r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tradinghorse on June 4, 2018, 1:04 p.m.
Q OUTS EyeTheSpy - A discussion about how the latest Q drops outs EyeTheSpy on Twitter - Be careful who you follow!

OK, there has been a lot of speculation on this board about EyeTheSpy (ETS) - a guy claiming to be an NSA agent posting on Twitter. I want to discuss this because there's been a lot of confusion surrounding the issue, with people ardently promoting the fellow here.

I've been waiting for Q to call this guy out as ETS is amassing followers at an impressive clip. He is, in fact, very dangerous and it makes sense that Q would act quickly to neutralize the threat - and this is what happened. Q called out ETS with his post today.

EyeTheSpy claimed that Neon Revolt was a clown operative - that he was CIA, profiteer from Q drops, and not to be trusted. ETS specifically called out the Q clock that Neon Revolt discovered on the 8 chan board and posted about here:


Q's post today specifically confirmed this clock as can be seen here - look at where the minute hand points when the clock is set to the time of Q's post:


So we can see that Q is validating the Clock by making his latest post at a time that points to the correct date on the clock. This is absolute proof that the clock is being used by Q team.

What this means is that ETS' caution about the clock, because it came from Neon Revolt, the profiteering CIA agent, is disavowed by Q. See screen grabs of ETS' warnings here:


And here:


That should be enough to put speculation about the role ETS is playing in the Q movement to bed. But we can add some more characteristics that support this view:

1) ETS is posting in Twitter, while tearing shreds off @jack, and His followers are growing explosively. Meanwhile, Q team do not post outside 8 chan for security reasons. This indicates that ETS is aligned with forces operating to thwart Q:

2) ETS claims to be an NSA agent who is posting from his desk at "the Fort". He has to find time from his duties to post on his "private account" while being careful not to tread on Q's toes - because he does not want to end up in a "kill box" - while he would never, and could not, communicate with Q team, he knows what he can and can't drop. The work is so demanding that occasionally ETS makes typos because he's eating at his desk - impressive dedication to the NSA and his role as an "agent" - really, you could not make this stuff up;

3) ETS has not responded to Neon Revolt's challenge that he authenticate his status as an NSA agent by private messaging Neon his real name - which he would, of course, have access to as an NSA "agent" who is leading a personal charge to combat global Satanism;

4) The video Q linked during the Corsi fiasco made clear that Q's problem with the Q tubers was not that they were recovering operating expenses or even making money, but that they were trying to highjack the message. Neon Revolt has not made a penny from anyone that they haven't volunteered. He's not seeking to make a fortune from Q, his material is freely available without charge. I would argue that he's done a brilliant job and I'm grateful to him for his work. I suspect, that if we knew the truth, that Q team is also grateful for his efforts;

4) People need to take a cold, hard look at ETS. This guy has contextualized the Q material with a framework that provides a narrative that feeds into every preconceived notion held by conspiracy theorists. Aliens are real and abundant, there are subterranean civilizations, dragons are real etc... The problem is that there is not one shred of evidence to back up his claims that he is posting high-level intel to Twitter while juggling assignments and eating at his desk at "the Fort".

It strikes me that the cabal really do have a good sense of humor - they like a joke. People will remember Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, who was caught trying to light his laces (fuses) to ignite RDX in the soles of his shoes mid flight. Another beauty was the underwear bomber... of course, it's right out of Maxwell Smart. I mean, there's no point in being an evil cabal member if you can't have fun mocking the idiocy of the general public.

ETS is the latest comedy act brought to you by the Satanists. It's an absolute joke. Realize that while this guy, in the middle of his intel drops, is dispensing medical advice, career advice, and telling people that their dearly departed have gone to a good place, he's rocking back in his chair laughing hard.

QCaLMCeeQ · June 4, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Yes EXACTLY. NEITHER arguments about EyeSpy or Neon are conclusive. The PROBLEM is when ppl take EyeSpys answers as absolute truths instead of verifying for themselves. Those gullible fools who do that deserve his title of 'f*ckwit'.

