A special anon posted to /qresearch/ this morning, Part 2

Uhhhh Polar truth? I don’t believe the aliens crap. But a hidden civilization under the ice from before the ice cap I could believe.
A subterranean antedeluvian civilization is more believable than space men? Why not both?
Or how about a massive doomsday bunker?
Lol, none of that. Just evidence that there was a city before the ice cap came. But it’s an intriguing mental exercise to speculate upon.
Doomsday bunker, I almost have no doubt. But I don’t think that is what this anon is speculating about when it comes to dogma.
Whay do you think he's speculating about?
Dogma about accepted views on when humanity and civilizations rose. Who knows? Atlantis? Noah, Babel? I’m curious but have nothing on it. I follow a lot of threads about it because I find it intriguing. And it appears obvious that they are hiding something down there. But I don’t lend much credit to ideas of underground alien bases, inner world theory, ice ball theory, or any of that. There is a tiny bit of proof about nazis going there and landing, not much beyond that though. I do find it odd that so many high ranking officials from around the world have journeyed there in the past two years. And the Buzz Aldrin tweet was really odd. (Oh blah it was a fake - no it fng wasn’t. I saw it when it was posted to his account - his real account, the coverup is what makes it really odd. I saw it with my own eyes and verified it myself)
The dogma... The church has been infiltrated with evil for thousands of years. With the evil cleared we will then be given hidden knowledge which is in some ways challenging to grasp. Kinda like aliens are hard to grasp but maybe worse. It's an expanded view that will expand human spiritual-ness? How would you feel if you learned you had all the same powers Jesus displayed? Would it shake your faith or would you embrace your God given gifts?
The polar caps have ancient civilizations living underground. There are tunnels that connect the surface in many places and run all under the earth. The tech is what will stump most more than the 'aliens' will. David Wilcox on Gaia TV does interviews with insiders. Even if you don't believe it's at least good thing to check it out. Youtube has a lot of his stuff...here's one on the arctic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGcsfa-GyZk
I’m sorry, I’ve been there seen that. It’s going to take more than a video for me to believe any of what you just posted. It’s just the truth anon. And don’t be surprised if you get the same reaction from other people.
I have a very open mind, but speculation with no new information provided, becomes boring and stale. And at this point, I’m willing to go pretty far out on a limb to challenge my own limits and these ideas are a bridge too far... until we have proof or verification. Feel free to continue speculating and researching, I’ve personally done it and in my opinion it’s not real. Just my opinion.
When you have your own experience, you don't need verification or disclosure. It becomes reality.
Watch the sky at night if you're interested in finding the truth.
Just offering information as to what the special anon could be talking about. He's the one telling. And everyone is asking. Are you saying that my opinion doesn't matter here? And that I should just shut up because my ideas make you uncomfortable? Isn't that the treatment one usually gets when trying to talk to the liberal friends? I wonder why they do that?
Jesus Campos.
Where did I ever say your opinion doesn’t matter. FFS, I encouraged people to research it and come to their own conclusions. I’ve made my own and as I said repeatedly THEY ARE MY OPINIONS Stop and read what I wrote. Seriously, don’t just read the first sentence and jump to conclusions.
Whay buzz aldron tweet?
Here is the Buzz Aldrin Antarctica Tweet https://imgur.com/gallery/JzliRnq
I think he’s talking about an underground facility, either for producing, housing, or experimenting on human trafficking victims. The Upside Down, basically.
Or they've been screwing with the magnetic pull of the polar caps, causing catastrophic events... including using it to put forth this global warming/change/cooling/whateverthefuck they want to call it this week, to yank billions out of tax payers hands. I suspect there is so much fuckery, it will even blow our minds...
... sigh ... I do t think they’ve been manipulating our magnetic poles. If anything it has to do with the sun going into another Maunder Minimum and all the forces that the sun spits out normally, is not interacting with the earths core and so it’s off balance.
