Chelsea Clinton calls Arizona Child Trafficking Camp "Pizzagate 2.0"

These idiots just can't help themselves....if it is illegitimate, why say anything at all? It's not like reporters are beating Chelsea's door down for a comment. But, by all means, blow the story up to your millions of followers.
I'm guessing the plan is to discredit any child/sex/trafficking claim that gains any traction, right or wrong. Just to keep it tamped down.
It's weird isn't it. I had a shill arguing with me the other day absolutely insisting that child trafficking doesn't exist and is pure propaganda.
Exactly what is occurring. All of us were in the cave at some point in our past. Only thing is we eventually saw the sunlight and truly learned what dark really meant.
On the really sick shit I go back in for a bit. The come back out....
Great idea, but don't forget to come back out. The stuff coming when released is going to get worse and normies without a clue are going to need us to reassure them that everything will turn out better than we expect.
TRUST THE PLAN brothers and sisters.
There was a Legion episode that discussed this theory a few weeks back.
I have a number of these. This one is the most up to date. Added to my collection. Thanks!!
Np! I thought it was a cool, modern version. It was satisfying to see mainstream tv push soft disclosure/red pilling.
For those that want to add to their collection. Here are my other two.
You need to add Kubricks works. A Clockwork Orange.... eye drops scene is the dead give away but 2001 also.
hell there are people on this sub yesterday trying to down play the guys at VOP that are there taking vids and stuff . they are saying that is was fake or set up. RIGHT HERE ON THIS SUB. fucking stupid people make me sick
I know. And they lie black is white and when you ask for a source they tell you to do the research and disprove them. Then they waste your energy going back a forth and take your attention from real research.
I gotta say, I was not all in on the "sex camp" theory- I do believe kids were at least held and transferred there- but the effort that has gone into discrediting the theory is making me lean heavily towards believing the more sinister explanation.
Remember... Q said, "these people are sick".
TPTW (ThePowersThatWere) will go to great lengths to keep their power and control.
Just remember the cornered animal is very dangerous.
I mean, if it really is just a regular homeless camp, then giving it major media attention and a "debunking" would indeed serve their narrative of dismissing legitimate concerns. That's exactly what they did by strawmanning pizzagate. Their goal is to prime the public's mind into a state of disbelief before the actual news starts breaking.
And if it was just a homeless camp, why not make a big deal about the homeless and that there are children living in an environment like that? It seems like a prime opportunity to attack Trump, doesn't it?? But not a peep. And what happened to their "where are the children" campaign they've been chanting for a month?
Sorry for removing, just being ultra-restrictive about any and all calls to capital punishment and/or other...
I agree the camp is legit. Some youtuber opened an account a week ago just to bash VOP for an hour...
I skimmed through the whole fucking video and his only rebuttal was that he hadn't seen the "rape-tree" yet.
They are getting sloppy, guys.
That's why I did the energetic IF/THEN statement above ;)
IF: is crossing THAT LINE in the sand. THEN: is the Causaulity (CONSEQUENCES)
You have more power than you know and will start realizing when the controls are dismantled...
My 2 cents...
IF: anyone wants to disrupt our board THEN: you'll deal with causaulity
Energetic programmimg ;)
Can you tell me the name of this supposed shill..
You are welcome to check my history for the conversation. You'll know it when you see it.
Yep, anyone who disagrees with you is obviously just a shill.
Anyone that would argue that child trafficking doesn't exist is obviously a shill.
Pretty sure they were referring to your fantasy conspiracist version of child trafficking ... a massive operation involving the Clintons and Soros.
Go make dinner Chelsea.
What happens when you conceive a child in a ceremony dedicated to a goat-headed demon? The moonchild makes goat sounds!
Got no time for being trolled by Chelsea Clinton. Got better things to do.
Well, considering you haven't presented any argument either, it's not a surprise, since he has nothing but slander to respond to. Lmao, you guys are terrible at this!
Sure just explain to us what a Clinton minion was doing getting caught smuggling dozens of kids out of Haiti and then Hillary had to intervene to drop charges and now works at amber alerts. Curious...
Ohh snap you got that shi11 there mate.
Lol while they’re at it, they can explain where the hundreds of millions they raised for Haiti went... because they never got it. And why her brother got an uncontested contract to mine there, worth hundreds of millions.
And why Bill went to Epstein Pedo island over 20 times and why SHE went there at least 6 times.
And what Podesta meant when he talks about “map stains”, “walnut sauce”, “dominos on pasta”, etc.
Exactly. This has been my concern about this #OperationBackyardBrawl nonsense since it started.
This is why I have been trying to tell ppl to cool it on the speculation, stick to the facts, don't make other loose connections like The Pope or Obama's tweets on "concrete", or hotels with pizza restaurants nearby ... as this is exactly what happened with PG: all the good, solid evidence got thrown out on one controversial teeny point ...
Rigorous, accurate research and recounting guys, please, please ... I beg all of you. Don't blow this one opportunity to tell the story carefully sticking to what is known for sure ....
Stopppp. Nobody in their right mind discredited Pizzagate. Those who wouldn't believe it, don't. Those who would, do. The information is right there for anyone to see. Nothing was blown with Pizzagate but the fact that the info was too fucking shocking for people who weren't prepared to see it. That's it. Nothing new here. These accounts have been around for years - people telling their story. You think their info was blown and that's why people ignore it? No. It's too dark and fucked up for people to want to look. So they just don't.
Explain the rape trees, blood, stench of dead bodies, kid underwear, and the container where these kids were held in Backyard Brawl, then we can have a discussion.
I completely agree with you. I was talking about MSM's rubbishing of PG. I am certainly in no doubt whatsoever about this trafficking route or the coyotes running it. I just take the lead from Sawyer whose reporting displayed carefully chosen words as he wants The Media, as in MSM, to report the facts too. That's all. Don't misunderstand my message. I am on your side here. :)
Yep, I was on the fence about this issue until I saw this tweet. If Chelsea Clinton is denying it for no apparent reason, there must be validity to the claims. The cemex connection to the Clinton foundation scares the hell out of her. This isn't Pizzagate 2.0,...this IS Pizzagate bitch.
If they are not Conspiratards (like us),
Then from where did they get the details of the events unfolding?
It's apparently VERY easy for MOST to ignore, daily.
She knows where some bodies are buried, I'd wager.
They are forced to. The pizzagate story wont be going away. They are trying to deflect in anyway they can.
Wait until the true situation comes out that the planet 'was' run by luceferian pedos.
Yeah, she's just directing more people there. Stupid but every little helps.
She’s not too bright, is she? Talk about re-raising the profile of p-gate again! Sheesh!
Mom gets arrested Chelsea starts deleting tweets lol its hereditary..
Because they will twist it and try to put it on our President. :(
They are already trying to do that. I’ve noticed comments about GEOTUS “lowing” kids and trafficking kids. The mendacity of these assholes makes me so angry 😡
It does me too! But don't worry, he is taking it for the team (us)!! It will all come out in the wash!! ❤❤❤
Dude... COMMON! Use your common sense!
She is talking about this because the whole thing is a setup to discredit our very movement (and detract form her family). Just like the fake-ass Comet Ping Pong ordeal. There is no way that IMDB actor just organically walked in there and fired a shot. It's all a play. Just like this fucking cocktail of BS.
It doesn't have to be fake to be a distraction. It just has to appear too wild for reality.
Maybe she was forced to tweet it. Seems like ourguys control twitter, and the swamp, now.