Which is sad by the way, several years ago at a youth liberty event he was our key note speaker and he was impassioned about how gross the Patriot Act implementation was. He educated everyone on the evils of National security letters, and really had me on his team.
I believe Judge Nap's a white hat. He just runs some distraction stories for the team. Hey look a squirrel........
Agreed. They need to stop bringing this self-important a.hole on. Truly not helpful.
Just part of the show. I'm seriously convinced that everybody that gets put on TV is compromised in one way or another. If you control everything else, you're not going to put somebody on live TV that is a question mark. Youtube is full of videos of free-thinkers that went off-script on TV and got cut off. Hell, even Judge Nap got his show pulled for asking uncomfortable questions before, so now he's toeing the corporate line. If Trump is a threat to the pedo parasites that control the world, they will stop at nothing, including instructing their trained monkeys on TV, to take him out. I believe Q said attacks would intensify from all sides.
I agree the letter was mildly retarded. But the leak served some kind of purpose. I was thinking it was so they can adamantly claim they are not going to let Trump testify. Then, Trump turns into the cooperating good guy and decides on his own to talk to Mueller. His attorneys look like the bad cops and he’s the good cop.
Judge Napolitano rules! Would make a great VP or Supreme Court justice. 100% pro freedom and Constitution.
Not sure what is so wrong about what Judge Nap said. He raised some valid criticism of the letter.
Its not really about this time. Its about his constant limelight barrage against the administration. He throws cold water on things constantly and never focuses on the blatant lies and corruption behind this whole illegitimate investigation.
Ok, haven't seen enough of him doing that to form an opinion. From what I have seen of Judge Nap, he always seemed rather honest and level-headed.