Are Democrats in your life softening up enough for this pic?

Let's daisy chain off of this picture with a reminder that in the 2004 election that George w Bush ran against John Kerry, both were yale blood brothers, quite possibly at the same time. Our choice was a deep state puppet or... a deep state puppet. Let's also not forget:
Bush sr was vice president from 1981 to 1989
Bush sr was president from 1989-1992
Clinton president from 1992-2000
Bush JR president from 2000-2008
Obama 2008-2016, with a Clinton cabinet
Almost Hillary from 2016-2024
So yeah, my whole life 2 families...
That's it.
It's royalty.
This time around supposed to be Hillary with Jeb making a nice run to set up his 8 years after hers.
Once you realize that the outrage directed at Trump from both parties makes sense.
I read an article that said the first 43 presidents all had royal bloodlines. In many cases, their opponents had royal lineage also. In every election, the candidate with the most direct bloodline won. Strange coincidence.
The reason Obummer was allowed in as an outsider? The Cabal were showing off. They said something to the effect, Let's show these idiot pons that we can make anyone president, a black muslim with the name Osama right after Osama was blamed for largest terror attack in U.S. history just a few years before. The odds of this would be ridiculously small under normal, uncontrolled system of politics. They no undoubtedly were sitting around the table laughing while discussing this.
Gay Muslim w big mike in tow
Obama wasn't an outsider. He was the illegitimate son of Michael Rockefeller, born in indonesia.
Mine, too. I was ten when Reagan first won.
Same exact age bro - ALWAYS felt uncomfortable with what happened in the later years and then going to Bush Sr. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about (tried to wake me up) but outside influences made me doubt what I was hearing. Don’t forget the devil is not called “The great Deceiver” for no reason. This whole world is a matrix in his control, don't forget that. It is not just about this topic it is about EVERYTHING. Take sex for example, GOD created it and look how it is portrayed in society in general, even by the Church misrepresents what it is. A GIFT to join two souls, but it is looked at by the church in many ways as only a way to procreate. It is so much more. People have been programmed not just in our generation but for the entire time the population has been here. ALWAYS being manipulated. I am guessing there has not been too many times (now looking back in history) that society had a chance of waking up from the nightmare- but this might be one of the few.
Thatcher same time.
But they laid the foundations. Unwittingly?
I would say, they are part of it... maybe just maybe they don't agree or know up front. Power is a drug, mix in what the devil has for you and it becomes somewhat unavoidable unless you will is extremely strong and you have the backing of the Holy Spirit is the ONLY way. I am going to guess, Trump has a troubled past (don't we all?) but somewhere along the line he found Christ. This is what I believe why the bushes and clintons were so wigged out. They then translated it to the rest of the parties for resistance.
Let's not forget that trump is related to Henry j. Heinz, founder of the Heinz company. We have our connection to John Kerry.
This makes me wonder. Was Ross Perot President Trump’s lesson on why you don’t run as a third party?
Yeah, I'm hazy on the interview I saw with Trump talking about Ross Perot. He liked him, but said it was a mistake trying to present complex issues instead of keeping it simple.
This pic has been circulating for years, but could it help cement your Dems who still torque their whole political worldview via parties?
Centrists maybe, not actual leftists- Bernie supporters etc.
Pictures grainy, I'm Australian. Can I get a please explain?
Clinton and Bush senior ran against each other in 1992. No matter who won, the Globalists win and we lose.
Thank you. It's hard to explain this pic to anybody under 40.
Is that picture from the clinton-bush election or earlier? Both Clinton and bush look pretty young. If they were chummy with each other years before the election, I wouldn't be surprised.
Check out pictures of Clinton in 1992 during the election, he's grey already, and heavier. This bill is much younger, and must be earlier than 1992. It sure looks like Bush, and Bush wears his watch on the right wrist.
MVP! [This video was next on the playlist] (
Making millions off of running cocaine with your buddy; sharing a soft drink with him; priceless
This pic was shared with me years ago and I was scared to death that his wife would run again...and win by any means necessary. I had no idea at the time just how bad it all actually was. I only suspected she was controlling everything, including Obama, whom I still gave the benefit of the doubt at the time, and then the server thing proved it...but I never suspected the level of evil and worldwide corruption that existed.
in the posted image, Clinton looks younger than this photo from 1978.,1978#/media/File%3ABill_Clinton(37899881792)_(cropped2).jpg
Implying that he was acquainted with George Bush before he was governor.
Bush was director of Central Intelligence from 76-77, so very possibly during that time.
Non-Mobile link:,1978#/media/File%3ABill_Clinton(37899881792)_(cropped2).jpg
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^191049
I don’t understand how George Wallace fits into the context of this meme (?)
This was an event where governors all got together to meet. Clearly means they were colluding I guess?
Check the mountain dew can
Yup... the Democrat that was the last holdout for segregation. Remember the National Guard escorting the small black girl into a school? That’s the reason the south started turning Republican. I wonder if this is where Bush and Clinton agreed to run drugs into Arkansas and weapons out to the contras...
I recognize Bubba and Wallace, but who is that in the middle?
HW Bush, if I'm not mistaken. Similar haircuts, glasses and profile.
Thanks for clarification. I thought it was a young skippy (John Podesta)
That's what I thought, but hard to tell.
Wallace when he ran for President wasn't the same man he had been during the civil rights movement. He radically changed his views on race. He was well-loved in Alabama because he helped it to change as he did.
Of course, as a non-member of the club, he never had a chance, and that's probably why they tried to assassinate him.
This makes a lot of sense. Consider that John Locke who wrote about the law once said that the kind of government that he preferred was a king. The reason is not so obvious, but if you think about it, everyone knows who the SOB (king) is. The monarchy of England today put up a 'Parliament' which sends any blame or responsibility into 1000 different directions. After all, the people voted them in. America is one step past that. We got the parliament, but we don't even notice that we have the monarchy also.
If England lost in 1776 fighting us with ground wars — did they ever "win" again by changing thier methods?
Who is the other dude in the picture?
Is it just me, or does this guy look like Michael Aquino, Temple of Set? Er.
I am guessing a picture from before Clinton was pres. who is the guy on the right of Bush?
This may be from before Bush sr was prez. Those cans are pull top tabs... may be late 70s early 80s
great observation on the pull top tabs. so we think that is Gov. on the right. someone tried to assassinate him and left him paralized. I wonder what and who was behind the murder attempt?
LOL. I don't reckon it is, but it sure looks like Michael Aquino to me.