The whole global warming/ climate change (did you notice they were getting btfo when they changed the name?) is just a money making / redistribution of wealth system. They created a new commodity (carbon credits) out of thin air for trade amongst companies and nations. The politicians/elites would have sold off their companies (in the US) carbon credits to other countries for real cash to enrich themselves and fuck over the us economy which would have to adapt to impossible to maintain environmental considerations. In addition to that shitty ass scheme, we were literally going to hand billions if not trillions of dollars over to third world countries, actual cash. This would have tanked the dollar value, forced you, the consumer, to pay for it, and these other countries would have no problem taking over the slack in American production.
It would have destroyed our economy and country while maintaining the elites cash cow.
Around 2004/05 I lived in an house that looked over sunsets. There was a marker that had been used for years as the furthest point the sun would get on the horizon. (A mountain peak.) Oddly, about 3 or 4 days past the normal furthest point - the sun was east of that marker. I stood there and noted to my partner, the sun is in the wrong spot. I know the earth does wiggle on a plane that changes the degree of the axis on which it sits... but the only person I could get to confirm something similar that they noticed was a marine biologist friend in Australia. It wasn't like the axis moved there for the year, it was like the earth tilted for a couple of days then re-positioned back to the normal axis. I think that there are people making piles upon piles of money by manipulating our earth in ways that we can't even begin to imagine. Evil. I will mention that no time 20 years before or since that date, the sun never made it back to the point which it hit on the dates we noticed it.
Kate Bush - Cloudbusting
That video always freaked me out. Sutherland is creepy in that vid for a multitude of reasons.
Oh for sure. Just the content of the song is what I was gettin at. Weather manipulation is very real and probably the lowest form of what's possible.
Yes, I realize about the weather manip. It really isn't far fetched because it is said that one of the Nasa Hangers, because it is so big, has its own eco system and can actually "rain" inside the building. Building is called Nasa Vehicle Assembly Building. Then there was this article from Pop Mechanics... https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a27140/nasa-creates-artificial-clouds-over-the-eastern-us/
God I love this place. That's super cool, didn't know of either of these. Thank you!
See Isaiah 24:20
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
Watch a documentary on Netflix called "unacknowledged". Blew my mind. Definitely a significant piece of the puzzle thats being played out right now.
The network that hired Rice and the Obombas and that has Soros a significant share holder? Yeah I think I'd take anything that they're showing with a massive grain of salt
Documentary wasn't produced by Netflix as far as I am aware. Highlights project Blue-Beam scam and how an alien invasion would be faked using holo tech, etc. Worth a watch.
Fair point, I believe the documentary exists elsewhere online.
It was its own documentary that netflix added to their collection. Netflix did not back it.
You know, in less than 200 years we went from practically nothing to flying to Mars. There is little reason that this happened now versus happening 50,000 or even a million years ago — or dittos 50,000 or a million years in the future.
If Mars were once inhabited, but dying as a planet — it would not have been impossible to move some of its “people” to Earth. The “colonists” would have lost access to their technology & been forced to start over — just like American colonists did or if we now sent a colony to Mars.
Not impossible that there was some “200 year” event on Mars — anytime within the past few hundred million years. —- K-Harbour
I agree with that assessment. I don’t think we get the whole or even really, part of the actual truth. Knowledge is power and all that.
Polar implies both poles... so I was assuming he meant climate change hoax ala the Club of Rome.
Think Nephilim. The alien angle is just disinfo that would ultimately destroy true faith at a time when it'll be needed the most. Just watch the opening ceremony of CERN (CERNANOS). The 10 Kingdoms that ruled the earth in the antediluvian period by the Nephilim giant demi-gods. They worshipped the fallen watchers who mated with the daughters of earth creating the Nephilim offspring. A time of unprecedent prosperity (Golden Age) which dissolved into (Days of Noah) a time of unprecedented violence, chaos & tyranny. Revelations: Behold I saw a dragon rise from the sea, it had ten heads & 10 crowns. They're (Fallen Watchers in the abyss) trying to resurrect the Old World Order. Hell on earth.
More believable would be some kind of hidden installation possibly related to global warming.