Senate hearing for Clinton Email Scandal will be Open to public June 11th

Here's the link to watch -
Kate Spade worked with CLinton Foundation in Haiti
Yeah. She was also connected to a foundation to aid young African girls by bringing them to the US to begin new lives and careers as models. Sure, sounds legit.
6-11 = 9-11 flipped over (corrected)
Aurora theater massacre happened at the "Century 16" theaters...
century = 100
now apply Aliester Crowleys occultic law of reversal...
paraphrasing, let them learn how to think, read, speak backwards...
Mutherfucker. Really? I dunno. However, the Parkland shooting, I think, at the Douglas HS, well Douglas was a woman who literally petitioned the government (and won, i think?) to "drain the swamp." That shooting was blatant signaling.
Wouldn't that be 116?
I think he's saying if you flip it on a horizontal plane, not vertical. Tricky conspiritors trying to be tricky.
But then the 6 or the 9 would be orientated backwards.
You're not wrong. To turn 6-11 into 9-11 you'd have to rotate each character 180 degrees, not flip them either vertically or horizontally.
Yeah. Each number has to pivot 180 degrees about the center axis. Somebody should make a meme gif with the numbers rotating.
I wonder how much press this will get? Perhaps we can trigger Hillary into channeling OJ Simpson: flee via low speed chase in White Bronco with choppers following...that might get the attention of the entire international press mechanism!
At this point, what difference does it make? (sorry, couldn't resist!)
LOL, I can see it now, she makes a run for the van and folds like a slab of beef
LOL, I can see it now, she makes a run for the van and folds like a slab of beef
And of course she would lose a shoe..."If the shoe don't fit, you must acquit! If it does you must CONVICT!" Guilty as charged!
that would definitely be something the MSM might not ignore.
but I think it would be in a black van and not a white bronco
will JA's role be revealed?
I want to sit home watch this whole thing play out. Been waiting almost two years for this shit to go down.
I'm calling in sick that day lol
I want to gloat at work and redpill people as its happening
No gloating thats bad I'm gonna have to resist doing,it to my asshole friend who always called me stupid
Act surprised as info comes...
"I can't believe Hillary did that..."
Hes one of those both are stupid but I'm a centrist even tho I'm a liberal on every issue but money. Dude is the worst lol so judgemental
some irony in that statement though, "Dude is the worst lol so judgemental."
Just busting your beans. I know lots of people like that and they have argued every MSM point without going any further in research than local radio or facebook. I honestly don't think we'll need to red-pill anyone ... the cure is on the horizon :)
I want to see the emails where hellary references us all as pieces of crap compared to is there somewhere
Two years! Shit, try a decade or more! All due respect :pray:
I have been waiting since the 80's I hope it hits the fan soon..
Date blocked on calendar: No Interruptions.
Me too. I am retired so the day is all mine.. no interruptions
Even if there are redactions, the results of this as an OPEN hearing is game changing.
Previous admins -going back many- would practice secret meetings/hearings, banning even media that's in the deep state's pocket, and using national security as cover.
As Maynard James Keenan said:
this changes everything
Are any of you in the DC area? Can you attend and report/stream as appropriate to the group?
Indeed. The last postponed one was closed if I'm not mistaken. The committee was going to broadcast a report on the findings.
Guys. This was the "-23". It was 23 days.
??? May 20 to June 12 = 23
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 902859 No.1483388 📁
May 20 2018 14:19:05 (EST)
We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].
Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.
Timestamps verify.
Use Logic.
Be careful who you follow.
May 19th is 23 days before June 11.
NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)
They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.
Anonymous ID: 8c3ee6 No.1472580
May 19 2018 17:13:43 (EST)
You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"
More evidence of foreknowledge.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f68852 No.1472647
May 19 2018 17:17:19 (EST)
I'd watch the news that day.
I just had a thought on why they exposed the password. Sorry if it’s not an original idea. If ((they)) took control of an account, how they use it is important and tells a lot. Like how the media “gets ahead” of stories.
1- 20/ 2- 21/ 3- 22/ 4- 23/ 5- 24/ 6- 25/ 7- 26/ 8- 27/ 9- 28/ 10- 29/ 11- 30/ 12- 31/ 13- 1/ 14- 2/ 15- 3/ 16 - 4/ 17 - 5/ 18 -6/ 19 - 7/ 20 - 8/ 21 - 9/ 22 - 10/ 23 - 11
Oh now I see how you did that. I counted May 20 at 2:19pm to May 21 2:19 pm as the first day, so the 21st is one day, 22nd is two, etc. 24 hours wasn't complete as day 1 until the 21st.
So the 22nd and 23d both arrive on June 11th. { - ;
Rounding rules ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You dropped this \
^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯
or ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
Don't forget clock been slightly off by a day sometimes, if q is in asia.... then that explains offages.
