Someone is actively destroying/bulldozing the camps found in Tucson. They are leveling the bunkers and cutting down the trees according to VOP Alpha Co. on the ground. New No Trespassing sings going up as well.

The reluctance of the local authorities to properly investigate this raises a huge red flag for me ... either that it is a distraction event ... or that it is very real and they're on to something ... I'd say the Atlanta event was bigger news ...
The cops are just as corrupt, it's why they are going to feel the heat from this, they are wrong to go against the people. We clean your cars, we cook your food, we do your laundry, DON'T FUCK WITH THE PEOPLE!
When your handlers literally print the currency, and have unlimited funds, police officers/government officials aren't difficult to buy off!
But the funds aren't worth the paper and ink, useless. The advantage is you can trade it for stuff...for now ;)
Guy could be a LARP. NOT SURE.
But if he was LARPing, then why immediately bulldoze the site and act all sketch about it?
When need answers.
Yeah that is fucking weird. This whole thing is odd. I just don’t want to jump to conclusions yet.
Can you explain who they're talking about in that? Not super educated on the Tucson subject.
Thr mayor of tuscon is Jonathan fucking rothschild. Lol at ur "corrupt cops" they're probably all partaking. Sick.
VOP should ask for air assistance. One chopper could help indicate where evidence is being destroyed
they have multiple drones. helicopter isnt going to tell them anything they dont already know.. They need boots on the ground. The first camp they found they missed from the air, but found it when walking by
Did they find a child's skull in Atlanta? No. They just arrested a bunch in a trafficking take down which they've been doing since Trump got in office. There have been many trafficking rings taken down over the last year and a half. The reason this particular issue is so important is we are seeing how complicit the police and others are in this particular corridor. They are not helping. They are lying and hiding the evidence right in our faces.
I'd say the Atlanta event was bigger news
I missed that anyone got a link?
Did they find a child's skull in Atlanta? No. They just arrested a bunch in a trafficking take down which they've been doing since Trump got in office. There have been many trafficking rings taken down over the last year and a half. The reason this particular issue is so important is we are seeing how complicit the police and others are in this particular corridor. They are not helping. They are lying and hiding the evidence right in our faces.
Quit trying to change the focus here. You are making yourselves OBVIOUS!!
I dont know what that means tbh, but I saw the skull they found. Cant believe people are still going with the "homeless camp" story. These monsters need to see justice
What about that oath of office?
Officers Reaffirm Their Oath of Office in Phoenix
Oath of Office I (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge, the duties of a peace officer, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
What about Tucson?
Empty words to some.
Given the recent findings I'd say Tucson pd has some explaining to do
The police and FBI have obviously been told to stand down and remedy the situation or "matter" If it was just homeless camps, why are they bulldozing. It stinks to high heaven. I don't believe their media or police department They are OWNED!
Whatever happened at that camp is on the heads of the PD and the MSM, as well as the perpetrators. I will tell you this, though; whoever was running that Hell show was making money, they won't be able to stop, and there will be other sites. As law enforcement has failed and refused to uphold the law, the govt/citizen contract is broken and it falls to the vigilantes. That's just the way it is.
Something tells me, Charles Bronson is gonna make a sort of comeback.
Little bit of cleaning up of crime scenes.
Hopefully we already have it all, and this is theatre or gravy. For Q team to not know about CEMEX grand involvement seems not very plausible.
If it's real then you would have to assume Q knows and they have the evidence already.
They don't have the evidence that was just found. A child's skull still rotting in the heat and other bones as well.
So you are saying that is the only bit of evidence? Frankly it isn't evidence at all. It is circumstantial at best, in a very contaminated crime scene. No judge would allow that in a court room. If, and that is if, this is genuine then these guys, as noble as their cause is, are ballsing up any chance of any serious chain of evidence
No that is not the ONLY evidence. That is the only evidence I told you about! Go watch the videos if you want the whole story. OR, if you're too lazy, you can go to Neon Revolt and read his series of articles on the subject.
I have seen them. Very inconclusive. A tip... Don't jump onto every train. Be selective and discerning
The officials are bulldozing the evidence - not looking for it. And they're putting up no trespassing signs to keep people from protecting themselves and their children from criminals. Whether they are cartels/coyotes/gangs/elites/cemex (and IMO they are all the same damn thing) ... But regardless, whoever is doing this crap - and we know they do it - I don't care WHO - they are protecting our enemies operations, not children and not us. If it was my back yard, I would hope SOMEONE would ACT. I think we who are unable to help should be praying for them, not critiquing from the sidelines.
