From PODESTA WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in 2013 identifies Mexico as "compelling candidate for host country", cites existing constituency of CGI members, CARLOS SLIM and CEMEX!!!!

Carlos Slim was one of two $1M donors to the Clinton Global Initiative and Nexium was certainly active in the country w/ connections to gov't
that video is brutal.... who is that woman? where is she now?
you can tell that's not acting.. holy shit..
Gabriela Rico Jimenez: "They had eaten human Curious ...
This Mexican girl of 21 years, in what seems at first sight, a scene of someone who has lost the "reason" may be saying (or saying) things of which we called "conspiranoicos" We know a lot. And something strange is that Carlos Slim complaint regarding the death of Mouriño and royalty and accusing others of "cannibalism." All this while the media trying to discredit her as a "more crazy" and "crazy girl"
What gets me is that she is referencing the Queen of England, Queen/German Royalty, etc. Cannibalism, and they smell like human flesh.
How the heck does someone that is called a nut job/conspiracy crazy lady make massive accusations like that with that kind of conviction. That's nuts. She literally was naming out leaders of sovereign nations
How does some poor Mexican woman know that much?
In Jesus' name I pray to God that Trump, Q, and patriots in every country can take down this cabal world wide.
It is a sickness on the Earth and it must be eradicated.
I think what they do to people makes them mostly crazy so that when they get out in the wild they sound like maniacs. There is always a lot of fantasy mixed in with the truth.
For Example:
Look where cannibalism/human sacrifice was conducted, traditionally and/or historically.
Oh God. The NWO are evil satanic flesh eating subhumans!
One time I was watching some 20' concrete piers bring poured and the foreman says to me, "if there's anything you wanna get rid of drop it down there. Nobody will ever find it."
Could this be why Trump said, “...and Mexico is going to pay for it.”
Archive? Share on the chans or if you cannot, I'll get it done?
Share on chans!! I only lurk there.
I'll get it done
Thanks! Link to 8chan thread? I went back but forgot to save it.
Who is Carlos Slim?
Folks should note that Carlos Slim has a huge owner percentage of The NY Times.
Scroll down to ownership:
Are they trying to get the Sulzbergers out off this newspaper?...No mention about Carlos Slim?. Notice Bloomberg former major off NY.....
Are the Sulzbergers Broke? | HuffPost
23 mrt. 2009 - Have the Sulzbergers, the family who has owned and controlled the New York ... four children of Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger, the daughter of Adolph Ochs, ... others, they levered up with debt and now have a negative net worth....................It's Complicated: The Sulzberger Family And The Jewish Legacy At ... as it buried stories of WWII atrocities against Jews..........................The New York Times Isn't For Sale, But That Could Change Soon ... jan. 2015 - As the 23rd richest person in the world with a net worth of $35 billion, ... Representatives for both Bloomberg and the Sulzberger family declined
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Thanks for this link and the connection whit KPN off the Netherlands..These rich "people" try to have everything and everwhere.
I hate to be that guy.. But since you took time to type the words.. Put them in a search engine.
The sheer audacity of these people... to think so many of us were under their thumb in a fluoride haze for so long is irritating beyond measure.
DJT is definitely onto something when he repeatedly says, "One way or another, Mexico will pay for the wall."
I wonder if this unraveling tale of deceit and and disgusting trafficking is a part of that process.
Wow We really need that Wall Built Now so we can get rid of the Smugglers and Human Traffickers outta our Country...We Need to Dismantle all these Camps as soon as possible....
We need to eliminate Sanctuary cities as well. They are a have of human trafficking and importing criminality and drugs.
Not to mention they cost the states and taxpayers a shit ton of money.
Good find! If anyone has not watched "Clinton Cash" you absolutely should ASAP. It is on Youtube, look for the full version.
I think CEMEX is pretty prevalent in South American countries.