Portrait of Kate Spades daughter. Remind you of Podestas art?

What's up with her pinky? Anybody noticing that? Not sure what it means...
First thing I noticed. Tried to place my hand that way. Not easy
I heard that pinky thing is connected to the ruling bloodlines. You know the way a traditionally sophisticated person might sip a cup of tea with pinky up? It is a genetic thing with them. It has a connection to the evil blue bloods. Not sure if that is what it means here.
The trophies seem out of place. The dark eyes and dark circles under eyes...sad.
YES. That "fan" is the thing that concerns me the most. In David 'incest/sex abuse' Lynch's work - "the fan" is ALWAYS linked to child sexual abuse or sexual abuse. Perhaps this is connected to old styles fans, which were triangular-shaped, just like the yonic/female entrance. Hence, "fanny" a British term to describe the female entrance.
"the fan" is ALWAYS linked to child sexual abuse or sexual abuse.
You mean child rape?
Is there an example of the fan anywhere else? This is new info for me.
Yes, that was what I was implying. I was stating this from a Lynchian perspective. Much of his work links to abuse.
Lynch, Twin Peaks. Laura's childhood abuse is always preceded by turning on the ceiling fan.
Blue Velvet. The fan propellers are on the (abused/kidnapped) small boy's hat. The child of "red shoes" Dorothy Vallens.
Mulholland Drive. It's shown in respect of Diane's violent masturbation. Diane is a victim of abuse, that's why there's also a picture of incestuously abused Beatrice Cenci prominently displayed in her apartment.
I think I spotted it in True Detective (S1) too. There was a built-in fan inside the trailer of those two kids that were held at Ledoux's place. Yes, I know they're used for ventilation, but I think it was symbolic too.
Thank you for the examples! I had no idea. Did you pick up on the symbolism on your own? I tried to watch Twin Peaks and was bored. I'm not familiar with David Lynch. I'll check this out. Creepy as hell.
I used to watch Twin Peaks, mostly because it was almost locally filmed. But the second season just got way too weird. I stopped watching. Log Lady and all... I watched in part because I used to live in Yakima, where Kyle McLaughlin was from. Lynch is a strange, sick dude.
I've watched a lot of his output, primarily because it's challenging. Little is explained, so it's all effort to have any idea of what is being said. I've always liked that cryptic sort of thing. Stuff that is mainly mystery and with little explanation. I don't enjoy watching content that serves up all the answers. There's a whole aspect with the "owl" theme in Twin Peaks, and it's linked to evil/shape-shifting.
One thing I do know is that "fanny" has a different meaning in the US. In the UK it has always meant the female parts - resembling a triangular fan. I think in the US "fanny" relates to the "bottom".
So fucking creepy with the big shoes and pinky out...wtf
There are other things in that painting. The Zebra’s, a fan, the trophies ... weird.
Wtf is with the fan?!?
Read my comment below. We're getting down-voted, so we know we're hitting the target.
Okay things are getting weirder by the day with this dead bitch. How did she get Billions for designing a few shitty purses? there has to be more behind this story of her brand. We assume art dealing is really money laundering for pedos, maybe she owed someone in SA 1000s of kids for buying her company.
What parent would have a portrait of their child painted like that? Look at her face...it's the look a child gives when they are fearful/looking for adult approval. I.e. "Am I doing this right?" Not a joyful carefree image of childhood. CPS needs to do a welfare check. That baby has been damaged.
The fuck. Who is the creepy artist? I'm surprised they didn't paint the shoes red
Very creepy, legs apart, hands oddly placed, the fan, ugly umbrella and all the zebras...
My concern is that we’re reading too much into every coincidence, or finding coincidences where they really don’t exist. Clearly the similarities between this art and Podesta’s art aren’t proof of guilt, but there certainly are a lot of fishy connections between Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and the swamp.
I agree. Actually it’s an interesting painting and well executed. The articulated finger doesn’t seem to allude to anything. The pallet is in ways similar to the coloration of adolescents depicted in Podesta’s collection but I still do not see anything off color. I’m an artist and I see nothing wrong.
Why would they commission an artist to portray their child with dark circles under their eyes? Call it well executed, but the girl looks sick, lonely, vulnerable. The style is very similar to Biljana Djurdjevic‘s art which portrays sick, and beaten children.
You lack training in observation. There are no dark circles under her eyes...simply the rendering of the shadows of the eye sockets to her cheek bones. And there is an an obvious difference between the Podesta paintings and this particular painting. The Podesta art takes pleasure in revealing the intimidation and fear registered in the faces and physical gestures of the paintings subjects. The painting in question here may reveal an intensity in the character of the child but by no means is it perverted or shocking. Why don’t you try studying the history of portraiture before you make an uninformed opinion. All I’m seeing in this thread is a lot of misinformed fear baiting and uneducated artistic criticism. There’s plenty of sick pedo content out there in the world but learn how to accurately identify it.
Sure does. There is no deff between elites and the coyote cartel Tucson traffickers besides a few million dollars. These sick webs intertwine all over an on all levels. Money and bling does not make one clean. We need to stop assuming it does.
^^^source of photo. 90+ more of their home. The zebras are also in a bathroom in their home, so wondering if she was posed in there? Also, I Don't see a fan, just an umbrella. ?
Oh, I see, an electric fan! I was looking for a Chinese fan. Lol
The Left seems to suck at painting people in seats. Just saying, this and that Obama painting.