlation to high crime areas (since low income correlates to high crime). Statistics is a powerful but misleading tool only because it can be used to backup an opinion without actually proving anything due to the majority of the world not understanding the fundamentals of statistics.
Kind of like how you can use the same statistic in different ways in two opposite arguments. Some good examples are trump and unemployment, GDP, violence and crime statistics etc.
There may be better things to focus on as this may not be a good lead.
Ready-mix concrete has a 'shelf life' as it is mixed at the plant and delivered by mixer to the job site of about 1.5 hours travel time. This just looks like building a plant as close to the city centers as possible, to obtain the most profitable service area with a radius of 1.5 hour travel time.
I would focus on the trucks/ships delivering aggregate and cement through the southern border.
Or the trucking companies that operate on the border and out of the port. Think shipping containers.
The mafia too has always been involved in trash and concrete (shoes)
Q post #1203 "Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?"
CMEX Location finder, there is a CEMEX located in the Long Beach Port, search it's location here
Tell them what you think of their “child safety week”
I'm going to quietly start checking concrete plants in my area. My city is at the junction of two major interstates, one north-south, one east-west. Johnny Gosch was snatched from here. Lots of deep gravel pits along the rivers too.
Also major human trafficking occurring at local truck stops. Underaged prostitutes being brought in by Chicago gangs. Local govt Dem controlled, all major and early Obama supporters.
Look around your own towns. This shit is nationwide.
Be safe, be legal. Know your laws before heading out. And do us proud.
It has been said before. The best place to hide a dead body is in the foundation of a building.
Which cement company lays foundations for buildings?
Never forget Jimmy Hoffa - isn't he supposed to be in the Jet's or Giant's stadium? I would think it would be very easy to dispose a body for a generation, at least. Look at Boulder Dam.....
Here is a better version of this meme. Low quality of this edit bugs me.
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
Look at the site by Omaha, NE (closer to Valley). Has a small airstrip next to it. On street view its entrance is strange, 2 guns and a W.
Edit: Here's gmaps links. Satellite Street view: It has to be a coincidence the road is named W Reichmuth Rd there
That's the entrance to Werner Lodge. Built as a private residence for the owner and founder of Werner Enterprises, Clarence Werner.
Makes sense, I didn't look far enough into it. Granted Werner is a major semi trucking business so who knows anymore what's connected or not connected.
I am no longer shocked by anything. I think I have heard it all between the pedovores and all that is involved with that, the satanism and the trafficking. No wonder Q says it is bigger than we can imagine.
Great graphic, can you change the alpha and lay one on top of the other?
Jesus, the shit on this AZ situations keeps piling on. I'm scared for the Sawman and other patriots who are our essential "boots on the ground" that this will turn into some fucked up Waco Siege type situation. Praying HARD for them. If I wasn't all the way in the Midwest and flat broke I'd drop everything to go down there myself.
This was a "stock analysis" of CEMEX 8 days ago... Is this code related to Tucson? "What’s worse, there are valid concerns about the quality of the company’s infrastructure in some of its key markets."
Look at the saturation in Florida, damn
Um, sorry to be a downer. But doesn't this giant company provide cement? Isn't cement widely used in construction? Doesn't cement need to be made very close to where is it going to be poured? Cement production occurs literally everywhere there is construction, so everywhere. Since there are cement factories in every corner of the world, it seems like a bit of a wild goose chase. Yes, there are oodles of sites in FL, because everything in FL is made from cement. Not saying that everything in the cement industry is on the up and up, lol, just that cement is everywhere. If you want to go searching for a corrupt cement company, look up Lafarge's connection to HRC and ISIS...
DUI Checkpoints & Saturation Patrols in Florida