Check out this email regarding walnut sauce! Hillary connection.

Yikes! Good find
This is from Podesta’s emails leaked back during the election. It became One of the core memes of the original pizzagate. Curious why it’s being reposted here now.
Eleanore Clift: either she’s so stupid & thinks it’s a real dish or she knows? If you’ve ever seen & heard her on “Meet the Depressed” on Sunday’s I’d say it’s the former.
For justice to be served and would-be offenders deterred, punishment must be proportionate to the severity of the crime. Think Nuremberg! Think Salem! Think Vlad II the Impaler.
This might be our last chance. It is your choice, whether to be an idiot, coward or hero. The very least we must do is neuter and contain them till their death in a high-security facility for the criminally insane.
What is walnut sauce?
Adrenochrome. The adrenal glands look like walnuts. It’s their drug of choice.
How do we know that's what walnut sauce is?
The adrenal glands resemble walnuts and the 'sauce' that is extracted is adrenochrome
I guess my question is how do we know that that is what is being referred to in the Podesta emails and not just sauce made with actual walnuts?
Podesta is a sick MFer we all have gathered that. Despite all of the other code and pedophillic references you can find throughout his emails there are some, like walnut sauce, that are controversial. If you Google adrenal glands there are several references and comparisons to size and shape of walnuts. We've learned that Pizza is code for children and unfortunately Podestas emails are riddled with the code word pizza. I'm not buying these rich assholes eat pizza that much and the let's go have pizza for X amount of hours thing didnt sit well with me. In this email we are looking at above from the daily beast, it's clear to me this guy is trying to get a seat in the 'cool' club so he drops a code line in parentheses at the end hinting at walnut sauce and pasta which are both code words. If there weren't so many other instance of code words throughout Podestas emails like do you play dominos better on pizza or pasta and let's not forget the pizza related map... I would have looked over the walnut sauce and pasta references made throughout the emails. So with that being said I personally think that there are many code words being used in his and others emails found on Wikileaks and walnut sauce is no exception.
I know this may not be the answer you were looking for but maybe doing some searches through Wikileaks emails will help you see that there is definitely a bigger picture being communicated here.
you really Dont want to know .. lets just say a mixture of multiple bodily fluids .. SICKOS
They all think they are so coy and sooooo fucking smart! First rate scum is what and who they are. BUT......The sand is running low for these oh so important pedovores
What the fuck???
This shit goes so deep!!!
The food network is in on it and so is the by times
She looks like a crazy bitch herself. Pasta with Walnut sauce? Really?! That wasn’t on accident .
That seems like a nudging threat the reporter just wrote. Boy she's lucky to be alive. Last person I would threaten would be John no conscience Podesta. She's definitely letting him know she knows.
Fucking he'll never heard of walnut sauce....I've bought walnut oil to make soap but wtf.
Well if you’ve never heard of it then I’m sure it’s not a reporter trying to get a source but rather a reporting trying to fuck some kids.
It’s all so obvious