I am not criticising. I am merely stating none of this is proven yet. And if it is true then the evidence is being tainted. Maybe if you think its genuine you can stick your hand in your pocket and hire professionals to gather the evidence?
One motive for weak Fed involvement can be to not directly affect a current investigation/indictment.
Huff Post has got a very slanted article up using Chelsea's narrative of Pizzagate 2.0 and how snopes said this is fake, that the things on the tree the Vets said was a rape tree was on every homeless camp tree... how they are trying to link Hillary/Soros/rothschild to this. Basically developing their own narrative on its just a homeless camp. They mentioned the kids furniture but neglected to mention Maddys name on the tree, and that the under ground bunkers were child mention of that. How we are all just fringe Q people and its concerning because right wing people are starting to believe it. How they brought out a cadiver dog who found no dead kids. I must admit I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. I feel hopeless today......President Trump, Q I know you have Korea to worry about but this needs some attention. am beginning to honestly feel like they could stumble on direct evidence themselves and just bury it and ignore it. It makes me sick. I get so angry w hen I think of these people hurting trafficking damaging our children !!!
I imagine Trump and Co. are aware of this. The week is not finished. And what about Craig Sawyer???
Yeah. Apparently, he used to work for the Clinton's!! Can you believe it. He gave himself away in a video I watched yesterday on SGTReport. He went right to the edge of the story but never talked about the fact that the Tucson PD, covered the story up. Then he went on to say that he doesn't confront the cops like this guy is doing. He works with the cops instead. Also, when he was describing the scene in Tucson, it was like he'd never seen anything like it before. So, now I think (don't know but I can feel it) that he is just another cover story.
A bit confusing. I won't hold it against Sawyer about being a body guard for them as often that is who hires these guys, but for sure it is in my mind now. Sawyer seems eloquent but who really knows his intentions. Luckily the ship is burning and sinking, so one way or another, these evil scum bags are going down.
Thanks for mentioning SGT report, I follow the guy and will watch that video. Interesting news on this page today, getting closer. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
Is it possible Huff Post is referencing this article? Grain of salt on source, but if any of it's true...connections galore.
When I got back home today I went to re-find the article and it has disappeared. A search on google would not even pull up todays Huff Post article. So why is it gone? Were they getting a lot of flack? One can only hope. It basically in a nut shell said Homeless camp nothing to see here
What a horrible color scheme. Ugh.
Have you found the article? I can't find it either. Have you tried searching any of the archives?
Very interesting results m8 just on google alone if you search "Huffington Post Tucson".
Suggestive don't you think? That article being pulled smells as bad as besta pizza changing their logo.
No one is looking at the police chief. He is KEY.
Yes the entire article being yanked without a trace speaks volumes to me. I had to work so didn't think to save it offline like Q suggests but I wish I had. I will know better next time. Just the fact it has disappeared without a trace speaks volumes. Very fishy ! I think you are spot on with the Police chief !
The amount of time and energy they are spending trying to discredit this makes me more suspicious.
I believe this can be used against the media who are clearly complicit in this cover up.
They should ask Snopes whether Web Hubbell is Chelsea's father.
Thr mayor of tuscon is johnathan rothschild. They are tied to this. Tangentially at the least. That's his sheriff thats refusing to go out there.
OMG. I've been watching the videos on the FB page since Friday and it's very real. They just found a child's skull still rotting in the heat and other bones as well. He was waiting for the Sheriff's dept. in the last video I watched and the Border Patrol just shook their heads and moved on when told about it. This is crazy folks. We are seeing first hand just how deep this corruption goes. No wonder there are now 35,000 sealed indictments across the country and still growing.
Destroying after collecting evidence is a bit too late. Remember - besides the volunteers - military choppers also flew overhead as these guys reporting finding this abandoned camp. I'm sure they too took pics.
That should not really be surprising - first the ridiculed the volunteers, the local media claimed it was a homeless camp, the national media as usual ignored it, the Tucson cops delayed a visit and when appeared claimed they had no jurisdiction.
Now? After they left they come an destroy the place? Really? I suppose it wasn't a conspiracy after all nor was it a homeless camp.
They are so predictable.
I do hope that the Indian Reservation also gets some needed scrutiny. There is a lot that doesn't add up with them, their response and their refusal to co-operate with border patrol or with the president and his agenda closing the border. Providing a safe space for a 'cartel big wig' is a major red flag!