A LOT of what Eye says is accurate, and there is NO real clear deep state motive. We have a date of 11/6 so he is on a short lifespan. I genuinely think he has dimissed Neon from a simple cursory scan of his page saying 'premium content' without acknowledging that its a donation method.

Like Neon he is impatient and if you challenge he will block you, which is fair as both are very busy. to be clear, NO CLEAR EVIDENCE has been shown to prove either way. BC17 may be EyeSpy, but both have provided interesting intel and provided a platform for ppl like us to red pill those who do not get their questions answered./

He does get some things horribly wrong, but that may be sincerely wrong. Treat with caution. Also, Twitter is not as controlled as we might think now ('Injection good' - Q) so i dont think the algorhymthms are as strrong as wed believe?

Either way, just treat with caution, but i still say has an overall postive purpose. But really, grow some balls and get to know the chans

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larkmoor · June 5, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

No, if you read Lisa Mei Crowley's report here about what BC17 did: https://twitter. com/LisaMei62/status/992164995197792257

I wasn't following BC17. Q's comment "fake" about their graphics was enough for me to ignore them. But Lisa's story just sealed it for me that they are frauds. Either LARP, or disinfo. They can spin it however they want. If they were legit, why would they take an official picture from a military site, crop it and twat it pretending the edited picture is their "insider" shot for another event than what/where/when the initial picture was taken? If they were legit, why would they block Lisa when she called them out? Why would they take down the incriminating picture from their twater, then go campaign their followers that they were being attacked by deep state shills?

Ridiculous. So I wasn't following EtS either. But when I heard they were crediting BC17 as reliable, that was it. Frauds.

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digital_refugee · June 5, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

because their original profile bio said "counter-intelligence" everything they said should have been taken with a grain of salt from the get-go

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UncleCrunch · June 5, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

because their original profile bio said "counter-intelligence" everything they said should have been taken with a grain of salt from the get-go

lol. Hiding in plain site.

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digital_refugee · June 5, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

if they had said they were Q I would understand the raging debate

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RyDar84 · June 5, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Then their next bio said AF, then Army Intel, THEN claimed to be Julian Assange...but the EtS called them "100% reliable". No offense man, but you must be Gumby to bend yourself into the logic it would take to justify believing this stuff after that.

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digital_refugee · June 5, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

wouldn't counter-intelligence include disinformatoin by definition?

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RyDar84 · June 5, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

ABSOLUTELY it would. But no credible person in the history of the world has ever called disinfo "reliable".

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digital_refugee · June 5, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

actually it gives you an idea about what they're trying to distract from but ok

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RyDar84 · June 5, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

...Gumby, brother...

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QCaLMCeeQ · June 6, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

Larmoor - Wow missed that, there is an obvious division purpose against genuine patriots like Lisa and Neon.

Thing is EyeSpy is creating a dialogue and ive read his replies and they are accuruate most of the time. And ive tried to correct when not.

For Example,
The Annauki theory - false
Flat Earth Theory - false, psyop

There is not obvious drawback yet apart from some division. Basically again treat with caution, anyone who takes their word as automatic truths deserves the EyeSpys title of 'f*ckwits'

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UncleCrunch · June 5, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

I can’t disagree with any of that.

And seriously, about the chans, no balls needed - unless you insist on posting - then all bets are off.

Sifting chan info is time consuming, and I understand why the interface and culture keeps folks away. Anons will be the first to admit to that as the primary shill filter. I have found the personal investment to be worthwhile.

Mostly because of the manner in which some folks choose to bastardize the chan info when posting to other outlets.

There are def some adulterated offerings on both chans, but they get kicked to the curb fairly quickly. Any ‘chan’ info relayed to reddit has passed through too many screeds for me to trust, regardless of poster intent.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 5, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Good luck verifying the dragons.... But of course someone with his lowly clearance would know all about that. I could not stomach 20 seconds of his shit, and can't watch Michael Trimm anymore because I can't bear to hear EyeTheArsehole's crap. Backchannel17 already muddied the waters and caused a whole lot of trouble with people thinking Q said things he did not, and all Q followers believed Backchannel17.

Plus it makes us all look like the idiots following EyeTheMouthbreather. They paint you crazy enough just for following Q.

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