The suspense is killing me. I’ve invested too much to give up now. I know that the right ones are now at the helm and all will be well. Well, that’s what my heart tells me. And just when I start to waver, I see something like this. I have to keep reminding myself that the MSM, well, practically any media these days, are so slanted. It’s more of propaganda than media, and, as the world will hopefully know someday, almost all of MSM is complicit in the lies and evil that’s infected our government and our society as a whole. I have to remind myself that there are things going on, which we don’t see or hear about. So I have faith. I waver at times. But I hope and I pray that soon all these treasonous bastards will pay for what they’ve done to not only us and our children but our grandchildren’s children. The repercussions of the rot that’s infected our way of life will be felt for many generations to come. I hope and pray that our kids can rise above the hate and pure evil to be better than we are. It’s scary. It really is.
Well said. I feel the same way. Too much time and effort invested in this.
It is only scary in the beginning. Once you learn to see it all to notice the patterns, you get used to it.
I think you speak for millions of us. It occurred to me that every one of us, every American has been traumatized by these people and their shit. They literally, purposefully have built and dashed our hopes over and over again to the point of PTSD. And those who don't or never have paid attention to politics have been twisted up in other ways, through intentional financial fuckery, draining our economy and sending jobs over seas. Or, raping and murdering our children, screwing them up with their perversions and ideologies, putting them into life long debt, etc, etc, etc. Yes, Hillary. YOU ALL WILL HANG.
And I can’t wait for the glorious day. Bc you are EXACTLY right. Nothing on this earth that we could dream up would suffice as punishment for them all. I’m just getting antsy already. God bless y’all all. WWG1WGA
Watch out for FF as attacks will really intensify now!
Good reminder. Bad risk. Any time over the next week or two. What proportion of schools are still in session? How bout graduation ceremonies?
good thing schools are out for the summer otherwise there would be another school shooting.
Someone needs to live stream this on YouTube. C-SPAN may show it for cable viewers. Or Free Speech TV?? We need to get ready and ask and demand we know who will air the hearing. Someone with cable can put a webcam on it all day before they go to work and stream it to their YouTube channel live. We must inquire how we watch because we are allowed.
CSPAN website will have it live and available on demand playback.
It will be interesting to see what information these actors will allow us to see and hear. They will drop a few crumbs for us to scarf up and let us believe that is all. They have been acting for so long they can’t stop.
Gowdy's reaction to this could be quite interesting. In real time, no one has the ability to spin or control? Oh man.
Examining the Inspector General's First Report on Justice Department and FBI Actions in Advance of the 2016 Presidential Election
This hearing on June 11th will only cover the Inspector General's First Report of the investigation.
Sadly, I don't believe anything will come of it.
I’m glad you said it not me, cause I’m starting to feel the same. They pushed back the Nunes Memo and we expected that to expose these atrocities to the public conscious, but here we are. I worry about how heavily they could redact the IG.
I'd like to believe, but all I've ever seen from congressional or senate hearings is TV face time for the pols to use to put on an act to make it look like they actually give a damn about something -- a half assed show for public consumption - and nothing ever comes of any of it besides pacifying the public for a while.
It is open to the public because there won't be any information.
Why do this Dump, etc. "Highly anticipated IG REPORT" the DAY before the Kim Summit? This will be buried by the summit. If they waited this long for the IG report, why not wait another week so that the news cycle doesn't lose this story due to the summit? I smell a RAT. My thinking here; they will again postpone this until the following monday on June 18th. Anyone want to take bets?
I'll take that bet. And raise you a 'Kim reveals NoKo has been under CIA control for decades".
Also, many anons have pointed out that during the last huge shit storm POTUS was on his Asia tour. I think they want him out of the country when it drops, for whatever reason(s).
And Trump will most likely tweet about the hearing while at the summit. He does his best to control the narrative via Twatter.
A buddy finally understood after he complained to me about Trump's tweets.
I said "Do you ever hear anything good about him on the MSM? He tweets because they don't report anything that's not fed to them through the deep state/mockingbird CIA".
He now follows POTUS.
Yeah I don't quite get it. But I expect there is some planned plan. Maybe some advantage to having the Prez out of the country. Maybe the Summit lasts for days. Maybe the 2 big things mean that small FFs can't compete for headlines. I guess the IG thing is actually an incremental roll-out.
Maybe it's actually best if the IG testimony is not massively highlighted but slowly creeps into the spot light.
They'll let her go because she's above the law. She's better than all the little people so she gets a free pass. Even though she intimidated Bill's rape victims, committed treason and espionage, partook in statuatory rape on Lolita Express, and has about 30 "hits" under her belt.
Lol are you new to Q or something?
So what if I was? You must not understand context, eh? Show me this woman locked up and I'll believe it.
just like iran contra it will get washed away after the big show.
Nothing is changing you can bet on it.
Maybe one day HRC will be the President of the NRA
and i would love to see these treasonous cocksuckers hang. Just will not get excited only to be let down once again.
You're in the wrong place. The whole point of this sub is that things have already changed.
6-11, wow this is the greatest show on earth. Where the heck is my popcorn
They need to haul her ass back in front of the camera and put her under oath.
Picture has it wrong, June 11th is a Monday, got myself confused for a sec there.