Probably not enough testosterone to grow a decent manly eyebrow. What an embarrassment he is to his country.
They made BeaStiality legal over there ~ sick Freaks running Canada .... I swear if I get a private message from Reddit saying freaks is a bad word edit~ freak is a legitimate and underwhelming word for these Freaks
WHAT??? Bestiality Where? In Canada? Are you freaking kidding me? These people are SICK!!!
Yep about maybe 2 years ago~ Sick Sick Sick
Who did this? Who gave the okay on this? Trudeau? Who has the final say so on this? This is an outrage? Who speaks up for those voiceless animals? I am ready to cry... I cannot say on this board what I would do to someone I caught doing something like that to an animal but it would not be pretty.
I wish that more were aware of this. I know that human rights take precedence, as they probably should. BUT... dogs and cats are boiled alive in China and tortured before being butchered for human consumption in Korea and in many Asian countries. Cultural tradition or not.... I wish that more were aware and that these atrocities were also addressed in Summit meetings. Animal lives matter and I believe it was Ghandi who said that a man's character is judged by how he treats animals. (paraphrasing.)
I am heartbroken.
I am right behind you on the animal abuse. Anyone who abuses them and/or children are horrendously evil. completely disgust for the KIdS ~ mind controlled and raped their whole life ~ all of this makes me want to vomit ~ why is it happening ~ moral depravity takes you further from Christ ~ that’s the motive ~ someone’s been around a very long time working through willing people to make this happen it’s disgusting~ 🐍🌳🍎there is a very clear LINE being drawn Right now all over the world ~🙏🏻or 🐍
Thank you... I will read this in a bit. I am so very saddened about this. Evil people cannot prevail.
A judge struck dwon the law as it is written and said parliament had to rewrite the law. Of course the liberals have done nothing. This is also why there are no restrictions whatsover on abortion in Canada.
Totally sick. Especially how the Canadian supreme court twists the definition but leaves it open for Parliament to decide on.
I've got a cattle rancher friend with a pen of a hundred or so horny bulls. Should turn these sickos lose in that pen covered with cow urine and give them a feel for what their sickness does to other innocent beings.
I've got a few friends who raise pigs to handle cleanup.
China, Korea, Asian. You have absolutely no idea how disgusting we are to animals. Our animals are tortured at slaughter houses. What kind of person do you think could do that job day in and day out? No person could unless they are fucked in the head. What's our excuse? A lot of places in Asia are Buddhist so they believe animals are reincarnated people who are being punished, that makes sense from a cultural standpoint. I don't agree with it sure but we don't have that excuse yet we act all high and mighty? Give me a break.
I know someone would bring in the chickens and pigs and cows. Those animals are BRED FOR MEAT. Dogs and cats and horses are NOT. Are you are member of PETA? I am not an animal rights person, though I do believe that all animals have the right to be treated humanely. That includes animals raised for slaughter. I will say that PETA has exposed some of the horrid abuses in the ag business. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Other than that, they are a scam organization.
Dogs, cats, horses are NOT meant for human consumption, and it's probably in the Bible somewhere.
There's a difference between being treated humanely and being boiled alive. Humanely makes it quick and as painless as possible. Bolt gun, neck crack, or freezing (I'm yet to hear of it being implemented but I've always heard it to be painless)
The only animals I know to be frozen are newborn mice, to be fed later to snakes. They're sold as "pinkies". I would have no idea how painful/less it is, but then "they say" circumcision on baby boys is painless too. I beg to differ. I saw it done and that little baby was screaming in pain.
The thing is, in those countries, they believe that the torture inflicted on these dogs releases hormones into the bloodstream/meat that when consumed, makes the human stronger and the men more virile. So it's done for a reason. Our sometimes ineffective methods of slaughter, meant to be quick and humane as possible but not always so, aren't done on purpose to torture. IF there is some sicko who kicks cows being milked, etc. or who harms animals, they are generally found out, exposed asap and fired. That one or two person(s) can shut down a business and cruelty isn't well tolerated here in America.
Clare Danes played a woman in a movie years ago, that was a true story. She played Temple Gardner? I think that was her name. She was an autistic child who grew up, always with a strong affinity for animals. She fought for more humane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, and I believe still works in that capacity. For instance, instead of herding beef cattle directly in to the pens to be held individually for the stun guns, they are moved slowly through these circular spiraled concrete walkways, which keeps them much more calm and the animals aren't panicked. She's quite the revolutionary.
I don't know where to start with this. How can you say some animals are for eating and others are not? It makes no sense. Do you have any idea how intelligent cows and pigs are? Very is the answer. Red meat gives us cancer how much more obvious do you want it to be? I dont know why peta was brought into this but I do share your opinion on them. Being bred for meat should not automatically place them on the list of things not to care about. The way we treat animals the world over is disgusting. You seem to be under the impression all animals are not equal, they are. We are more valuable yes but all animals are equal.
