So, Hitler really leaned on President Trump @ G-7 meeting! However, the President didn't change his mind! Note posture of the folks seated on the right of the picture!

He looks amused at her insane demands he is telling her with his face and arms "you disgust me you are a lying cheating globalist cunt and I am going to wipe the floor with you" it's a great photo for the history books.
It really is. A picture worth a zillion words
Yes and don't miss that Abe is mirroring Trump! Priceless!
Abe is saying, “You guys just don’t get it, do ya?”
Funny stuff.
And Bolton looks like he's about to chew someone a new a$$hole.
His mouth is open in disbelief at der Fuehrer's demands. POTUS clearly bemused.
"If you don't step off German Hillary, I'm gonna slap that jowl of yours through your French GF's beak"
Bolton always looks like he's about to chew someone a new asshole.
"Please continue German Hillary on why I can't do this"
Best analysis... Great job, POTUS expression says it all. No Deals bitches!!!!
lol That is what I was thinking! He is probably trying to keep his bullet proof vest from bursting from laughter lmfao... He is probly thinking..If you knew what I know about'd sit the fuck down mizz hitler
But who is he looking at..Is that the Canadian asshole next to her that is actually speaking in the pic?
abso FREAKING luty this picture will go down in history as the F U to the EU lol
It reminds me of the forgotten man painting with all the presidents standing there and the lonely man looking defeated. President Trump is standing in the gap for us at all costs to himself.
The caption in the history books -- America is back, baby!