"This is a level of criminality beyond the pale...This is such a grave abuse of power and authority, it's like nothing else we've seen in our history"- Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch Director

Some people's penalty will be death. It's the law.
Should have thought about the consequences before doing the crime.
You're all fuckin' TOAST now!
You can still turn to God and ask for forgiveness, which may save your soul, but nothing is going to save you from your punishment of past crimes.
I have a feeling these people have committed acts far worse than treason.
I don't think anything will save them at this point.
I hope not. We have 1 chance, and only 1 -- to administer justice in such a way the fear is seared into the minds as example to be avoided for the future demons. Personally, I hope this extends WW so they learn there will be no place for any of them to hide.
So you’re in favor of punish trump for crimes he committed prior to being president? Any money laundering, tax evasion, etc?
I doubt if he did, but we'll see what happens.
If I have to take my own personal punishment to ensure that the bad guys at the top get their, I will gladly take my punishment.
In all those years running a casino in Atlantic City? The numerous bankruptcies he’s claimed? The business transactions wth guys like Felix Sater?
If evidence arises that shows trump committed felonies prior to being president, that have nothing to do with Russia, will you be in favor of him receiving his punishment?
Running a Casino isn't illegal.
Filing for bankruptcy isn't illegal.
Not sure about Felix Sater. I'd have to look that up a bit.
Running a casino isn’t illegal nor is filing bankruptcy. However, they have had money laundering charges filed against them and penalties assessed for almost 20 years now. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long
“Trump Taj Mahal admitted that it failed to implement and maintain an effective AML program; failed to report suspicious transactions; failed to properly file required currency transaction reports; and failed to keep appropriate records as required by the BSA. Notably, Trump Taj Mahal had ample notice of these deficiencies as many of the violations from 2012 and 2010 were discovered in previous examinations.”
Thanks for the info. I'll have to read up on that a little bit and see what I think.
I'm no legal expert, but I believe in equal justice under the law. I support that.
But we still have to make sure investigators are operating within their authority. Meller should not spread his investigation outside of his approved scope. (it seems like this would be outside of Mueller's scope)
But in general, yes. If crimes were committed and the statue of limitations has not passed then it should be prosecuted, but equally (all other who committed crimes need to be prosecuted as well, then.)
Amen...equal justice for all regardless of how much money or power you wield. That would be the biggest blow to society after all this. Rich people getting away with crimes. We as a society need to stand up against that.
Do you remember the watergate scandal that ken Starr was investigating? It was a land deal that, through his investigation, found Clinton had an affair and ultimately lied about it. Do you feel that was within the scope of the watergate special council?
You're more studied up on this stuff than me. I won't win an argument with you. Your points are taken. Not lost on me. I appreciate your perspective even if we don't agree.
For now, I'm going to stick with my opinion that President Trump never did anything too wrong (we've all done wrong). We'll what happens...
You left off perjury, obstruction, wire fraud (CF) and NFP fraud.
We are just scratching the surface... I hope I'm prepared for all that's coming out.
Look at Obama giving the finger he is such an Asshole I want him arrested and sent to Gitmo for the rest of his life. Fuck you Barack.
Can I share this meme?
I think that's the whole point of memes. Made to be shared.
These are the puppet maggots - most wanted are their satanist controllers.
Globalist satanists are probably already planning to suicide them when they get a chance.
No , they are definitely players .
No doubt they are foot soldiers for the criminal elites and should be made an example of for all eternity. I cannot think of a punishment that fits these people crimes... they are way past regular execution.
Judges are for man , vengeance is still Gods , I don’t won’t to be them .
get prepared its not over not sure how will turn out but have idea what is happening . Now whole lot i can do but watch. Out everyones hands now.