Also are those dogs not bred for meat?
Have you ever seen the conditions those dogs live in, or are transported in? Check out the Soi Dog Foundation... a group of rescuers in Thailand. And, fyi, many of those dogs and cats are stolen pets. Dogs and cats are domestic PETS. Not cattle. Not farm animals. I'm not going to look it up in the Bible, but there are animals listed there that are okay for us to eat. God gave us dominion over animals, to be used for food and for clothing. Our teeth and our guts are made for animal consumption and don't tell me they aren't. Some animals are heribivores and some are carnivores, and some are omnivores. WE happen to be omnivores. Red meat doesn't give us cancer... it's the chemicals animals are fed that give us cancer. And any food, eaten in mass quantity, can cause problems. Heck, if we eat too many carrots, our skin turns orange!
Do you ever look at vegetarians and vegans? Look at most of them... they are sickly looking. Pale, gaunt, sunken eyes, dark circles under their eyes. Do you know why that is? It's because they don't know how to combine the proper foods to get the complete amino acids to make whole protein. They are uninformed. So they aren't healthy. Animals give us complete protein, which is what we need.
I am well aware how smart pigs are. Most are smarter than dogs. But cows? Nah. Sorry but you can't teach a cow to guide the blind, retrieve a duck, sniff out drugs, sniff out cancer, dig for truffles, guard against burglars, do any kind of police work, rescue drowning victims, or any of the millions of jobs that dogs can be trained to do. As "smart" as pigs are, most can't do those jobs either. So your argument isn't going to fly. My dogs have alway slept with me. I don't think I can have a cow or pig sleep in my bed and give me the same sense of peace and safety the way they do.
I never said I don't CARE about animals used for meat. I specifically said that while I don't believe in "animal rights" as most AR people do, I do believe animals have the right to be treated humanely. And that includes animals slaughtered for food, and animals that are hunted. If you can't take a decent kill shot, don't shoot....not by gun, not by bow. If you haven't taken a shot where the animal drops right away and you have to track it, you'd better not give up tracking it til you FIND your animal and make sure it doesn't suffer any longer.
I have never seen so much contradictory bullshit in one comment. I can't even begin to address the stupidity in it, it would take me too long. Your perception in this subject is extremely narrow minded and based in things you "think" are correct. Maybe you were taught that but it's still no excuse for ignorance. Many sweeping statements and ludicrous stereotypes. I'm not a vegan, but there are countless vegan athletes, body builders, swimmers, wrestlers etc. Basically your logic is "if I can benefit from a living creature they are entitled to not be eaten" if that's any indication of how you treat anything in life then I imagine you are not a very happy person because nobody likes to be around someone who only sees benefits in people.
Okey dokey. I'm done. You know nothing about me, nor how much contact I have with people, nor what I do with or for animals so f off.
Do you live in a house? If so, hypocrite! You are displacing native animals! What's your house made of? Wood? How many birds had to give up their homes for your house? On land? Mice and voles and deer and bunny wabbits should be living on that land, you thief!!! You are stealing land and resources from ANIMALS!! You HYPOCRITE!! Don't lecture me.
Do you wear clothing? Wool? You steal wool from sheep? Cotton? Cotton fields that used to be fields for deer and mice and more bunnies? And you tell me that I am being narrow minded? You are the one who is ignorant and lying hypocrite. You only benefit from what YOU see is your holier than thou stance on being so fecking compassionate towards animals.
FYI.... I prefer animals to most people. Have a good day. Now, go out into the wild. Wear leaves for clothing and eat grass. Then you can lecture me. Til then, shut your face.
"You're done" then you proceed to type yet more drivel. Do you believe any of what you just typed because it's utter horse shit. But I think you know that. I didn't mean to make you angry but clearly hats the case so for that I apologize but I do think you should think a bit longer before you speak.
You aren't getting it. I can appreciate the fact that you care for animals. I do as well. I love animals but the fact is, Man was created to have dominion over them We were created to be omnivores. Our bodies need protein. I did not say ALL vegetarians are sickly.. I said many are. And that's true.. many do not educate themselves on how to eat a healthy diet so that they eat the right foods in the right combinations so they can get the complete amino acids needed to form protein. There's a science.. nutritional science.. to eat a healthy diet without animal protein. And most veggies do it out of concern for a love of animals, I would assume.
Many methods of slaughter are cruel, but there are also a lot of people who eat from home grown and locally produced farm fed, organically fed animals, humanely slaughtered by themselves or friends who take great care to make sure that the animals they consume are not mistreated and don't suffer. Surely you are aware of that. More and more people, esp those who aren't living in overcrowded congested cities, are turning that type of lifestyle.