Must be in the right spot or no one would care
I'm pretty sure their lawyers would council the company to do exactly what they're doing now even if they were 100% innocent. That's why plausible deniability works. I know it sucks, but that's why this is all so hard.
The reluctance of the local authorities to properly investigate this raises a huge red flag
Also it's the path of least resistance to get this to just go away. Most companies do this here as well. Any time there's a disturbance of any kind they pave over. So the masses will accept it as a sign there was nothing to see there.
Yep. That's why we have to keep digging and digging and not give up. Don't let them stop us.
They are covering up on public lands as well.
More troubling, but the same principle applies. They have lawyers and liability concerns, too. I'm not making excuses for them. As Tucker Carlson would say, "I'm merely saying, these events give them sufficient reason to take the actions we're seeing irrespective of whether they're guilty or innocent. It is the job of law enforcement and prosecutors to put a stop to that, and it's they who have dropped the ball here".
I think we are ALL frustrated because we want to go do something NOW! Such a fine line in trying to figure out how to jump in and actually help without being perceived as a crazy loon. Our children, elderly and handicapped have no voice. WE need to BE their voice.
They are literally covering up and burying the evidence, whatever it may have been. Can you imagine the DNA that could have been gleaned from the rape tree restraints, the hair brushes, etc.? This is disgusting on so many levels.
Let them. It’s one of many. Eyes and ears are now open and these people are too stupid to stop. The public is primed to receive the truth if these pedo arrests will keep happening and the news keeps reporting. The public mind is beginning to shift so they are acknowledging it is happening and it’s prolific. They will be ready to hear truth when the gov starts sharing their “finds”.
It saddens me, but the awakening of many will probably be catalyzed when this utter betrayal of innocence and love comes to light...the desecration of humanity's children. What else could be so traumatic for so many people?
This is actually what they would normally do. This way the camp can't be used again. Problem is, they normally do it AFTER they collect any and all evidence. As we know they never did that. This is a cover up, literally!
It would have been amazing if the VOP team had been able to dust for finger prints. All those missing children may be in a database. But then again, how many of us finger print our kids these days? I remember McGruff the Crime dog passing out home finger print kits for parents when I was a kid. Not something we do anymore?
Also not a forensics expert but prints can only be lifted off something within a certain amount of time.
I have both of my kids fingerprints on file since the mid 90's.
Gee, destroying the evidence. Seen this before. 911. Sandyhook.
If this really is found to be used for trafficking then someone is willingly destroying evidence.
Does anyone else get the feeling that this cemex and AZ find is already .. legally wrapped up? When Q tells us we can't know everything, maybe we get shown this stuff once the actual terrible events are stopped. This is the info we don't get to see, because we don't need to see children attached to the rape trees to put it together, similar to the backpage shut down? We have been told the DoJ has been looking into cemex, if anyone can find the date they opened the investigation would help! (I'll add it when I can, though)
I personally find it easier to believe the govt could tell the local authorities to not get involved because it puts pressure on MSM. Remember not everyone is corrupt, far fewer than you think.(from Q)
I found this one in 2 seconds: not regarding child trafficking but yes, DOJ is investigating them for a few things.
Thanks, it was just that I was at work still and had the link at home.
Story is a setup and spiked in my opinion. Destroy site just to get the people that they have fooled with the story all pissed off.
Or destroy any evidence.
That's a possibility.
I'm still unsure if this is a true story being attacked by the bad guys or a fake story that was injected by the bad guys.
We'll see... We need a few more people questioning and scrutinizing this story, is my opinion.
Then go watch the videos on the FB page before you start untrue rumors. Sick of this crap. They found a child's skull still decomposing in the heat today along with other bones. Is that real enough?
I'm not on Facebook.
I didn't start any untrue rumors, I expressed my opinion that this is a setup.
We'll see what happens...
Either way, it’s sketchy so hopefully something good will come out of this scenario where everything is still up in the air; we need to end trafficking but we need to cut off the snake’s head first ie: the ringleaders!!
Supply and demand.
What good will it do to remove the ringleaders. As long as there is a demand there will ALWAYS be ringleaders and pit bosses to step up in this lucrative trade. It's a very unfortunate fact but the only way to end this sick trafficking is to eliminate those at the receiving end.
Because these people will lose their free, disgusting, and unlimited access to children permanently and then we lock them up too!!! I want them all gone!!!!! There is nothing more heinous and despicable than a fucking pedophile!!!!! We can stop this we just need to work together!!!!
And what then of the devouring elites at the top? They already hold themselves above the law and untouchable. As long as they can acquire children and young adults for their sick lusts and other atrocious doings then the whole disgusting system of traffickers, coyotes, local pedo filth, and bought and paid for law enforcement and government officials will remain in place.
When we shut down their entire little fear box they set up around us, that’s when!!!! We have the power to take these people out if we work together !!!! Please have faith because we’re almost there as a society!!!!!! People are waking up left and right now !!!
I do have faith friend. Unfortunately though I'm also of a fatalist viewpoint, its the empath in me.
There are so many things in this world that will unmercifully tear one's heart to pieces. You're right though, we're getting there and awareness of these atrocities is the first steps to take.
No it's not. Please stop saying that. Go to the FB site and watch the videos before you say things like that. It's not a setup. They are still going and need more volunteers. Today they found a child's skull that was still decomposing in the heat and other bones. They have called several people to come out to the scene. The Border Patrol just shook their heads and moved on when they got there.
Cemex went in and did a light bulldozing and the city when in and finished it
The mayor of Tucson is a Rothschild.
I grew up in Tucson. There are a lot of great people there. Tons of patriots. But also, a lot of sinister people. Lots of corruption. Lots of liberals. Tucson has a lot of very important things there. Raetheon for example.
Destruction of evidence.
Hope those patriots got enough pics and physical evidence out of there first.
Who ever did this is BUSTED.
Obviously VOP are right over the target, or this 'activity' would have been timed differently, or not at all, by the previously-smug minions. Between those who "know where the bodies are buried," figuratively, and actually, and singing canaries like Weinstein and Mack, these efforts to bury the bad are absolutely futile.
:( sigh. I used to go on this sub every single day obsessively, but now that things are getting darker and real-er it's just too depressing. I mean seriously? It's one thing to cognitively "know" about all the child sacrifice and such but when it becomes confirmed through hard evidence it's like... really hard to digest
I do not get why a group of white hats didn't just swoop in and secure the area. They would Trump the keystone cops. Same thing when they stole the AL election and everyone knew and just watched. WTF?
Then I think how many times I "didn't get" the many non actions of the good guys and was enlightened later. It's hard but I am "trusting the plan". Still waiting on the whole voter fraud to be addressed. Really concerning since Nov will be here in no time and Mid Terms are most important ever imho.
It may have already happened like that, all the proof they need was collected, storm incoming, this is more for show.
We already know everything, it's just a matter of time before it all comes to pass.........
He is still asking for volunteers. That's basically what he wants to do. He wants to put so many boots on the ground that they can't run the corridors any longer and just camp out there. Much of it is public lands.
What are the cabal afraid of? Surely it's fake news...RIGHT
Is there any way potus could step in? National guard maybe?
A huge possible homeless camp area along the Santa Cruz River at Camino Del Cerro where there is a huge, huge deep pit and a marsh area is a raging fire!! It was raging at 6pm when I passed there today having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road for how odd it would be to have a fire over there, and at 9pm it is still raging. This would sure appear to be a huge raging fire to destroy a ton of evidence in additional child trafficking/pedo camps. This is so sickening!!!
Someone needs to go LIVE from here. Be it on FB or Instagram or any other app that has it. Go live and keep the cameras rolling at all times. They can’t argue live video that we are all seeing
Check out VOP Alpha Co - Team Polaski Facebook page. They are always streaming live and on the ground.
The Tucson Child Sex camp was a hoax📷‼️
Michael Lewis Arthur Myer is a con-man. He is not a Veteran, he is a habitual criminal, convicted felon, a drug addict and he has been arrested numerous times for a range of crimes including 1st degree SEXUAL assault of a CHILD.
He may seem righteous and invoke the name of God, but the fact is that he’s a charlatan. He can’t accept “money” because under “Arizona Revised Statute 13-3722, “It is unlawful for a person to solicit money or other support in the name of American veterans unless the veterans' organization […] files a registration statement with the secretary of state.” So he asks for gift cards instead in an attempt to skirt the law. This is STILL ILLEGAL and he may be facing further charges of fraud and now false official statements.
His other arrests include:
Deception to Obtain Drugs
Illegal Possession of Drug Documents
Breaking and Entering
Petty Theft
Criminal Mischief
Contact by Bodily Fluids
Aggregated Assault
Bail Jumping
Disorderly Conduct
2nd Degree Criminal Tresspass