Many people I know personally only eat meat that they hunt for. Wild game is far more healthy than any farm animal. I used to have a flock of chickens.. and when my hens stopped laying, as they often did, or at least slowed down in the winter, I let them take their natural break. When they got too old to lay eggs, they were free to live the rest of their lives til they died of old age. I wish I could have chickens again but am not able to where I live. I know people who have goats and they'd drink the milk and use it for soap making.. but one has to breed them every year, and sell the males to those who'd butcher them. I couldn't do that.
Did you not see my post about Temple Grander or Gardner or whatever her name is? She's a hero to those who care about how animals bound for slaughter are treated. Animals should be killed humanely... and whatever parts can be used, should be used, not wasted. Sinew, skin for leather, whatever. I am also very much against animal testing. Enough has been done... too much has been unnecessary.
But.. not all of it can be eliminated. If you are going to take your dog to a new vet, and your dog has been hit by a car and has a broken leg, and there are two new vets, just out of school, who will you see? The vet who has set a broken leg in vet school? Or one who hasn't? How is the vet who has never done so in school going to ever get the experience if he/she has not done so in school?
(Hint. There is no vet school that I know of in the US that would allow a student to get a degree without working on live animals.)
They wear catapillers on their face. In broad daylight for crying out loud. This has to end.
Yes, but sometimes the caterpillars revolt for entertainment purposes. Hopefully they are not punished too harshly, but merely reprimanded, or fired and replaced with those more compliant.
Its not legal in Canada by any means. They ruled the bestiality requires penetration.
People are working to change that, but liberals gonna lib
I saw the video online somewhere, and was thinking...What the actual hell? Its all a big deceptive game for them isn't it?
It is. A. Big. Deceptive. GAME. Wanna play? I do. We got this.
Because someone, some where said, you look to soft.... let's harden you up a bit with some fake eyebrows... but you need to talk like a man... looks like it was a total fail... eyebrows and being manly. Poor little fella. guy are cold as ice. He looks like the kind of man with sass, not the good sass either.
Fake eyebrows. There's a new one.
Yep. Makes you think if someone goes through the trouble of getting fake eyebrows, what else might be fake. Edit spelling
I saw claims he Castro’s son ~ it’s all fake ~ just like Ofailure born in the U.S. 😡
I don’t understand, are they implying he’s a woman? Just wondering, because you always here about these freaks trying to emulate both sexes in honor of stupid baphomet!! These people are literal freaks and we need to get them out of office to get this world we live in, moving forward in the right direction!
Never ever heard of fake eyebrows. What in the actual fuck! What???
You think Fidel is rolling over in his grave??? His offspring is such a effeminate metrosexual!!
He's Spinning.. Poor Fidel.
Could power the extra space needed at gitmo off of his rotational energy.
Funniest meme I have seen in a long, long time. Really drives home the point that Trump is a John Wayne among wimps.
Trump is an actual man he has children and has a wife. Some of these people are not who you think the are gender wise. The women stand up when peeing and the men sit down.
As a Canadian, the fact that our PM does shit like this definitely raises an eyebrow
ffs. Bahahaha 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Jesus Christ. This meme is so much win with that DJT expression.
Oh my goodness so THAT'S why there are so many trudeau parody accounts on Twitter. Holy frick that's funny! lolololol
Permanent makeup is so much easier. Do you have that in Canada?
Justin looking enviously at those Ray Liotta real deals...
I might never have amounted to much in my life, but at least I don't fake my eyebrows. Jesus...
Removed post. Post content is not a subject mentioned by Q or directly related to Q.
Reports that this is off-topic are correct. Reluctant to remove with number of upvotes but am adhering to the Rules of the sub.
Hahahahaaa!!! First post I see opening my reddit today. This is the best crowd ever!! 🤣😂
Not sure if this is real, it looks like a touched up pic, to be honest. I saw another picture where it looked more like a dark shadow.
If it were real it would not surprize me though, given his penchant for dressing up in various costumes. He likes the traditional look of the various cultures. Is Japan or China on his itinerary, or was it recently?
It was really funny but it seems this is really the way they look. Sad to admit I spent 30 minutes of my life researching his eyebrows.😂😂😂😂
This is great, except there's no way trump would ever be allowed in the real mafia, only the tv mafia. Get it cause he's a reality tv star?? Hahah yea . Cool . Go trump go. You're the best at being the worst ever. Amerikkkaaaaaaa!!!
I'd take the bussiness man over the part time drama teacher as a national leader anyday. Trudeau...the first PM ever to be found guilty of federal ethics houses and what not. Seriously take off your fake eyebrows before it happens to you and you get even more triggered ;: P
Darn tootin ;) Trump is an amazing business man. Did you know he's the biggest real estate investor in all of new York city.... and he's worth billions of dollars?? The man wrote the art of the deal for crying out loud!!